Overnights and Travel info please

London Rayne's Avatar
I would not do an overnight with someone I had not met with a few times prior...that also makes me more likely to offer a huge discount being I know what his tastes are.

Clock free dates or daylight dates, are always better for the guy IMO. Many men pay big money just to sleep and wake up next to a woman, because it may be they miss having that with a wife who has passed or are no longer intimate with. They don't see it as a contest of how many pops they can get, but the feeling they once had with someone they loved.

I would advise you charge what makes you able to do this, without feeling used or shorted. If a guy wants an acrobatic monkey, he will always pay my 3k rate. For guys who TRULY want a gfe and understand what that means, I have been known to knock off 500 to 1k for an overnight...depends on the person and your situation. I have never had a BF refuse to let me sleep lol. In fact, most pass out long before I do.
Madame X's Avatar
Most of my appointments are overnights, but by a vast majority most of my dates are with men I have previously spent time with and am quite comfortable sleeping next to.

Occasionally a new suitor will request an overnight on the first date (which I don't recommend, but I understand), and in those cases I will clear my night, and propose a dinner date with the option to continue if we enjoy a few hours and want more.

As for rates, that's up to you. Just figure out how much it would take to make it worth your while considering all of the other aspects of your life that you won't be attending to for 12 hours. You can look at other ladies' sites for ideas, but really it's quite personal.

~Mme X~