Happy Birthday Governor Palin!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That way Sarah can keep an eye on him from her home in Alaska, right? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You do realize that you're quoting comedians don't you and not Palin.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What a dumb comment. You get a "choice" between a politician of dubious morals and a complete wacked out lunatic. EXNY says he'd reluctantly choose the lesser of two evils--the politician--because the loon is really, really scary. Most sane people would make the same choice, Dem or Rep. Then you say try to spin it that the lesser evil is now what he WANTS in office?

Yep, that's a great big illogical conclusion IFFy. No surprise, though. Not considering where it came from.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Care to prove your point?
Care to prove your point? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I have no doubt that Old T could provide the proof should he feel it necessary to do so. But I am left to wonder, why do you expect more of him than you give of yourself?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You want to take up the challenge. You can't prove a negative, that is why I don't even attempt it. You job is to prove you have a positive. Should be easy for someone such as yourself.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2014, 09:55 AM
Care to prove your point? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The point was obvious. That you can not see it shows how ignorant you are on the subject.

exNYer said he liked neither but if he had to choose, it would be the what he considered the lesser of two evils. Look, maybe the Tea Party is right and Sara Palin would have made a great VP/President but the majority of voters did not think so. He was asked a question and answered it. I will say that anybody that knew anything about world affairs was painfully aware that Sara Palin was lacking in this area of politics. She is the perfect example of someone being promoted past their skill level.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-12-2014, 11:54 AM
The point was obvious. That you can not see it shows how ignorant you are on the subject.

exNYer said he liked neither but if he had to choose, it would be the what he considered the lesser of two evils. Look, maybe the Tea Party is right and Sara Palin would have made a great VP/President but the majority of voters did not think so. He was asked a question and answered it. I will say that anybody that knew anything about world affairs was painfully aware that Sara Palin was lacking in this area of politics. She is the perfect example of someone being promoted past their skill level. Originally Posted by WTF

facts are too deep for morons ... if you ever want to make any progress with JD you better start making up shit ..
I knew you would choose Hilldabeast, just like you will vote for her, no matter who is running... nyRINOer Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just as I knew you would chime in and say something stupid, hillbilly.

You just cannot get over the fact that I voted for Obama rather than that empty suit Romney. It left a big dark hole in your life didn't it?

At least I registered a protest vote with the GOP. You will vote for any piece of shit that the fundamentalists and/or Tea Party supports, won't you?

And for the record, you toothless hick, I won't vote for the Hildebeast over Christie - as damaged as he is. And I won't vote for her over several other Republicans. But if the GOP runs Palin again or some Bible thumper, I will vote against every Republican on the ticket

When they get the message to back off social issues - which they are GUARANTEED to lose and start focusing on economic issues, then the GOP can rely on my vote..
REALLY? She already had her chance and she put the phone under her pillow without answering it. Benghazi will hang around her neck forever. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And Palin would have launched a nuke.

After somebody explained to her what a "Libya" and an "embassy" were.
You do realize that you're quoting comedians don't you and not Palin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, but you do realize the shoe fits, don't you?
Care to prove your point? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What point is that, moron?

That most people would choose the "sane" politician they disagreed with over the whack job? Isn't that obvious? Do you really need proof of that?
You want to take up the challenge. You can't prove a negative, that is why I don't even attempt it. You job is to prove you have a positive. Should be easy for someone such as yourself. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What negative does he have to prove?

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Are you drinking again?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you still end up with evil.
boardman's Avatar
That woman didn't know shit about basic world politics. Originally Posted by WTF
And the current President does?

When they get the message to back off social issues - which they are GUARANTEED to lose and start focusing on economic issues, then the GOP can rely on my vote.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
+1000 on that.
Just as I knew you would chime in and say something stupid, hillbilly.

You just cannot get over the fact that I voted for Obama rather than that empty suit Romney. It left a big dark hole in your life didn't it?

At least I registered a protest vote with the GOP. You will vote for any piece of shit that the fundamentalists and/or Tea Party supports, won't you?

And for the record, you toothless hick, I won't vote for the Hildebeast over Christie - as damaged as he is. And I won't vote for her over several other Republicans. But if the GOP runs Palin again or some Bible thumper, I will vote against every Republican on the ticket

When they get the message to back off social issues - which they are GUARANTEED to lose and start focusing on economic issues, then the GOP can rely on my vote.. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Mission accomplished... Life's Good!