a Candidate For Sensativity Training

The people here speak with such bile and venom against religious people...it's obvious they are hated by you.....religious people certainly are judgmental against hookers and johns, but so what?..... your feeling are hurt because they don't approve of what you do so you BooHoo! Whine and bitch!.....Don't you remember being a kid and your mum told you not to do something, you said OK mum then did it anyway because you knew she'd never find out? That's how religious people should be treated....religious people are generally good and useful....Society needs them.......

People here obviously care what religious people think of them....if you didn't care what they think you'd just ignore them and do your thing.....you prove you care what they think because you invest so much energy into hating them....you prove you hate them by all your horrible comments directed at them and ignoring all the benefits they bring to society.......
If it works, why do you practice on not making it work? Are you the only one it does not work on.

My aren't you a special lil person.

See how convoluted your arguments are.

Much more double talk from you and the waterboard crowd and I might have to start back drinking! Originally Posted by WTF
They need a mountain to climb for Allah.....with police-style interrogation techniques they never get to the point where they can't resist anymore, or can't justify not resisting anymore.....Also, enhanced interrogation is used to assess credibility issues.....even lies can lead to truth......convoluted? No. It makes sense to the smart people..........
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-07-2011, 10:09 AM
religious people are generally good and useful....Society needs them....... Originally Posted by Marshall
The insinuation here is that people can't be good and useful if they're not religious. And dare i say, for someone who claims he's not religious, you sure are spending an awful lot of time defending religious people.

you prove you care what they think because you invest so much energy into hating them....you prove you hate them by all your horrible comments directed at them and ignoring all the benefits they bring to society.......
Awwwww, so you do care what i think!
The insinuation here is that people can't be good and useful if they're not religious. And dare i say, for someone who claims he's not religious, you sure are spending an awful lot of time defending religious people.

Awwwww, so you do care what i think! Originally Posted by Doove
I'm good and useful, though not religious....of course I believe in "do unto others before they do it unto you" rather than "love your neighbor as yourself"..........a person can be unreligious and good, but it requires them to value people......it's just hard for me to be critical of religions that say "love your neighbor".......

Hate you? No, you haven't given me reason to hate you............... I care about how you vote, so I guess I do care what you think.....you do give me whip-lash from all the head-shaking your denseness induces in me......I should make an appointment with the pig so I can sue you for my soft tissue injuries. I hear that's his specialty......
Accurate results?

Why not use it on our own citizens, if it works so well?

Shocking people nuts does not leave a lasting mark....should we hook people up to jumper cables when we want info?

If so, watch what you wish for, the Dems are in power and Cheney should go first. in a war crime trial.

Why, I hardly ever drink. You been getting some bad intel. Originally Posted by WTF

Waterboarding’s results have been well documented. You don’t like it. I get it. I wish it wasn’t necessary, but it is because we do love our wars. I’ve never been in the bush or a firefight, and I don’t want to be. But I’m not going to judge a soldier forfighting his fight. I may not agree with the war, but I, to be clicheish, support our troops.

And Marshal, you are giving me whiplash.
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  • WTF
  • 05-07-2011, 12:43 PM
Waterboarding’s results have been well documented. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Have you read the so called well documented results of the well documented water boarding. They are well documented but they are far from conclusive on their positive effects. Marshall has taken anti water board training. If he can resist their effects , don't you think some crazy fucker from the middle east can?

You logic on this subject is puzzling. Does it just work when we do it? That is the question I have.

You do understand wtf these pro water boarders are claiming don't you? They say that they gleamed info from one of these terrorist because he lied so hard about not knowing OBL courier. So they water board a fucer and he lies after being water boarded and that proves that water boarding is useful? Where in the hell is that kinda of logic coming from?

You don’t like it. I get it. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I do not like stupid logic. The rooster crows and the sun comes up, therefore the rooster makes the sun come up.

. But I’m not going to judge a soldier forfighting his fight. I may not agree with the war, but I, to be clicheish, support our troops.

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I am not judging a soldier for following orders. In fact it is the CIA doing this shit and I am judging the people that approved it. Bush and Cheney and that current chicken shit president that will not outlaw it.

They are scared of people that turn facts on their head calling them pussies for not torturing folks.

Again if it is so effective and does no harm....why again are our police forces not uing it?

Answer me that one
WTF, aren't there some sweet young things you should be off defiling on such a nice day?
Again if it is so effective and does no harm....why again are our police forces not uing it? Originally Posted by WTF
Because any information you obtained from waterboarding could not be used to convict someone in a criminal trial.

Waterboarding was appropriate here because nobody was interested in bringing OBL to trial for a crime. They were trying to kill the son of a bitch. Thats what you do in warfare. Jeez man! Even Barry got it. Why can't you?
atlcomedy's Avatar
This guy may be a candidate for sensitivity training...

DON CHERRY, Canadian Hockey Commentator for CBC Television, was asked on a local live radio talk show, what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists. His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.


"If hooking up one rag-head terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying camel shagger will save just one Canadian life, then I have only three things to say:

'Red is positive, black is negative, and make sure his nuts are wet."

Originally Posted by ICU 812
You guys all jump to your neverending pissing contest about the merits of waterboarding...

....but ignore your feelings on the topic for a minute and reread the quote.

Not much North of the Border makes news here but you have to appreciate Don Cherry is an icon up there. This would be like John Madden saying this here.

