Sisyphus's Avatar
...pity YouTube embedds are verbotten here...
Interesting question.

I often wonder sometimes. And the majority of the time, I thank my lucky stars im a woman. I have small feet, I don't think any ladies would like me much.

If I was with a beautiful woman, and it came time to be intimate, and well my equipment is just not on the same planet as me. Im not sure how I would feel. Would I be ashamed, feel bad, or just be happy im in the presence of a beautiful woman and the fact that she is tolerating me....ahehehe.

Thank goodness I am a woman. :-)
Thank you kindly!
Just for a day... to experience the experience. That's all! xo
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ahhhh, pocket pool.................

The best part is having a plaything with you at all times.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Claudia cole the closes thing I can come up with to help satisfy your need for a penis and have as many women as you want for one day is go and get about $10,000.00 and stop by a adult store and buy yourself a strapon dildo.

Then start call girls from here are other escort sites and have them come over, you can have them one at a time are three at a time and then after you have had your fill you can sit back and wonder why you worked so hard for that money and then spent it on a lady that for the most part don't give a tinkers dam about you and not all but a lot of them probably would not give you the time of day if you didn't have the price for a session.

Women are so lucky they already have half the money in the USA and all the pussy what more could somebody ask for.
Dear Hobbyfun,

Thank you for your suggestion. However, I would guess that a plastic strap on dildo would not have the same sensations, as like your human one. I have tried with much amusement... But I'd bet it's a totally different experience. A rubber cock compared to a real one? No contest!

Perhaps I did a poor job in articulating my perversion with regard to the experience of being attached to a penis for one day. Some replies seem to "get what I mean" while others do not!

In my posting, I did not convey a "need" to have the girls give a "tinkers dam" if they cared about me, or not- in any way! In a situation like that, what would it matter? Hot sex with my new appendage is all to be concerned with... as I would be on a time frame, right? All I desired was the thrill of experiencing how fascinating it may be to touch that grass that grows on the other side. I have a curious mind, and I wonder what's it like for you men, as as so many of girls do!

Curious mention... I have never once heard a fellow wish to trade in his "man meat" (even for just one day) in order to see what it is like having a hot little box! Wonder why this is so? I would presume it is because it must be a hell of a lot of fun!

Thank you for your comment.
-Claudia Cole.
Well... I am often hanging around nuts anyway! Happily so.

Not all ladies have what is needed to squirt. All I was desiring was one day to try all the things that big boys do! I adore being female... Just curious, that's all! xo
Sure... but wouldn't it be fun to swing it around for just one day?!!! xo
All I desired was the thrill of experiencing how fascinating it may be to touch that grass that grows on the other side. I have a curious mind, and I wonder what's it like for you men, as as so many of girls do! -Claudia Cole. Originally Posted by Claudia Cole
That is the essence of your thread/post/inquiry.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
What an interesting topic. Well I'm happy with my equipment but I'd say I wouldn't mind having a "hot box". I'd get laid way more often. Come on admit it. Women can get laid more often than men. And to be able to make some scratch with it is a nice perk too.
Curious mention... I have never once heard a fellow wish to trade in his "man meat" (even for just one day) in order to see what it is like having a hot little box! Wonder why this is so? I would presume it is because it must be a hell of a lot of fun!

Thank you for your comment.
-Claudia Cole. Originally Posted by Claudia Cole
The thought of emasculation (even figuratively) is anathema to most men.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
I do understand what your talking about I was just being a smart ass, I'm sure your looking across that fence thinking the grass is greener on the other side as I'm sure men think the same thing from time to time.
We all have problems are desires and will always think the grass is greener but in reality I think it is the same and different for both sexes, just different problems are desires.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I don't know if having one is all that great, but being one sure seems popular around here. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
TFF ! ! !

you can always go out and buy the imitation
I never leave home without my Amex and my Penis.

I will admit however one eye willy has made decisions that my brain has later regretted.