House Dems to introduce gun backgrounds checks bill

themystic's Avatar
Alright! Please give links to back this vomit spew - up!
This sounds like a communist viewpoint! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Typical Trump Supporter. Lock him up. Lock him up
winn dixie's Avatar
From nbc.. lol ..thats a joke....Fake news!!!
themystic's Avatar
From nbc.. lol ..thats a joke....Fake news!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Another Trump gun owner
pleasurem's Avatar
Well, @ least one person here has shown how much of an idiot he is, I don’t own any guns, but I know a legal gun owner is probably the person I want as a friend and neighbor!!!
themystic's Avatar
Well, @ least one person here has shown how much of an idiot he is, I don’t own any guns, but I know a legal gun owner is probably the person I want as a friend and neighbor!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Here's some more great neighbor for you buddy. You wont need a gun
winn dixie's Avatar
Typical Trump Supporter. Lock him up. Lock him up Originally Posted by themystic
Another Trump gun owner Originally Posted by themystic
How about all of the odumbo supporters in chicago? When people already do not respect laws; what new laws will they respect?
themystic's Avatar
How about all of the odumbo supporters in chicago? When people already do not respect laws; what new laws will they respect? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Trumps America
You had shooting class in school? Damn I thought I was getting up there for remembering auto shop and welding being offered. Seems like more is missing now than has been added (has anything been added?). Saw now you only learn to write in print now. We used to think only retarded people wrote in print still after a certain point. Guess we said fuck it somewhere. Originally Posted by Trey
Was there a point made...other than degrading "retarded" people??
themystic's Avatar
Was there a point made...other than degrading "retarded" people?? Originally Posted by bb1961
He didn't degrade retarded people. He pointed out that less activities are available in school now a days. The only time I hear retarded people made fun of has been by Trump. And then there are typically quite a few at his rallies
He didn't degrade retarded people. He pointed out that less activities are available in school now a days. The only time I hear retarded people made fun of has been by Trump. And then there are typically quite a few at his rallies Originally Posted by themystic
Are you a psychiatrist or tell!!
Why did he have to include "retarded" people in his statement...a non sequitur!!
themystic's Avatar
Are you a psychiatrist or tell!!
Why did he have to include "retarded" people in his statement...a non sequitur!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Here's your guy you defend. Quite a contrast when hes talking about Putin, MBS or Kim. Hes a pussy and a coward
LexusLover's Avatar
He pointed out that less activities are available in school now a days. Originally Posted by themystic
You can thank the Liberals for the anemic curriculum, and the limited abilities of the Education graduates they pump in the school districts around the country, who attempt to indoctrinate the students with whom they are entrusted to educate and protect.

Here are some "graduates" ....

Will this "background" be checked?
themystic's Avatar
You can thank the Liberals for the anemic curriculum, and the limited abilities of the Education graduates they pump in the school districts around the country, who attempt to indoctrinate the students with whom they are entrusted to educate and protect.

Here are some "graduates" ....

Will this "background" be checked? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump University Graduates
LexusLover's Avatar
You can thank the Liberals for the anemic curriculum, and the limited abilities of the Education graduates they pump in the school districts around the country, who attempt to indoctrinate the students with whom they are entrusted to educate and protect.

Here are some "graduates" ....

Will this "background" be checked? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump University Graduates
Originally Posted by themystic
You mean some actually graduated? So the University did function and some were actually "graduated" to spell short words and burn shit!

Thanks for acknowledging Trump was correct when he stated there was no merit to their lawsuit.

But I suspect that vandalism and the destruction of public property should be on the "Dems" shortlist for things that should prohibit "gun ownership and/or possession" ... particularly when joined with a proclamation of "War" against U.S. citizens.

Or like Obaminable Care will the decision making be delegated to a department head ... like ....

  • oeb11
  • 01-06-2019, 09:39 AM
Somebody should take away the guns from anyone who actually voted for Trump. They are not mentally stable. They actually think Mexico is paying for a border wall. Then they shut down the government because Congress wont give them the money to build it? Yeah take the guns from those nut cases Originally Posted by themystic

From one who wrote in this Forum that no one is trying to remove weapons from the populace.

That is not Satire - it is DPST dogma.
They are aware that an unarmed population will be unable to resist their Totalitarian regime
Be careful showing one's true ideology, with respect, TM
Haters gotta Hate