Nope.You act like I don't agree.
Is that the best case you can make for the guy? He ticks off a few people you don't like?
Terrible choice.
If you really want to fix the DOJ to ensure justice is blind and non-partisan and the Dept doesn't ever, ever, ever again engage in election interference by waging lawfare against the out-party's Presidential candidate, then you don't nominate a hyper-partisan asshole who holds grudges and likes to settle scores to run it.
Matt Gaetz should NOT be confirmed by the Senate.
You see, Gristle? This is why those two morons Obama and Harry Reid should not have killed the filibuster for executive branch appointments back in 2013. They're the dickheads who opened the door and made it easy for bad nominees to sail through the Senate confirmation process! Originally Posted by lustylad
It's like the infinite money glitch. Do I blame the guy who posted bank fraud first? Or the morons who followed the example?
He's an asshole for posting it. They're assholes for trying it themselves.
And Matt Gaetz? He's the gaping goatse of assholes. And The Trumpster's his daddy now.
But fuck if I'm not entertained by this all.