Did you ever hear of the boardgame TWIXT (c. 1968 by 3M Company)? It is a strategy game of building a fence to cross a board while blocking your opponent from crossing the board. A single move can change the momentum, requiring you to abandon a current fence line, and start a new fence. It seems complicated and simple (a paradox) but is a hoot to play.
ASPD as a site is dying, and the community is dividing with some rancor. It is easy to kick someone when they are down and powerless to resist. Such are the acts of bullies, IMHO. I am not taking sides, but I am reflecting on the death of ASPD, a site which we respect and wish to maintain in form if not in name. Death is almost always ugly, even grotesque. Let the dying die.
Let this site and community be a positive place from the get-go.
All that being said, the aspd owners' family evidently had various unspoken issues (I do not need to know) which apparently prevented their continuing the old site. Hence the demise of the old ASPD site. That family is starting the new site with a new vision.
I wish them well. I will check in from time to time.
I for one am not taking sides, but wishing well to both sides.
This site has borrowed a lot from aspd in format.
I am not an atty, but even a civilian can see an obvious infringement of copyright in the design, format, and especially in using certain names (ASPD, and the recently deceased founder) in one of the forums. I do not advocate conflict. But the founders of this site should not be surprised if the aspd owners' family protects its interest the same way Disney protested the 'borrowing' or other unauthorized use of Mickey's image (and others). Just something to consider. A way to avoid that might be to approach them with an offer of acknowledgment or other compensation by which to acquire their formal permission or acquiesence to this site's design and format. Do NOT make a take it or leave it offer. Negotiate in good faith. Seek a win-win.
Please accept this as a word to the wise.
I am not taking sides.
Let the good times roll.
Originally Posted by randyrogue
I don't think anyone is trying to kick ASPD while it is down. Most, if not all, of us have at least some warm memories of it & at least for me it is more a feeling of "what went wrong???

" I think if anything many of us have been generous in our commentary (or refraining from commentary altogether) out of respect for the circumstances. I think a frank analysis would be much more harsh.
As for legal assessment about design, as DG pointed out this is commercial software that many, many, message boards - everything from sports to religion - use. Maybe you should get out more

That is like a kid in a small town that only has a Burger King going to the big city & suggesting all these other burger places ripped off Burger King.
I've always thought the one thing from an IP standpoint that ASPD had that could be protected, monetized (and actually had value) was the name "High Dollar Hottie" itself. However I'm not aware of any efforts to protect that.
The other thing I'll take issue with in your post is generalizing about "the owner's family" & their position on anything -- from what I can tell different members are in very different places.