Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck you, you lying faggot.....you didn't even watch the video....otherwise you would know it wasn't 1 security guard, but 4 security guards who denied the soldier entry.........

The story doesn't mention "midgets" either; but my headline would ring true had I substituted burqa for midgets....or are you telling me the 4 security guards would deny entry to midgets as well.....????

You are a fucking dumb shit !

Why is that ?

Only a left wing anti-military type (a liberal) would do something as stupid as deny someone entry because they were wearing a military uniform....you know the same kind of anti-military crap that goes on at liberal universities around the country. The same kind of anti-American liberal crap that occupies places like Austin, Berkley, Ann Arbor, and such.

BTW you dumb shit = it is spelled burqa there is no such thing as burqua!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Where and when did you serve in the US Military, Whir-LIE-turd?

Where and when did you go to college, Whir-LIE-turd?

I am pretty goddamned sure the answer to both question is NEVER. No wonder you're so bitter. You are nothing but a poseur. Your life has meant nothing, so you hate anybody whose life does.

You criticize MY spelling, Ignoramus? Hysfuckingsterical.

I wouldn't dare to speculate on what the four security guards would have done any more than I would speculate on MLK's opinion of illegal immigration. You see, that's one of the many areas in which we differ. You run at the mouth. I try to keep to the facts. You shit on anything and everything. I try to only shit on you and your Klan, errr, Clan. Shall I continue, whir-LIE-turd? Or do you think Clarence Brown might have more facts along these lines?

Melt down all you want. But the headline of your OP is ONLY about Burqas (no fucking apostrophe, numbnuts). The post is not. It's not about midgets either, but I have no doubt that you'd rather wear a midget than a burqa.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
A little search on your part would have shown that it was a total misunderstanding between the security company and the school's policy because the district doesn't have such a policy. You should move to Scotland indeed, I think your blame Obama then asks question later attitude shows that you stayed too long in TX. The cold and foggy weather in the highlands is definitely what you need. Originally Posted by frenchybruno18
Frenchy, I was well aware the school principal apologized, as well he should. I'm fucking retired and have all day to do this shit, and I watched the video completely. He put a policy in place so full of misunderstanding and poor training that the security guards thought they were following rules meant to stop some whacko from putting on fatigues and bringing automatic weapons into the school, when in fact it was a clean cut, fucking Lt. Colonel in uniform and they were too damn stupid, due to the union teachers in the failing public school system overseen by the liberal Department of Education/Indoctrination they were no doubt educated in, to discern it was a motherfucking parent.
In Texas, failure to allow a uniformed Lt. Colonel into a school to pick up his daughter would amount to a criminal conviction and 1 year at hard labor, everyone knows it, and the guard would have let the gentleman in without incident.
Hence, it was a liberal fuckup, and Texas should secede and not be controlled by liberals who create such an oppressive government.

It wasn't a "misunderstanding" the 4 security guards who refused the Sargent's entry were enforcing their own rules. They understood they were denying entry to a man in uniform - there was NO MISUNDERSTANDING about that!

WTF were those 4 security guards thinking? And who are they? I can tell you a "Limbaugh" conservative wouldn't do such a dumb thing......but a dumb liberal would....someone who loathes the military ! Someone who voted for Obama.

I doubt those same 4 security guards would deny entry to a woman wearing a burqa !

Why do I think they wouldn't deny a New Black Panther type either. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Listen to your dumb tap-dancing ass. Your silly shit-stirring post turns out to be based on a mistake and we have suddenly morphed into "The security guards were muslims!" so you can try to salvage something out of it other than you looking like the idiot you are......it's not working. You're a jackass.
Frenchy, I was well aware the school principal apologized, as well he should. I'm fucking retired and have all day to do this shit, and I watched the video completely. He put a policy in place so full of misunderstanding and poor training that the security guards thought they were following rules meant to stop some whacko from putting on fatigues and bringing automatic weapons into the school, when in fact it was a clean cut, fucking Lt. Colonel in uniform and they were too damn stupid, due to the union teachers in the failing public school system overseen by the liberal Department of Education/Indoctrination they were no doubt educated in, to discern it was a motherfucking parent.
In Texas, failure to allow a uniformed Lt. Colonel into a school to pick up his daughter would amount to a criminal conviction and 1 year at hard labor, everyone knows it, and the guard would have let the gentleman in without incident.
Hence, it was a liberal fuckup, and Texas should secede and not be controlled by liberals who create such an oppressive government.


