Sharing is Caring!!

AllThisMeat's Avatar
Glad to hear you kicked cancer's ass and are coming back to us. Hope to see you soon!
MuffLuver's Avatar
Hey there Beautiful! So very happy to hear and see you are feeling better! Continue on your healthy journey and look forward to perhaps getting reacquainted. All the best!
Awesome news. Congratulations!
Babe!...So glad you are cancer free and look very happy and healthy! Looking forward to catching up with you soon to "reaquaint".

Cancer free looks great on you!
Fantastic news! Congratulations!
Starry69's Avatar
That's great news JayJay! Glad to hear you're back to full health again.
daddyzlilgirlalwayz's Avatar
Thanks everyone. It's been a long journey! Definitely looking forward to getting reacquainted with many missed faces!!
BobsAlias's Avatar
Fantastic! I'm so happy for you.
That is awesome, congratulations Jay Jay!!
  • JFK66
  • 11-02-2023, 09:01 AM
Amazing news! Always great to hear about life’s victories. Congratulations!!!
Kl's Avatar
  • Kl
  • 11-06-2023, 07:42 PM
Congrats so happy for you