Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló Resigns After Chat Scandal

Puertoricans from the northeast are nuevoricans. Many of the millenial nuevoricans have never been to the island and don't understand Spanish or the island's culture. EVERY exterior window, AC unit and door in San Juan has burglar bars on them. Even the ones 5 stories up.
What does it matter what AOC has to say about this? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The bitch can't shut her pie hole about anything...she weighs in about everything and when called out about her abject stupidly she fires back with her typical play stupid nonsense.
One of the rising starts of the left...you love stars YR!!
unamerican poster. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are coming clean...congrads!!
Again, I ask why AOC’s take on this should matter to you or anyone else? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Congress is the legislative branch of Gumment they make laws and spend money...THAT SHIT SHOULD MATTER TO EVERYONE.
Study up on the the three branches of Gumment...then you'll understand...hopefully!!
P.S. The bitch is a NUT and she doesn't belong in congress...ask Bullosey...see what that bitches thoughts are on that flake...AOC called her a RACIST!!
A freakin’ ‘rican?

You know what that makes her parents, TWK?


Again, I ask why AOC’s take on this should matter to you or anyone else?

Thank you unamerican poster. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You cannot simultaneously imply racism or supposed racists are/is unAmerican and accuse America of a long history of racism to justify reparations in the form of affirmative action and diversity initiatives.

It is inconsistent.

Puerto Rico deserves to become and free and independent nation.

They are a proud people and would thrive without the Estados Unidos giving them money all the time.
Puerto Rico deserves to become and free and independent nation. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Or is should become a full blown State. This middle ground for our territories has always been an odd situation to me.

I understand the old concept of territory leads to statehood, but PR has been hanging around as a territory for what 100 years?
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
We added states when we were expanding in competition with the rest of the world. The era of worldwide expansionism is over. Why would we need Puerto Rico as a state? Cut her loose, let her go.
We added states when we were expanding in competition with the rest of the world. The era of worldwide expansionism is over. Why would we need Puerto Rico as a state? Cut her loose, let her go. Originally Posted by FriscoKiddo
IF we cut her loose, we are allowing someone else expansionism. After 100 years under the US, do you really think they become an independent country or simply get sucked up by someone like Cuba or another South American country with growth ambitions?

It's not as easy as cut her loose in the scheme of the Caribbean.
FriscoKiddo's Avatar
I worry about Puerto Rico the same way I worry about Haiti and the Dominican Republic. If Puerto Ricans can't resist outside influences, so be it. I don't see them falling under the spell of the Castro's or Madur....it will be tough for them to shake off 130 years of near independence than to answer to an influence that wishes total control.
Or is should become a full blown State. This middle ground for our territories has always been an odd situation to me.

I understand the old concept of territory leads to statehood, but PR has been hanging around as a territory for what 100 years? Originally Posted by eccielover
Fuck that - they would elect two Democrat Senators.

We don't need that.
It has to pass congress...not sure about the out come on that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

We should make Puerto Rico a steak.

Besides, nobody thrives without los Estados Unidos giving them money all the time.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I used to be for Puerto Rico to be a state. that is until I read that PR 80% of the people spoke spanish. Evidently a population transfer (not enough to matter) never took place during the entire time as a U.S. territory that would ensure that english takes hold in the education system. one wonders why keep them as a territory if you're not going to teach english.
Almost all that grew up in PR speak Spanish. Throughout schooling, both English and Spanish are taught. Majority of their cable programming is in Spanish. Most have at least a rudimentary understanding of English.

There's too many McDonald's there to turn communist.

They get billions from the US. They aren't going to give free money up.

We should make Puerto Rico a steak.

Besides, nobody thrives without los Estados Unidos giving them money all the time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It is hard to argue with your post on Puerto Rico.