Irrefutable Proof of Trump's Financial Genius

There are entities in foreign lands that are grateful there are so many weak minded in the US. Yes, I do say so!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There are entities in foreign lands that are grateful there are so many weak minded in the US. Yes, I do say so! Originally Posted by 69in2it69

foreign entities are happy this clown scammed his way into office.

and so, apparently, are you ...

winn dixie's Avatar
biden got his red wings from kamala ^^^^^^^^^^^
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Looks like he's carrying 1.3B in debt, so assuming he never pays anyone or spends any, he only needs another .5B from donors to get flush! Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Well, his stock price went up a little over 28% today. I used to play with it for entertainment and then I thought "wait dummy, you have no idea what the plan even is for this SPAC because Trump does not believe in transparency and that's why it is a SPAC. Leave the blind gambling alone and put your money elsewhere!"

He is such a crooked business man and has so large of a cult following that he can materially move that fucking stock price up or down with just one tweet. I wish I kept playing with it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
You trumptards understand that an inflated stock valuation does not equate to "raising money"? . It is not possible to convert that into bank balances. Trump is bleeding cash, hence his ever continued pandering for donations from his uneducated base.
... Hee Hee! It's not the first time Trump was "bleeding cash"
But it surely seem it's the FIRST time you noticed, Tobias.

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You trumptards understand that an inflated stock valuation does not equate to "raising money"? . It is not possible to convert that into bank balances. Trump is bleeding cash, hence his ever continued pandering for donations from his uneducated base. Originally Posted by tobias1988
Exactly. Even though I normally don't participate in day trading, I did with that stock for a bit because the trade volumes were so crazy. I felt like a thief in the night with those Trumpsters. Once the trade volume normalized, I left it alone and decided to just take my ball and go home.

The high trade volume was so fucked up that I was getting warnings from one of my brokerage accounts so they could cover their ass in case I lost everything. I had to actually call this firm and get a customer service rep on the phone to tell them that I am fully aware of the volatility of this stock and to not prohibit me from buying larges shares of it and dumping them on a daily basis.

Edit: I'd also like to add that Trumpsters believe that Trump is a rich multi billionaire. What they don't understand is that his worth is an intangible asset and it is not a tangible asset. He is not flush with cash like your typical rich guy who has plenty of liquidity to their name. And that is why that con artist refused to show his crooked ass tax returns because his cult following's hearts would break if they knew that he was full of shit about his actual liquid wealth and not the declining intangible asset value of his last name/trademark. Yeah, rich people borrow money from banks, but filthy rich people don't borrow money like Trump does. And if they do, they at least have the decency to pay it back and not file for bankruptcy multiple times to stiff the banks.
Good luck, review the doctrine of sovereign immunity. You cannot sue the government unless it agrees to be sued. English common law(the king can do no wrong) and all the shit. Basic first year law, and I am assuming that you went to law school. Nope, the federal government only allows itself to be liable in contract type lawsuits.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good luck, review the doctrine of sovereign immunity. You cannot sue the government unless it agrees to be sued. English common law(the king can do no wrong) and all the shit. Basic first year law, and I am assuming that you went to law school. Nope, the federal government only allows itself to be liable in contract type lawsuits. Originally Posted by tobias1988

are you one of those sovereign immunity idiots? that explains a lot

Grace Preston's Avatar
I can say that in the past 48 hours.. I've received no fewer than 10 emails from various Trump related entities begging for cash to "Help Trump with _______ " whatever the cause of the day is. On any given day-- his money raising machine sends anywhere from 4-8 emails. Daily.

This is after numerous attempts to unsubscribe to all the bullshit. So I've given up on that and I'm just collecting the emails. Once I have enough of them, combined with all of my unsubscribe proof-- I'm sending a package to the FCC
Chung Tran's Avatar
... Trump is getting ready to sue the government
for $20 Billion dollars for damage to His good name
with the FAKE "Russia collusion" story and PHONY
Steele dossier.

And the FACT the the government KNEW it was bullshit the whole time.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Wonderful news, Salty!

Maybe Trump can use the $20 billion as a small downpayment for all the money his Administration doled out to criminals?
This after Trump caused an Economic meltdown, refusing to acknowledge the severity of Covid in January, 2020... Bob Woodward has it all on tape.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Very few abuse the judicial system more than Trump with his frivolous lawsuits.

His lawyers must love working for him because at the very least, they know they'll stay busy. Hell, what lawyer doesn't want to work for someone who has a gripe about everything and wants to take it to court?

They should get their fees upfront though because Trump isn't paying them shit when he loses as usual.

That lawsuit has about as much merit as my toilet coming to life and suing me because I took a shit in it for years.

Yeah, Biden sucks like most probably knew he would, but that's just the price you have to pay to get Trump's constant drama bullshit out of the big house.
  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2021, 11:57 AM
You trumptards understand that an inflated stock valuation does not equate to "raising money"? . It is not possible to convert that into bank balances. Trump is bleeding cash, hence his ever continued pandering for donations from his uneducated base. Originally Posted by tobias1988
I disagree Tobias. Look at Gamestop. It should have gone into bankruptcy, but the Reddit crowd got hold of it, raised the price to ridiculous levels, and the company has since raised $2.38 billion by selling equity.

And Trump can always sell his shares, after any lock up period.
  • Tiny
  • 12-23-2021, 12:00 PM
I can say that in the past 48 hours.. I've received no fewer than 10 emails from various Trump related entities begging for cash to "Help Trump with _______ " whatever the cause of the day is. On any given day-- his money raising machine sends anywhere from 4-8 emails. Daily. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I got a text yesterday asking me to send money so Biden's regulators won't be able to "shut down President Trump's new MAGA social media & destroy his anti-censorship app before it's even launched."

WTF? First the Republican National Committee pays Trump's legal bills. Now they're asking me for money to help Trump's private sector media company? That's nuts.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I disagree Tobias. Look at Gamestop. It should have gone into bankruptcy, but the Reddit crowd got hold of it, raised the price to ridiculous levels. Originally Posted by Tiny
They did the same with Avis Budget a few weeks ago. That morning, I shorted one share at $350, then another at $525, as the stock went nuts. Just the 2 shares, because shorting is inherently dangerous. The stock topped at $542, then started dropping. I covered at $312, all this in the space of 6 minutes!

Avis trades at $224 today. I would hate to be the Fool that paid $540+