Hey JD. Our Gun Shows are Gun-free Zones

boardman's Avatar
Calling a gun show a "gun free zone" is obviously not accurate.

There are guns on display by dealers that are not zip tied. I don't know why they get away with it but they do. It's mostly long guns where I see that so that might have something to do with it. I've operated the action on many used guns at gun shows before. Those same dealers usually have ammunition within arms reach of their guns. They could easily respond to a threat.

I have taken handguns to have them appraised. They always get zip tied at the door. I may or may not have a loaded magazine or speed loader in my pocket. I've never been asked if I have ammunition on me. It would take me about 10 seconds to open my knife cut the zip tie and load my weapon if something went down.

Up until yesterday Speedracer didn't know that guns must be zip tied. How many other people that don't attend gun shows don't know that? Anyone that attends shows regularly knows that it would be stupid to try something there.

If I was intent on killing as many people as I could I would just as soon walk in to the Harris County Greenspoint substation as I would walk into the Pasadena Convention Center during a gun show.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-04-2014, 02:10 PM

If I was intent on killing as many people as I could I would just as soon walk in to the Harris County Greenspoint substation as I would walk into the Pasadena Convention Center during a gun show. Originally Posted by boardman
But if you intentions were to kill folks who sold a gun that killed your loved one, you might go to a gun show to make a point.

That is the irony of the gun show having you disarm before going into their show.

Be like going to a ACLU rally and they not letting in white folks or black folk or brown folk....

Why are any public places off limits to carrying a gun if guns make you safer? That is the irony.
boardman's Avatar
But if you intentions were to kill folks who sold a gun that killed your loved one, you might go to a gun show to make a point. Pure speculation

That is the irony of the gun show having you disarm before going into their show.

Be like going to a ACLU rally and they not letting in white folks or black folk or brown folk....

Why are any public places off limits to carrying a gun if guns make you safer? That is the irony. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't disagree about the irony.
If I am a CHL holder then I should be considered just as safe or just as dangerous(as the case may be) at a school, a house of worship, a library, or a courthouse.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-04-2014, 02:47 PM
I don't disagree about the irony.
If I am a CHL holder then I should be considered just as safe or just as dangerous(as the case may be) at a school, a house of worship, a library, or a courthouse.some may call that Pure speculation Originally Posted by boardman
Agreed! ...I'm amazed these lawmakers do not get called out on their shit by having metal detectors at the Statehouse and Courthouses around the State all should be legal to carry in. Put their ammo where there big mouths are!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think they have a different idea of what a gun free zone is. For most people it means no guns allowed, there are guns at a gun show (if you went to one you would know that) and there is ample amounts of ammunition (if you went to a gun show you would know that too). Hardly what I would call a gun free zone. Now a no loaded weapons zone that I can understand, accidents and all.

I'm sorry but that is not irony but just a touch of ignorance on the subject manner. I have also been to science fiction conventions where participants came with real swords, knives, and axes. They were required to have a peace bond on them (tie wrap so the could not draw the weapon).

So once again, that is not a gun free zone and it is the same at any convention in Kansas or Missouri. I would bet that in about five minutes you could have several hundred armed, locked and loaded convention goers if major trouble broke out. Also lot of off duty cops, military people, national guardsmen, FBI people and private security types. Like I said, you should really go to one and look for yourself before you make another bordering on stupid post. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Hardly a "bordering on stupid" post. The stupid posts are the ones that you have made telling us why people don't go into a gun show to commit mass murders. Here is a statement you made in another thread:

"Lets examine that "gun free zone" logic. You say that "gun free zones" save lives but you can't prove it other than the fact that no one was shot inside one (that has been disproven already). Compare that to the "non gun free zones" and the fact that they don't have anyone shot inside of them. Ever hear of a shooting at a gun show?"

Your calling a gun show a "no-loaded weapons zone" or a "non gun free zone" is splitting hairs. Do you know how many handguns and assault weapons are on the average military base, which is a "gun free zone"? So the presence of weapons does not violate the rules of a gun free zone. And it doesn't change the irony --
a person so inclined could walk into a gun show and kill people until he ran out of bullets, which would happen sooner than someone at the gun show being able to pick up a weapon, load it, and kill the guy.

Tell us again why the theater killer in Colorado picked the theater he did.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What is a gun without bullets? A paperweight.

You seemed kind of smart a while back so why are you pursuing this line of thought? You have to know how petty, juvenile, and ignorant it sounds. It is a non issue that someone idiot uses the wrong words to describe something. Why do you have to follow an idiot?

Considering how many off duty officers are at gun shows, fire will be returned within a few seconds followed by some dealers who will load up (they have both weapons and ammo readily available), then the officers on duty at the front will come in. If there are still shooters then individuals will probably help themselves to weapons and/or ammo. What is really so hard to understand about this? These are gun owners, they are not welfare recipients waiting for someone to tell them what to do next. You don't understand the mindset. A high school student rushes a shooter and tackles him. How many people will rush a shooter or find a way to fight back? Don't think of grade schoolers, think of adults.

