Gov Christie Too Fat To Run For The Presidency??

joe bloe's Avatar
That's a sin that Admiral Stockdale committed in the vice-presidential debates when he ran as Ross Perot's running mate.

He had less than a week to prepare due to Ross Perot re-entering the race late in the game. And he had to adjust his hearing aid, which he needed due to hearing loss suffered from injuries he sustained while a POW in Vietnam.

And he was ridiculed mercilessly by comedians. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Dennis Miller attacked all the people that made fun of Stockdale back in 1992. He pointed out that Stockdale was a war hero and that the reason he was partially deaf, as you mentioned, was the result of having been tortured by the North Vietnamese.

It was one of the rare instances of someone in the entertainment business standing up to defend a patriot.
He put the welfare of his constituents above the welfare of the country. Originally Posted by joe bloe
This is exactly what he should have done. He was elected to represent the interests of the people of New Jersey. He was elected to be the governor of that state. His job was to mobilize the resources of the state to provide for the citizens in a time of need. Not to play politics or campaign for re-election, or presidency.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I suppose he could make history in (erh) a manner of speaking.

. . . He could be the first man to waddle for President!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Stockdale was a fucking joke. Only slightly more addled than Curtis "A-Bomb" LeMay
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Stockdale was a fucking joke. Only slightly more addled than Curtis "A-Bomb" LeMay Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
what are you pissing and moaning about it got slick willy eclected
Yeah. He is.

Like it or not, Americans tend to prefer folks that are more photogenic than ones that are not. And that's not just in politics. There are numerous studies about the workplace that demonstrate that the slender and attractive are promoted and rewarded beyond their actual accomplishments compared to the heavyset and homely.

You may not like it, but complaining about it does about as much good as complaining about the weather.

Abraham Lincoln could never get elected in America today. And it would have nothing to do with his politics. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I've always been under the impression that people that are considered "Photogenic" are those that look the same in pictures as they do in person. I would guess Christie is just as fat in pictures as he is in person.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what are you pissing and moaning about it got slick willy eclected Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Not pissing and moaning, and no, Stockdale didn't get Clinton elected. What kind of douchebag comment was that? You liked Stockdale? Figures...

Can you even tell me who LeMay was without googling him?

Didn't think so.
joe bloe's Avatar
This is exactly what he should have done. He was elected to represent the interests of the people of New Jersey. He was elected to be the governor of that state. His job was to mobilize the resources of the state to provide for the citizens in a time of need. Not to play politics or campaign for re-election, or presidency. Originally Posted by fetishfreak
You are really not very bright.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, lets hang him too! any y'all got some LYNCH?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Not pissing and moaning, and no, Stockdale didn't get Clinton elected. What kind of douchebag comment was that? You liked Stockdale? Figures...

Can you even tell me who LeMay was without googling him?

Didn't think so. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

What's your problem with Stockdale? The guy was a great American. One of the first guys in and last out of the Hanoi Hilton and never gave up anything.
The reasons he came off badly in that debate were 1) He wasn't told he would be part of the debate until a week before it took place and, 2) he had trouble with his hearing aid which he needed courtesy of the Vietnamese.
And if you're compairing Stockdale with LeMay then you're the douchebag.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He was a great soldier. Totally miscast as a politician and made a fool of himself as a candidate.

Hearing aid? You're an imbecile. He should have worn a special needs T-shirt during his run for VP.

Sorry, Perot could have done a lot better. The gambit backfired on him.
Ducbutter's Avatar
He was a great soldier. Totally miscast as a politician and made a fool of himself as a candidate.

Hearing aid? You're an imbecile. He should have worn a special needs T-shirt during his run for VP.

Sorry, Perot could have done a lot better. The gambit backfired on him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

From Wikipedia: However, his unfocused style for the rest of the debate (including asking the moderator to repeat one question because he didn't have his hearing aid turned on) made him appear confused and almost disoriented.

What backfired on Perot was doing the hokey pokey...he's in, he's out, he's in again.

Bite me you imbecile!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point? millions of Americans wear hearing aids. they're like glasses.

As a person somewhat close to the Austin music world, my hearing ain't so good either.

but you make nonsense, dildo.

you cite a wiki and from that we are to surmise that Stockdale gets a mulligan on the worst debate performance in TV history?

Dipshit. I doubt anybody will back your dumb ass on that claim.
Ducbutter's Avatar
What's your point? millions of Americans wear hearing aids. they're like glasses.

As a person somewhat close to the Austin music world, my hearing ain't so good either.

but you make nonsense, dildo.

you cite a wiki and from that we are to surmise that Stockdale gets a mulligan on the worst debate performance in TV history?

Dipshit. I doubt anybody will back your dumb ass on that claim. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Believe me when I say I'm not looking for any validation from any fuckwad on this board. Especially from a nudnik such as yourself.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 12-14-2012, 09:55 AM
"President Obama needs to realize that the American Electorate chose to keep the House of Representatives majority Republican, and be willing to meet them half way."

The American Electorate did not choose the House Representatives. They are chosen by each district. If the House members were chosen by the American Electorate, if probably would have gone the same way as the White House.

Christie reminds me of a joke about Mark Mangino, former KU football coach. He stopped at a gas station to ask directions on how to get to 435(I-435 in Kansas), the attendant told him to try eating a salad once in awhile.