Before OR After

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't care. If she wants it first she gets it. If she wants it after then she gets it. I have yet for that factor to affect my good time with a provider
I dont touch it usually until after...however
As someone who has been short changed.......and had to listen to BS excuses...

and as someone who has had the donation swiped as he left...

I cant say i blame girls who do count and secure before. Blame it on those few bad apples. Its just like the dipshits who think its ok to jackhammer your vajayjay with long gangly filthy nails... those bad apples ruin it and now no FIV. Or the nasty ones who smell like 3 day old roadkill that has been sitting on side of road during august... those bad apples make it so EVERYONE must shower prior to romping..

some girls have bills and cant wait for when its convenient for HIM to bring what is owed...IF he even brings it.

And if a guy short we really want to put an alert up and then deal with the drama and hell that brings? Nope. We just take a mental note and dont see them again And girls talk..
So if any guys DO short change...maybe during reference checks that tidbit of info is given...or maybe through casual girl talk, which can explain why she counts it before. So you may ask yourself... as she is counting it
"are there a bunch of bad apples out there or did my shortchanging a few girls before get back to her"?

I dont lump them all together and i dont count prior.. but they are def on the DNS again list.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, first of all, Tiffani, I do not consider providers whores in general even though I have been scammed numerous times in earlier years by some that definitely are.

The problem is that to many lowlife scumbags of the world have cheated others and thereby created more distrust for the honest folks.

Yes, I do prefer to pay after the session because I know I am an honest man and when the lady shows me a modicum of trust it does make for a more intimate session and entices me to return.

. . . I believe that the solution is to learn how to better read people, but that psychic ability takes years to develop and hone. There are people that give off a palatable bad vibe and I can sense them from ten feet away, but if you are not attuned to those higher frequencies, you will never know and be fooled by a smile. That is when distrust becomes your only protection, but distrust is really only a primitive weapon.

...or is it the other way around, Masser Gunn?
I'm pretty sure, us being whores and all, some client painted us with the same brush of distrust when some crackbag ran out on him without delivering the goods.

The order does have a subconscious attitude of 'my ego or yours'. You pay first, you're a trick. You pay last, she's a whore. All in all I understand why you would like to pay last.

I do agree that there is an intimacy to the trust of paying last, which is why with my selection process, I don't care which. But paying first is the norm with my very good friends who don't have to pay me in cash, and my new friends who makes sure before the appointment it's somewhere they don't have to see me count it or worry about whether it's done or not. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
grunt816's Avatar
I do my research on all the ladys I see ahead of time try to go with what seems to be what they like. I usually place the donation where they want or in a place out in the open so they feel comfortable from the beginning of our date.
I have had no problems paying at the beginning by taking no risks on the providers that I see.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
When I started hobbying I was mostly seeing BP ladies or ones fairly new to the site here so they weren't as "laid back" as some of the seasoned vets about the situation, and as such it's basically a habit of mine to nonchalantly plop down the donation in an envelope in plain sight like a table/tv stand/foot of the bed in rooms with 2 beds.

I've read reviews where guys set up an hour appointment then 20 or 30 minutes in the lady is trying to get him out the door, to which he'll tell her he'll only pay her half hour rate or skim some bills from the donation since he wasn't delivered the amount of service/time promised. I worried that since I pay upfront I wouldn't be afforded that opportunity as providers who usually cheat on time/service also usually stash away the donation while I wash up. I've decided though I'd rather just take the hit and let my reviews warn of their poor business practices.

I've only done incalls and paid for 2 hours or less so the danger of cash and dash hasn't been an issue or concern.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It cuts both ways. I can't be believe that some are so bitter about which practice is acceptable or not. I think the key comes down to research and communication between both parties before the date. Yes, I know there are times when little heads is doing the thinking with little time for research If that is the case, then big head has to at least be in control of the variables

I always try to put myself in the ladies position. That is why I simply put the donation down and let her make her choice on when to pick it up. I've had girls pick it up and count it in front of me. I've had girls who honestly didn't even notice the donation nor ask for it upon completion of the date. There have been a couple of times the lady asked for the money even before I had the chance to put it down. There has only be one time when the lady got lazy after getting paid. Actually, not lazy, but more into upsell mode. On those rare occasions when a lady's TCB skills were lacking was due to poor research on my part or at least I knew going in what the girl's rep was.

On the flip side, I think the girls should put themselves in a guy's position. Guys like to be in control-- especially when it comes to a business transaction. Demanding the money up front or grabbing it and counting it in front of us is an insult. It is a trust issue.
Always do your homework on hobbyists and escorts.Hobbyists come see me just lay down money.We enjoy visit!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Always before the appointment starts but I don't count it. I've been doing this so long ... I can feel the weight of 10 $20's in my hand.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Always before the appointment starts but I don't count it. I've been doing this so long ... I can feel the weight of 10 $20's in my hand. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
So if I put two Benjamins in there instead, that would throw you off and make you have to open and count it? Good to know so I can make sure I bring $20's instead.
Always before the appointment starts but I don't count it. I've been doing this so long ... I can feel the weight of 10 $20's in my hand. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Some people might think you're kidding, but I know it's true!
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Some people might think you're kidding, but I know it's true! Originally Posted by LilMynx69
There comes a point though where bringing too many Jackson's isn't fun, and it's easier to bring his friend Grant or Benji instead.

Like RedLeg said, what do you do when that situation comes?
There comes a point though where bringing too many Jackson's isn't fun, and it's easier to bring his friend Grant or Benji instead.

Like RedLeg said, what do you do when that situation comes? Originally Posted by zx10
Honestly? I know the answer but if I say it, then some idiot will try to sneak 3 $20s past a trusting girl...
NTFunGuy's Avatar
To be honest, each provider that I have seen has there own preferred method of receiving donations. Some prefer it upfront. While others will take it after the session is over. It doesn't even matter if they are eccie VPs or not.

What I have found in my personal experience is that the best providers have never demanded the donation upfront or to even be placed in eyesight. They tend to let the session run its course and follow-up at the close of the session. I do, however, usually leave the donation in a card that I place in a gift bag. While I am getting cleaned up/showering/getting dressed the provider can go through it. I think this takes away some of the awkwardness of the situation and it has never created any problems or issues.

As for providers that want everything up front, it's been a mixed experience, but mostly a negative one. First off, I personally feel that it creates an uncomfortable vibe that carries through the session. It sort of kills any connection or intimacy and can ruin a session. I have also found that some providers may change the initial agreement or rush through the session and try to push you out the door as fast as possible.
Guest042715's Avatar
I stuff my BVD's with ones.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I'm trying not to pay whores up front but Time Warner bills that way. Phone, gas, electric all after service but TW takes the whore cake. Pardon me if you don't like the word ladies but TW equals Total Whore in my book.

Seriously, in the hobby, I'm pretty much ready to walk if asked to pay up front. I understand ladies being stiffed but not by me, and I have been stiffed enough to make changes. If the rep is solid I'll fork it over but I'm in the blue collar market and don't always know.