You forgot to blame Obama. Next post maybe?

It's too bad stupidity isn't a crime in Texas, you'd be locked up for life at hard labor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't make him an offer he can't understand!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You forgot to blame Obama. Next post maybe?

It's too bad stupidity isn't a crime in Texas, you'd be locked up for life at hard labor. Originally Posted by timpage
I felt like the tie in to the Department of Education/Indoctrination was a subtle connection to Obama and his administration, and his relentless promotion of political correctness. I hope that assuages your disappointment.
When Lt. Colonel Baker asked why he couldn't enter the office building, security told him that the school's policy does not allow military uniforms because it may 'offend students.'

Get that ! MILITARY UNIFORMS. Burqas are not military uniforms, only a liberal idiot would think that these same 4 guards would deny a person dressed in a burqa entry.

Interesting that this school is located in suburban Detroit - Dearborn; a place some call Dearbornistan - for good reasons.

Liberal PC on parade..........
Wakeup's Avatar
Um...I don't venture in here very often...so help me out...

Honestly, is Whirlaway this conspiracy theory, all liberals are scum, all Muslims are terrorists, minded...all the time? Or is this just a passing thing?

P.S.-The video said he was a Lt. Colonel...not a Sergeant...not a Lieutenant...for a military loving conservative (your own words, not mine), you should know the difference...
When Lt. Colonel Baker asked why he couldn't enter the office building, security told him that the school's policy does not allow military uniforms because it may 'offend students.'

Get that ! MILITARY UNIFORMS. Burqas are not military uniforms, only a liberal idiot would think that these same 4 guards would deny a person dressed in a burqa entry.

Interesting that this school is located in suburban Detroit - Dearborn; a place some call Dearbornistan - for good reasons.

Liberal PC on parade.......... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Keep tap-dancing dumbass, you just look more and more stupid.

It's that "digging a hole" rule whirlytard....when you're in one, stop digging.
Um...I don't venture in here very often...so help me out...

Honestly, is Whirlaway this conspiracy theory, all liberals are scum, all Muslims are terrorists, minded...all the time? Or is this just a passing thing?

P.S.-The video said he was a Lt. Colonel...not a Sergeant...not a Lieutenant...for a military loving conservative (your own words, not mine), you should know the difference... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Oh, it's all the time, every day, 24 hours a day. Whirly is a man on a mission and he never lets truth, facts, evidence or anything else interfere with his never-ceasing efforts to look like a loon........
Honestly, is Whirlaway this conspiracy theory, all liberals are scum, all Muslims are terrorists, minded...all the time? Originally Posted by Wakeup

Or is this just a passing thing? Originally Posted by Wakeup
boardman's Avatar
Um...I don't venture in here very often...so help me out...

Honestly, is Whirlaway this conspiracy theory, all liberals are scum, all Muslims are terrorists, minded...all the time? Or is this just a passing thing?

P.S.-The video said he was a Lt. Colonel...not a Sergeant...not a Lieutenant...for a military loving conservative (your own words, not mine), you should know the difference... Originally Posted by Wakeup
It's damn near the whole bunch in here.
I've seen better thought out arguments and less name calling between two preschoolers fighting over a GI Joe action figure.
Um...I don't venture in here very often...so help me out...

Honestly, is Whirlaway this conspiracy theory, all liberals are scum, all Muslims are terrorists, minded...all the time? Or is this just a passing thing?

P.S.-The video said he was a Lt. Colonel...not a Sergeant...not a Lieutenant...for a military loving conservative (your own words, not mine), you should know the difference... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Well, I think you should stop on by more often. Ozombies are always welcome.
rioseco's Avatar
Poor Whirly-turd....... What an ignorant asshole !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
rioseco... That's Whir-LIE-turd!