Missnayajkartier, I understood your initial post perfectly of course. You were succinct and to the point. Up until about 8 mths ago when I began an extended private booking, I would have been all over your post. I don't drive in the DFW area. And I wouldn't want to be driven be a male.
Taxis were getting very expensive and for Uber/Lyft I tried that as it's much cheaper than a cab. But they require a regular credit card issued by a bank and I only operate on a cash basis and pre paid debit cards to pay bills and shop online.
I think it's fine to place this in the CoEd forum. But there ARE Ladies Only forums that you should place this in as well.
On the Eccie Worldwide site, go about halfway down to the Business Services Forum. It's not ladies only, but as the title says, it's to advertise your business services. Not for ads or updates.
Then keep going down to the Women's Powder Room. There's a Sub Forum in it called Goods and Services. Offers, Requests, and Notices. Only for ladies, like all of the sub forums in the Powder Room.
And then click on the Dallas site, and there's a Forum called;
Ladies Infoshare.
Also only for ladies, and you can share what you need to with the other ladies. And every major city that uses Eccie has a Ladies Infoshare as well. So anywhere you want to drive people, you can post in all the cities you're active in.
Good luck! And in the Ladies Only sections, you might mention what year and type of car you have or ask the ladies to PM you for that info, as well as assure them of your great driving record.
And BLM...sigh. Stop being a bully please. This lady has a legitimate service to offer and she's allowed to announce that service. And she seems pretty smart. I think she knows what sites she wants to post on without your "advice". And it's for your own good too. Most ladies research a client very carefully before deciding to see him; including his posting history. If he's frequently snarky and condescending to other ladies, as well as being a bully; well that pathetic guy gets passed over.
I'm just glad I got to see you before you became such a keyboard know it all. Someone so cute and nice in person shouldn't be so distasteful to ladies, on a site where everyone has the right to post. Like the OP said, "why would anyone click on this thread and even post on it; if they have no interest in using the service?
I'm going to save her info; just in case I'm back out there someday. So you just go on and post on a thread that truly interests you and one in which you can post politely. I know it's in you!