We did everything wrong

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hysterical how little the OMFG RUSSIA crowd understands about that country and their only lucrative industry. Their weak minds have been convinced a geopolitical adversary would prefer leadership in the USA that competes with, and outdoes, them in that industry rather than one who would cut their own throats.
sk has swallowed the revolutionaly marxist lines of the DPST's - hook, line,and sinker.

narrative matters

it is hard to actually think for oneself when One is trained in teacher's Union schools not to do so.

After all - math, science, history, civics, and geography are all "racist" - Only marxism can be taught - and that all white folks are genetically born racist!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
I think for myself so I just don't buy in to all the bullshit that comes out of some politician's mouth, regardless of what party that person belongs to.

I also don't let my allegiance to my party dictate how I'm supposed to think or act, like a lot of people I know that simply vote along party lines instead of voting for which candidate best represents their viewpoint. For some people it's like cheering for a soccer team.

The country will be a democracy regardless of which of these two losers gets elected, it will just be a poorer version of the one we have now with the national credit card balance approaching $30 trillion.

Maybe four years from now Jesus Christ will return (it's only been like 2000 years) and you can elect him and he'll just wave his hands and everything will be perfect. Next crop of certified losers until then buddy.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 02:20 PM
Go discuss your marxist religion with the millennial broke buddies.

wait for lenin to come save U.

If Biden is elected - the Marxist DPST's in kalifornia and nyshitty will provoke civil war.

From my cold dead hands - with as many dead marxists in front of me as possible.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... what will Biden do if the doctor/ scientist say we have to lock down the entire country and anybody that can't work from home will have no job? ... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Pretty sure Joe-mentia would do whatever Xi told him to do. Could be to the benefit of Where-is-Hunter or just because he's a good little Comrade. But it appears Xi has been running a con-game on lock downs.

China Launched a Massive Social Media Campaign in March to Get Countries to Adopt Stringent Coronavirus Lockdowns and Destroy Their Economies

China released the coronavirus sometime in late 2019. By early March China was pushing countries around the globe to put in place economic shutdowns similar to what the CCP did in Wuhan. They clearly wanted the world to suffer economically from the virus.

One individual on Twitter put together a lengthy Twitter thread outlining the efforts China took to ensure the rest of the world would participate in shutdowns like China put in place in Hubei Province...

Scamdemic indeed!

Mentioned in the above article was multiple NIH employees on the China dole. First I read about that. Surely XiNN would have told us about this twist!?

More than 50 scientists fired or resign after NIH probe into grants' foreign support

More than 50 scientists resigned or were fired following a National Institutes of Health investigation into how they disclosed their ties to foreign governments while collecting grants from the massive research agency.

Of the 399 “scientists of possible concern” identified by NIH, some 93% received foreign support from China, according to Dr. Michael S. Lauer, NIH’s deputy director for extramural research.

NIH discovered a widespread pattern of impropriety at 87 institutions across the country in 59 cities. The NIH plans to continue referring scientists for criminal and civil penalties in the weeks and months to come, Dr. Lauer said...

Scamma-Lamma Ding-Dong
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well and Joey & Hoey already said lockdown , close country if they get elected even though all the numbers are down so hows that gonna work out for you ( joey mo money from china )