Imagine all the calls for his head if someone of stature said that in the States
I'm sorry WTF, I just don't agree with you. PJ's correct it would be unuseful in a court of law and it's warfare. Like I said, I've never been to war. I might well imagine that if I were to go to war, I'd use everything in my power to stay alive.
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  • WTF
  • 05-07-2011, 06:33 PM
Because any information you obtained from waterboarding could not be used to convict someone in a criminal trial.

Waterboarding was appropriate here because nobody was interested in bringing OBL to trial for a crime. They were trying to kill the son of a bitch. Thats what you do in warfare. Jeez man! Even Barry got it. Why can't you? Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ, if it is effective, then use it in criminal proceedings. I do not want a killer to go free only to murder again. Waterboard him and find out the truth if waterboarding is so god damn effective. Same with a theif, I don't want the SOB theiving from me. Lets waterboard us some bankers and get to the bottom of this home mortage business, that is burning a whole in my pocket and sinking this country. The problem seemsv to be is we are pussy footing around with this effective waterboarding crap. Lets use it more not less. If it works , than use it. It has no long term effect, right?

What the hell is wrong with you people, we have way more deaths from murder in this country than terrorist attacks. Yet you only want to use this effective tool on three people so far. I have no problem using it if it is effective. Do ya'll? Who is the real vagina on this issue here?

I'm sorry WTF, I just don't agree with you. PJ's correct it would be unuseful in a court of law and it's warfare. Like I said, I've never been to war. I might well imagine that if I were to go to war, I'd use everything in my power to stay alive. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Olivia, you are not even close to grasping the subject matter. Sorry. Don't you understand that in terrorism , YOU are the target. You are at war. As to PJ and the court system, change it if this method is so effective. I have no problem doing that, would you? So far from all the research I have been able to come up with this waterboarding crap is just that. Nothing you have posted has made me think for a second that you have grasped the subject matter. I am sorry if that is harsh, PJ is having trouble too.

Marshall thinks waterboarding works except on him. He has lost all credibility, if he ever had any. I am all ears if anyone can point me in a logical direction. Give me an article or book that puts some science to this waterboarding shit. I don't wanna hear no more crap about how so and so was waterboarded, therefore they are an authority. That is not the question. I have been shocked before but that does not make me an expert on electrical torture.
PJ, if it is effective, then use it in criminal proceedings. I do not want a killer to go free only to murder again. Waterboard him and find out the truth if waterboarding is so god damn effective. Same with a theif, I don't want the SOB theiving from me. Lets waterboard us some bankers and get to the bottom of this home mortage business, that is burning a whole in my pocket and sinking this country. The problem seemsv to be is we are pussy footing around with this effective waterboarding crap. Lets use it more not less. If it works , than use it. It has no long term effect, right? Originally Posted by WTF
Fine, then WB every terrorist in Gitmo 2x a day. But the point is, those guys aren't standing trial -- or at least shouldn't be. They aren't criminal, they are combatants that don't follow the Geneva conventions. But if WB yields information that kills more of these assholes -- that would be a good thing. If it doesn't yield information, we have inconvenienced a few assholes who don't follow the rules of war. Who cares?

But, you can't use information derived from torture under our legal system -- so WBing murderers would serve no purpose. I don't know why you want to change that.

You seem more obtuse than normal today WTF. Why can't you understand that there is a difference between warfare and criminal proceedings?
And btw, the point is that whether WB is effective or not is not the issue. If you are interrogating a terrorist, you don't want him to know everything that is going to happen to him. That makes it easier for him to resist. The interrogators biggest weapon is the unknown. That is why they need to be able to use a range of "enhanced interrogation techniques" against assholes like these without fear that some dickhead like Eric Holder will prosecute them for doing their job. None of this would be an issue if these guys fought by the rules -- then we would too.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Fine, then WB every terrorist in Gitmo 2x a day. But the point is, those guys aren't standing trial -- or at least shouldn't be. They aren't criminal, they are combatants that don't follow the Geneva conventions. But if WB yields information that kills more of these assholes -- that would be a good thing. If it doesn't yield information, we have inconvenienced a few assholes who don't follow the rules of war. Who cares?

But, you can't use information derived from torture under our legal system -- so WBing murderers would serve no purpose. I don't know why you want to change that.

You seem more obtuse than normal today WTF. Why can't you understand that there is a difference between warfare and criminal proceedings? Originally Posted by pjorourke
I guess that is what I don't understand. In (real) war there are no rules. Conventions and treaties be damned. You do what you do. When it is over the victor(s) can decide what to do with the losers and hold them accountable for atrocities as they see fit.

And, if I recall from my high school history classes, we won our independence against the Redcoats in large part because we didn't play by the accepted rules of the day for military combat.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I guess that is what I don't understand. In (real) war there are no rules. Conventions and treaties be damned. You do what you do. When it is over the victor(s) can decide what to do with the losers and hold them accountable for atrocities as they see fit.

And, if I recall from my high school history classes, we won our independence against the Redcoats in large part because we didn't play by the accepted rules of the day for military combat. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well, when you've seen a few 'ragheads' with their brains blown through their skull for not answering a question quick enough, the waterboarding starts looking good. My left leanings believe in the individuals rights, but my sense tells me whatever works to end this mess quicker...needs to be done. Now shocking balls sounds like something that should be on the fetish board.