Height to weight chart

I tend to agree with the comment that judging height and weight is really impossible for most people... Or maybe just being honest about it is. I can’t tell you how many guys I know that are around 5"10 and claim to be 6 feet tall or more.
Without shoes I stand 73 inches, so if I'm talking to you and the crest of your head reaches my nose then don’t tell me your 6 feet tall.

The same goes with weight. I weight 286 lbs as I haven’t been inside a gym in a few years consistently. When I stand sideways and look in the mirror... and don’t suck it in… the peak of my now distended belly sticks out to the same level as my chest. Granted I can still bench my weight but I don’t feel as good about it as I did when I weighed 265 and pressed 285. Yet I again know guys who not only have much larger guts, but they have "spread out" a good deal across their whole bodies and still claim to be less than 250lbs.

Anyway the point was that most people really can’t measure very well or can’t bring themselves to be honest about what the measurement says.
Guest042413's Avatar
Well a fellow engineer buddy of mine from east coast had a calculation of weight / height that I have used for years when finding my desired phyiscal attration in a lady, and it goes as:

Each person has a desired factor window that they want or desire....

The calculation:
Weight divided by height in inches....

For me instance...

1.74 to 1.94 window (Preferred for Woody)

Take a woman that weights 120# and is 5'0' (60") her factor would be 2.0
Take a woman at 105# and is 5'0" and her factor would be 1.75
Take a woman at 115# and is 5'4" and her factor would be 1.79
Take a woman at 125# and is 5'7" and her factor would be 1.86
Take a woman at 150# and is 5'3" and her factor would be 2.38 (I would be running)
Take a woman at 135# and is 5'10" and her factor would be 1.92 (Inside of window)

Works on all ranges of height and weight caparisons....one just has to find want factor window he or she likes..

I know, I know, just the engineer in me coming out.....just only a portion of what attracts me personally to a person, but definitely is part of the equation. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
5'10 and 135 is like a stick
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I'm 5'2" w/ dense bones & heavy musculature so my ideal weight is between 125-130lbs. That puts me in a size range of 6/7/8/9 since I've got 36" hips. Anything below that and I feel my appearance to be "emaciated".

Like I always say, "I like my girls w/ curves... not angles." :-P

Currently, at 36 wks or 9 mos pregnant, I weigh 163 but it's all baby & supportive fluids & tissue, fortunately. I think I'm most impressed w/ my DD's vs my barely C's. LOL
Guest042413's Avatar
Judging height and weight is really impossible for most people -- especially men. I had a guy write a review of me that said I was 100 lbs when I was probably about 135 at the time. I had another guy claim I was a spinner and I'm 5'8". I've also had guys claim I was anywhere from 5'6" to 6 ft tall.

Also, some might consider my weight misleading because I am not very muscular and I have smallish to medium bones. And we all know that muscle and bones are much heavier than fat, so me at 130 is probably very much like other women at 145. Still, I've been trying to do my best to keep my weight up to date on my site so people who rely on that measurement can have as accurate a gauge as possible. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I have had men say the same thing that I am 5'8 and 130 and they are very off lol I am 5'10 and weight I will not say but it's sure as hell isnt no 130 I would be invisable lol
5'10 and 135 is like a stick Originally Posted by oLiViA88
In your showcase you are listed as 5'10' and 140#, so you are telling me that if you lost only 5# on 70 inch frame you would look like a stick?

So are you 140# on 5'10", or are you just miss leading us on the weight portion?

As listed in your showcase......

Ethnicity: Hispanic
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 34D-30-33
Breasts Enhanced: Yes
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 140lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red (Long)
Piercings: Ears, Face
Tattoos: A Few
Grooming: Bare
Smoking: Nonsmoker
Currently, at 36 wks or 9 mos pregnant Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Well congratulations, its good to see a provider whom is actually pregnant admit that she is pregnant.....its nice to see the truth brought out and not hidden until the last momnet...

I wonder just how many more Pregnant Providers there are, that miss lead the public hobbyist about such?
Guest042413's Avatar
I am not 140 but if I where to tell people how much I really weigh they wouldnt belive me and they always say I weigh 140 so thats why I put it on there like that
I am not 140 but if I where to tell people how much I really weigh they wouldnt belive me and they always say I weigh 140 so thats why I put it on there like that Originally Posted by oLiViA88
OK...... I'm not attacking you ok.....just debating and trying to understand....

