So do you guys have go-to Plan B's?

tsrv4me's Avatar
For some reason I didnt get the PMs ..but still waiting ........LOL...could they be lost in the mail ????...AHHHhhhhhhhhhh such is life .........T
  • JROD
  • 03-01-2010, 06:28 AM
I drive at least 1 hour to get to hobbyville, so I never leave home without plan B. Sometimes it is an AMP or other studio type place.
Turkish!'s Avatar
Whats really fun is when you can't get a hold of your plan A and then call the plan B, set up the short notice appointment and then your Plan A calls and wonders whats up. You tell them that you are now on a plan B. She asks who? Then A suggests that she cums over cuz she really likes B. "I love it when a plan cums together!" Hannibal - The A Team
Bestman200600's Avatar
I have been lucky that the ladies that I have seen are well established and I haven't had to look for a plan B.
i could use some good daty right about now!!!
lusty Originally Posted by lustychick2010

I can help with that !!