Game of Thrones?

  • Caleb
  • 04-29-2013, 10:42 PM
A Song of Ice and Fire is unquestionably the most captivating epic fantasy series I have read. All I can say is that George R. R. Martin better finish this tale. Having seen a few pictures of him, he looks to be about one cheeseburger away from a heart attack.

As for the TV version, I find it ironic that it has been so successful. Martin started the series with the idea that it would span such a huge geography and the story would be so complex that it would never be economically feasible to transform it into a screen production. As big as he went, guess it needed to be bigger.

I have only seen a few episodes of the show, but liked them. They seem to hold very true to the books.
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
Danny aka Calisi is an awesome character for very obvious reasons. It's between her and Tyrion aka the "p"imp for me. The whole Lannister family is pretty intriguing though, they are the family that you love to hate (except for the "p"imp of course). Just an awesome show.
I want to give Jon Snow a shot out for hooking it up with the wildling redhead this week. He needs to review that stuff. Apparently the wildlings don't go down on their chicks.
pyramider's Avatar
You have to love the Jedi mind tricks.
jbravo_123's Avatar
A Song of Ice and Fire is unquestionably the most captivating epic fantasy series I have read. All I can say is that George R. R. Martin better finish this tale. Having seen a few pictures of him, he looks to be about one cheeseburger away from a heart attack.

As for the TV version, I find it ironic that it has been so successful. Martin started the series with the idea that it would span such a huge geography and the story would be so complex that it would never be economically feasible to transform it into a screen production. As big as he went, guess it needed to be bigger.

I have only seen a few episodes of the show, but liked them. They seem to hold very true to the books. Originally Posted by Caleb
See, A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons weren't very good to me. Feast didn't have any characters we really cared about and Dance was a huge letdown after the 7 years we had to wait for it.

Khaleesi (that's her title as wife of Khal Drogo) Daenerys is pretty interesting (not to mention super hot in the HBO series) - too bad she sucks in a Dance with Dragons.
I want to give Jon Snow a shot out for hooking it up with the wildling redhead this week. He needs to review that stuff. Apparently the wildlings don't go down on their chicks. Originally Posted by Meerschaum
Yeah, she has a smoking body, but I kind of winced at that scene. Let's see. She has been wearing leather and dead animal skins while marching across country for several weeks without a bath. She might of been a wee bit ripe and they didn't bathe until afterwards, but hey, he took one for the team without any breath mints for a thousand miles.

Best show ever. My favorite last season was Tyrion, but he is forced into a more subdued role so far this season. This season Margaery Tyrell is quickly becoming my favorite. She is wonderfully manipulative.
thisguy23's Avatar
I don't see how they can keep to the story line of the book, (it would be a spoiler to tell why) it will be interesting to see if they do.
I haven't read any of the books but I am enjoying the series. Calisi was my favorite character but I am really feeling Missandei

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