You are not telling me the truth on your weight, because I the customer don't have the capability to understand or what? See you just admitted that you were lying in your showcase...how do I know that anything else that you have provided is correct?

Just a little lost on your logic....please help me out....
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Sophia, you got me at "linear equation"...

Sophia = beauty and brains (and a 1.95 on the Woody Scale)

One thing I like to do to judge the voracity of a formula is to look at the extreme cases. The average newborn female is 7.5 lbs and 19.5 inches, which is only a 0.38 on the Woody Scale. A Woody Factor of 1.75 would make that 19.5" newborn weigh 34 pounds.

Anyone willing to give birth to that?

Yao Ming is 7'6" (90") and 310 pounds. He is not female, but that's a Woody of 3.4. For him to get down to a 1.9 Woody, he would either have to be 163 inches tall (that's about 13'6" by the way) or get his weight down to 171 pounds.

Based on these extreme examples, I would have to agree with Sophia that a non-linear approach is required and the linear approach favors shorter women.

However, it is sometimes possible to estimate a non-linear function, operating within a constrained range, using a linear approach. For example, if height is constrained to a range of 5'2" to 5'9", it may be a good estimate.

I would also have to agree with Woody, that watching Jewel of Las Vegas walk down the hallway always gives me a woody. (assuming it is the Jewel from Oklahoma that is now in Vegas) Originally Posted by Ben There
Well thank you. I was nervous getting involved in a math discussion due to my lack of education in that regard. I'm so glad to see someone with the knowledge to prove my point effectively. Boy do I wish I would've paid attention to math as a kid. Now that I'm older, it actually seems interesting and it would certainly have lead to more lucrative career opportunities than my liberal arts degree.
Guest042413's Avatar
you dont have to believe me actually I really dont gve a crap u posted so I commented I have reviews that say I am me so nothin really else matters I am not 140 and my measurements arent right cause I dont know where yall get those numbers so I just put something

I loved your pm's they were very nice and wish you would reflect that in the above post.....I was serious about your smile....just awesome in pictures #6 and #7
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I've always used a more simplistic formula. Baseline of 100lbs at 5' even. Add 5lbs for every inch of height from there with margin of 5lbs increasing as the height increases. This is midline of what I look for with buffer on either side.

This would put the 5'10" mid-line at 150lbs at just 5lbs per inch, at 5'10" though, I give a margin of 15 lbs on either side. That would make the range 135 to 165. The 30 lbs range covers slim to voluptuous. This range would decrease to 10 lbs for someone 5' tall - 95lbs to 105.

All this needs to slide up and down based on muscle tone, bone structure, and endowment(s).

Reversing the process usually gets me with a few lbs of a woman's weight, if I had to guess.
Guest042413's Avatar
I've always used a more simplistic formula. Baseline of 100lbs at 5' even. Add 5lbs for every inch of height from there with margin of 5lbs increasing as the height increases. This is midline of what I look for with buffer on either side.

This would put the 5'10" mid-line at 150lbs at just 5lbs per inch, at 5'10" though, I give a margin of 15 lbs on either side. That would make the range 135 to 165. The 30 lbs range covers slim to voluptuous. This range would decrease to 10 lbs for someone 5' tall - 95lbs to 105.

All this needs to slide up and down based on muscle tone, bone structure, and endowment(s).

Reversing the process usually gets me with a few lbs of a woman's weight, if I had to guess. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I agree with you completely but wish more "CUSTOMER'S" Where as smart and open minded as you....But when you have "CUSTOMERS" that are to read your profile and without thinking quick to judge...Someone who doesnt look at the facts its hard to put how much you really weigh cause people will just assume you are waaaay bigger tan what you really are.... That is why I put what people have assumed I weighed rather than the facts of what I actually weigh....
knotty man's Avatar
im still tryin to get back down to my original weight.............6lbs. 8 oz.!
Formulas for Estimated ideal body weight in kilograms (kg)
For Males:
Ideal Body Weight = 50 kg + 2.3 kg for each inch over 5 feet tall.

For Females:
Ideal Body Weight = 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for each inch over 5 feet tall.

You can convert to pounds by multiplying by 2.2 (1kg = 2.2 pounds)

so at 5' 10".....my ideal body weight is 73 kg or 160.6 pounds.

Nixon was president the last time I weighed 160 pounds.