Immigration Assistance

Mojojo's Avatar
Unless you've dated this girl for a long time, really care about her, and actually want to spend your life with her, marrying her is stupid.....especially if you're only doing it because your sympathetic to her situation.

Sorry dude but marrying someone simply because you feel bad and want to help get them a green card is stupid and not worth the bullshit you have to put up with for a few years. True the agency might have limited resources but you don't want to be the one who randomly gets picked and looked at for sham marriage.

Can assure you that more than 95% of "sham" marriages work, the ones that get rejected either did terrible record keeping (real or fake, just bad quality) AND made stupid mistakes AND fell-out with each other (H/W no longer cooperating). And only infinitesimal percent of time is a US national charged with immigration fraud for sham marriage.

Yes it happens but its drop in the bucket. Given risks of failure (no less prosecution) are low, and chances of success (gaining status by marriage) are high, the strategy for the most part, works.

Trees never participated in marriage for convenience trade but know peeps who have been wildly successful (more than 300 from Russia alone). You might not be shocked to learn that sex is often but not always involved.

Mojojo's Avatar
Oh no im not disputing the works and low prosecution rate, I am however saying the shit aint worth it least not for sympathetic reasons. Just me though.....I'm not big on taking unnecessary risk (besides fucks for bucks).

While the prosecution rate for the USC is low, the alien however will be fucked in trying to apply for future INA benefits. Won't be impossible but will be a pain in the ass.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Can assure you that more than 95% of "sham" marriages work, the ones that get rejected either did terrible record keeping (real or fake, just bad quality) AND made stupid mistakes AND fell-out with each other (H/W no longer cooperating). And only infinitesimal percent of time is a US national charged with immigration fraud for sham marriage.

Yes it happens but its drop in the bucket. Given risks of failure (no less prosecution) are low, and chances of success (gaining status by marriage) are high, the strategy for the most part, works.

Trees never participated in marriage for convenience trade but know peeps who have been wildly successful (more than 300 from Russia alone). You might not be shocked to learn that sex is often but not always involved.

19Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees
I suggest you look up the financial responsibility for a foreign fiancé and decide if it is worth some "free" sex.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Just have her sneak over like the rest of them.

Then if she gets picked up have her lift her arm up and smile and say "OBAMA!!!"

They will all cheer and let her go after she fills out a small form to get a check.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Just have her sneak over like the rest of them.

Then if she gets picked up have her lift her arm up and smile and say "OBAMA!!!"

They will all cheer and let her go after she fills out a small form to get a check. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Obviously, this guy has the best might even get her to share her government benefits!
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 07-20-2013, 05:09 AM
Green Card marriage will not work in this situation as far as legal status goes. Being she has been in illegal status in the United States. You can marry her but for the process to be started you’d need to file for a K-1 Visa and that would require her to be in her home country with a valid pass-port. This is very expensive and can take years to get approved, once this is approved she will be granted the visa and I believe given 90 days to travel to the United States to be married.

Other loopholes would be if she was here on a B1 Visa (Business), and say met you. You 2 fall in love get married you can apply for an adjustment in status which would then get the ball moving in the right direction. The point being is she wouldn’t have to leave the country she could await the status here up until the interviews.

You have two choices as far as I know …
Marry her: She would have to go home and apply for the K1 Visa. 2-3 years before she comes back and that’s assuming she’s never been caught here illegally and can get home without being caught; because once you are caught here illegally it’s a different game where the USCIS is involved.

Petition of status by US born Child: Again to do this correctly she would have to be in her home country and as someone has already stated this will only work for the parent. This takes about 1-2 years typically however 4-5 years for the parent to be issued a green card (from the start) usually about 3 years once in the country. Once the parent has status, that parent can petition the non-us citizen child which will start the process all over in the same time spans.

In conclusion there is no QUICK and Painless way for this to happen, it will not be cheap. You must meet minimum financial requirements.

Your best course of action is to do exactly what the other in this thread told you to do. Hire the best immigration attorney you can find and afford, hope he or she can find a loop hole with your current situation. To self-process this through the USCIS with your case being what it is would be the stupidest thing you could do and very poor advice. Good luck you truly have a LOOOOONG road ahead of you..
thisguy23's Avatar
[QUOTE=ShysterJon;1052948614]Let me get this straight...

Here's another hasty generalization: "I done grewed up in Harelip, Okiehomo. I done never seen a girl tale I put on det TV box and saw Ashley Tisdale. Ize SO GLED wammins typically look lack her."

My advice, don't marry anyone your not head over heals in love with.

SJ Okiehomo is going to whip some shorthorn ass again this year, but then again you guys are getting used to that happening.
ShysterJon's Avatar
SJ Okiehomo is going to whip some shorthorn ass again this year, but then again you guys are getting used to that happening. Originally Posted by thisguy23
I don't know about that. You think The Oklahoma Professional Team can win without a passing game? That brute y'all have at QB doesn't have the brains to even grip a football.
capitan1962's Avatar
I have been through this, I married a Colombiana and brought her here legally. It is a long hard road. If the child in Central America turns 18 before everything else is legal you are looking at an average of about 15 years for a visa to become available. It is through a lottery system for immigrant visas of family members. The suggestion of getting a tourist visa is totally not going to happen. Unless she has money and a well established life in her home country a tourist visa won't be approved.

In all reality probably the best thing you can do is tell her you are trying and leave it at that. It is very expensive. The application fees themselves will run into thousands of dollars. I have been there, done that, got married through the immigration system and got divorced through the legal system which is how 99.9% of those marriages will end up. You will never be #1 in her life, you will be second to her family regardless of where they reside.
Adonis's Avatar
Lonnie Robin comes very highly recommended but he was a little to expensive for my wallet. I almost used Chavez & Valko but in the end, I decided to handle it all myself. My situation was a little different as she wasn't here illegally. Also, as stated above, you need to sort it out and get it finished before the daughter turns 18 or she may never come here.
sky_wire's Avatar
The answer is probably no, but I'll ask anyway. Are one of her parents a US citizen? If so, she may already be a "derivative" citizen even though she was born outside the US.
thisguy23's Avatar
I don't know about that. You think The Oklahoma Professional Team can win without a passing game? That brute y'all have at QB doesn't have the brains to even grip a football. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

His first start 410 yards passing. How are you guys doing?
ShysterJon's Avatar
His first start 410 yards passing. How are you guys doing? Originally Posted by thisguy23
Me? Mack Brown and I are thinking about emigrating to Russia.
thisguy23's Avatar
Me? Mack Brown and I are thinking about emigrating to Russia. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
There are still a lot of games left (that can be good or bad) I hope both teams go into the Cotton Bowl upbeat and playing well.