Why do they ...

Randall Creed's Avatar
People who have to be a goddamn BUZZKILL in a thread about a topic that they PUNK ASS don't like.

You click on the thread, and if you don't like the contents just back the fuck out without saying shit.

It's not that damn hard!!!
Ghostdncer's Avatar
- Liberals
- People Txting on their damn phones while driving
- People txting/talkin on their phones in the gym
- Twitter
- Dallas Cowgirl fans

That's a good start...I have to admit that people mixed with cell phones in general tend to make my teeth itch.
- Dallas Cowgirl fans Originally Posted by Ghostdncer
Houston.....we have a problem!

You order a drink in the drive through and they don't give you a straw.

People who come to a complete STOP before they make a turn....is that really necessary?

Sweet tea is supposed to be SWEET.

People who give you unwarranted, ridiculous advice and actually think that you benefit from their words.

Oh I could write a book..lol
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
People who berate bad poker players. Originally Posted by Boltfan
I dunno. I had a day last time we played that I needed slapped. I haven't been that out of it at a poker table in years.
Ghostdncer's Avatar
Houston.....we have a problem! Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I know it's a problem!! That's why I listed it!

- People pulling through the drive through and ordering half the menu, and then customizing it! For the love gawd go INSIDE for that kinda crap!
- Any company stupid enough to outsource their helpdesk to India. I mean comon..I want my problem fixed, not forced to translate words like "the"...
- And a new one for the gym - nimrods who wear flipflops while working out...not like it isn't sweaty/smelly enough in the place now I have to worry about some dude's hairy, ugly ass feet???

Randall Creed's Avatar
MF'ers who think saying Cowgirls in place of Cowboys is fucking cute or witty or profound or whatever in the fuck they THINK it is.

The MF'ers who think this need to be tied up a rocket ship and sent to Jupiter.
MF'ers who think saying Cowgirls in place of Cowboys is fucking cute or witty or profound or whatever in the fuck they THINK it is.

The MF'ers who think this need to be tied up a rocket ship and sent to Jupiter. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed


We need to embrace them....not hate them.

Randall Creed's Avatar
I get sick of that gay ass shit.

Yay! Look at me say Cowgirls. Yaaayy!
I'm being witty and clever. Tee hee hee!

Fuck 'em, I say.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
MF'ers who think saying Cowgirls in place of Cowboys is fucking cute or witty or profound or whatever in the fuck they THINK it is.

The MF'ers who think this need to be tied up a rocket ship and sent to Jupiter. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

I guess I can get off at Mars then.....I don't recall ever using Cowgirls.

However, I do like:
and the ubiquitous
Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh Boys
Boltfan's Avatar
People who have to be a goddamn BUZZKILL in a thread about a topic that they PUNK ASS don't like.

You click on the thread, and if you don't like the contents just back the fuck out without saying shit.

It's not that damn hard!!! Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
MF'ers who think saying Cowgirls in place of Cowboys is fucking cute or witty or profound or whatever in the fuck they THINK it is.

The MF'ers who think this need to be tied up a rocket ship and sent to Jupiter. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Now that inconsistency was funny.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Now that inconsistency was funny. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Fans of teams who's never won a Super Bowl who think they have some right to talk shit with the 'big boy' franchises of the NFL.

Ghostdncer's Avatar
I get sick of that gay ass shit.

Yay! Look at me say Cowgirls. Yaaayy!
I'm being witty and clever. Tee hee hee!

Fuck 'em, I say. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

oooo...wait...let me find my violin before you continue....

- mouth breathers who believe every other word should and can contain the work "Fuck", "shit", "ass", or some other colorful metaphor thereof.

Remember boyo, a vocabulary is a terrible thing to waste
Conservatives. Greediest mofo's on the planet. Right side of their mouths bitch about "entitled liberals" while the left side tells their congressman to put in more tax loopholes for them.

My biggest pet peeve? Waiters who top off your coffee or tea without asking. I know you're just doing your job, but I had it perfect till you fucked it up (I especially hate that arm sneaking in over my shoulder).
Boltfan's Avatar
Here is a really good one. How about people so shortsighted they can't take a joke. Or how about people who take SHMB's way too seriously.

Oh, I got a REALLY good one. How about sports fanatics who live so much in the past the think rings from 16+ years ago gives them the right to shout down fans of other teams.
at leat if she was in eastern canada. i thought i was some kinda guru finding a beautiful hidden gem but it appears i am not the only guy totaly head over heels for this beautiful woman, she is the bucket list with only 1 line on it.

My first pet peeve is Shayla is in Canada and not my arms...

My other pet peeve is phone solicitations while I'm at work from starving Coeds who can't manage their money... Originally Posted by Dick Willy