Then again, maybe you're the kind of person who will look exactly like a deer caught in the headlights and do nothing.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What is a gun without bullets? A paperweight.

You seemed kind of smart a while back so why are you pursuing this line of thought? You have to know how petty, juvenile, and ignorant it sounds. It is a non issue that someone idiot uses the wrong words to describe something. Why do you have to follow an idiot?

Considering how many off duty officers are at gun shows, fire will be returned within a few seconds followed by some dealers who will load up (they have both weapons and ammo readily available), then the officers on duty at the front will come in. If there are still shooters then individuals will probably help themselves to weapons and/or ammo. What is really so hard to understand about this? These are gun owners, they are not welfare recipients waiting for someone to tell them what to do next. You don't understand the mindset. A high school student rushes a shooter and tackles him. How many people will rush a shooter or find a way to fight back? Don't think of grade schoolers, think of adults.

Then again, maybe you're the kind of person who will look exactly like a deer caught in the headlights and do nothing.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, I wasn't looking to get into a long, controversial discussion on what is or is not a gun free zone when I posted this thread. The majority of the respondents in this thread realized I made the post in fun. The unfortunate thing is that you treat ALL gun owners the same, expecting each and every one of them to react exactly the same. Simply not true. At a gun show, I would expect some attendees to react exactly as you described. I would also expect some to react, as you put it, like a deer in the headlights. As I've pointed out twice so far, one of the attendees at a recent Cedar Park gun show couldn't even load his gun without killing someone. And he wasn't even in a stressful situation.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2014, 08:02 AM

Considering how many off duty officers are at gun shows, fire will be returned within a few seconds followed by some dealers who will load up (they have both weapons and ammo readily available), then the officers on duty at the front will come in. If there are still shooters then individuals will probably help themselves to weapons and/or ammo. What is really so hard to understand about this?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What is hard to understand is why a gun show would outlaw CHL at their show?

I've never been to a gun show where they were not trying to expand CHL....yet they do not want them at their venue?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Accidents happen and even fools sometimes own guns. We have been talking about murderous maniacs and not fools. Would you compare someone who intentionally crashes their car into a group of people to someone who incompetently mashes down on the wrong peddle?

You say you first posted this in what? jest? Really? It didn't come across that way and then you persisted. I think at this point you're trying to save face and given some of the statements of your supporters I would want to disavow the OP.
What is hard to understand is why a gun show would outlaw CHL at their show?

I've never been to a gun show where they were not trying to expand CHL....yet they do not want them at their venue? Originally Posted by WTF
Safety nothing more. Lots of people, high probability of mishaps. People with CHL are not necessarily well trained anyway.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-05-2014, 12:14 PM
Safety nothing more. Lots of people, high probability of mishaps. People with CHL are not necessarily well trained anyway.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Then wtf are they doing carrying in the first place?

Either it is safer to have a CHL or it isn't.

This sounds like the dumb fucks who like strip clubs but cry like a baby when you want to put one in their neighborhood!
Then wtf are they doing carrying in the first place?

Either it is safer to have a CHL or it isn't.

This sounds like the dumb fucks who like strip clubs but cry like a baby when you want to put one in their neighborhood! Originally Posted by WTF
I can't accurately answer that.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Accidents happen and even fools sometimes own guns. We have been talking about murderous maniacs and not fools. Would you compare someone who intentionally crashes their car into a group of people to someone who incompetently mashes down on the wrong peddle?

You say you first posted this in what? jest? Really? It didn't come across that way and then you persisted. I think at this point you're trying to save face and given some of the statements of your supporters I would want to disavow the OP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Save face??? From you?? I've proven you consistently wrong in about every thread in which we've both participated.

I still think it the whole thing is comical, as do several others. The majority of people can't carry a loaded gun into a gun show. Sorry if you don't see the irony in that.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Then wtf are they doing carrying in the first place?

Either it is safer to have a CHL or it isn't.

This sounds like the dumb fucks who like strip clubs but cry like a baby when you want to put one in their neighborhood! Originally Posted by WTF
And it's something I've been saying all along. A CHL should be required and a class should be mandatory to ensure that the person can actually fire the weapon reasonably accurately and understands the legal responsibilities of carrying a handgun.
And it's something I've been saying all along. A CHL should be required and a class should be mandatory to ensure that the person can actually fire the weapon reasonably accurately and understands the legal responsibilities of carrying a handgun. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well there is a class you take and must pass satisfactory in the areas of Gun Safety, Basic Marksmanship and the Laws in your state in respect to gun ownership and the carrying of a concealed weapon. That's all very basic stuff it's up to the individual to continue his or her formal training if one really desires to become proficient. I've stated this before standing in front of a paper target hitting the center will not guarantee you'll fare well in an actual fire fight. You must take courses designed for that cause. If you train under stress you'll function much better under stress. Unfortunately most CHL carriers have the bare minimum training.
