Shorted by... 👿😠pussypounder1819.. Opinions ?

I don’t understand why there isn’t a private list for you guys to review us
ck1942's Avatar
^^^ there are ladies only forums here in which the ladies may post limited information, but usually enough to warn of potential issues.

However, imo, some ladies apparently either do not bother to post data or may fear that posting data will somehow hurt their business.

Karma does eventually catch up with the scumbags.

= = = =

for those who cannot see info in my signature, click here
handyGiraffe's Avatar
He owes you ........
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Yaz your right but i had him on my phn as .ok. Nxt to his handle but i was caught off guard & being a provider that has been around for some time i should hve known better no excuse.

Ohh & the note i wrote was not from him it was an old receipt frm a gent who used paypal. So this kid needs to pay up. $ 100... I know hes seeing this.. But he did tell me u do know where i live but the question is do i go or say eff it. ���� lol

Lol ty but its ok karma will come for him. Im a sweetie pie but not if u treat me unjustly!!

  • gc161
  • 05-08-2019, 03:18 AM
Two providers corroborating his behavior should put a fire under his ass. Thank you for raising awareness.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Thank you sweetheart..
I dnt know but according to his refrence GGG therebis a 3rd person.

Shame on him hunny.

Did you try reporting him to a collection agency? I’m sure nobody wants “Provider” fees to pop up on their credit report.
Y this chic alwayz cryin bout sum shit n seem so hardup
N why all her picts have farm animal eara amd noses
Y this chic alwayz cryin bout sum shit n seem so hardup
N why all her picts have farm animal eara amd noses Originally Posted by Gaelic
Looks like she won’t be commenting a a while.
Nikkigirl832's Avatar
My sweet bestie got the short end of the stick. I'm sure her number will be the same just FYI!

Why must some people be so ruthless. I'm sure her 105 reviews should say enough.

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Looks like she won’t be commenting a a while. Originally Posted by SARufus
No, unfortunately, she will not... Which is a crying shame because she is literally one of the SWEETEST LADIES that I have ever met on this board.

Her ONLY MISTAKE was in defending a hobbyist who she felt like was unnecessarily getting a bad rap, for defending a beautiful young lady, who was viciously attacked, as one of her parents lays dying of cancer, and her WORST grievance was having the courage to let ME KNOW that Italia & Strawberry sky were/are sending my personal name, along with multiple other heinous lies, around to anyone that would listen.

Having dealt with both ladies for a few years, I have become somewhat immune to the hate and the lies that these ladies perpetuate. I honestly do not care what they say ABOUT ME because I know who I am and to be frank, I am used to it... I am used to being OUTED, I am used to daily threats and for the most part, I simply ignore it all... Life is just too short...

But, while I do not care what others say about me, I do care that this sweet young lady has done nothing but try to be fair to both the men on this board and the ladies. Simply put, there is not a mean or malicious bone in her body.

Yesterday, she broke down in tears because Strawberry Sky and Italia were calling her a HOG and other hateful comments on their Twitter... They created a fake Mandle with my old address to bash secret Encounters on her reviews and one of mine... This handle has now been banned.

Now, I am USED TO THIS, but she is not and nor, should anyone else on this board have to deal with this level of HATE & OBSESSIVE STALKING.

So Gentlemen, before you think or say anything harsh about this beautiful person...just know, that if you were being wronged... Be you male or female, this woman would have the COURAGE to defend you and do what is RIGHT.

Personally, I am greatly saddened that she will not be able to participate for awhile on Eccie... I think this was unjust and I am sorry to see a good person getting punished for standing up for what is right.

I miss you SE and I will be counting the days until your return...

With much love and affection...

Your devoted slave,



To stay on TOPIC.. PUSSYPOUNDER owes YOU and all of the other women that he has scammed and shorted... Basically, he is STEALING from a provider when he deliberately SHORTS any of the ladies on this board...
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
I had a very similar experience with this guy. I specifically texted him the amount and asked if that was okay so we were both on the same page as far as donation. He then tried to short me by 100. He found a little more cash in his wallet but i left with him still owing me money and saying he would take care of it next time. Not too surprising i have not heard from him since, which is a shame because he seemed to be a super nice guy aside from his not completely taking care of agreed upon donations. Originally Posted by Danielle Jacks
Same here, seen him twice, first time he bitched but he paid, second time he shorted me 120$, he justified it by saying he was a quick finish. That ain’t my problem but apparently it was that day, I blocked him after that, That was back in late feb early March. I just washed my hands of it. Charged it to the game because He contacted me off Aff not here.
Slave, you need to quit making accusations and making everything somehow related to yourself.
What proof do you have I am behind a mandle? None.

I put your evil deeds out in our private area and that was the end of it. Every word was true. You're the liar.

I never sent your name to anyone. I'm not that stupid- but I do have an email where you outed Italia AND a client (lawyer in another state)
Did you know that you broke the law in doing so?
I know that legal matters aren't your strong suit though.
Stop bringing my handle up in these threads. I've never seen pussy pounder.

Leave me alone.
To stay on topic, never seen him but had a feeling about him. Been on my DNS list since this came up.

If anyone wants to get a hold of Secret Encounters, DM me. What happened to her is ridiculous and uncalled for. There was no justifiable reason for it.

Those of you feeding into negativity and drama, you know who you are. Find something more positive and productive with your time.
beelzebubba's Avatar
It is slightly amusing, the wk’ing thing never works out, never has and never will.
So what did she finally do to get banned? Triggered peeps don’t make the best decisions.

As to the topic, with all these reports of shorting, why was this guy given a appointment to short again?
Don’t you ladies share info, and screen?