Biden picks Kamala Harris, his former 2020 rival, to be his vice presidential running mate

LMAO! Biden didn’t “pick” anyone, he doesn’t even know what planet he’s on let alone have the awareness to pick a VP candidate. His handlers assigned their affirmative action choice, hoping she’ll help recover the votes of all the normal black people they’ve lost with their BLM riots and defund the police crap. They’ll lose badly. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The left lives and breaths Identity Politics.

From an article by Bonchie:

There is a reason Kamala Harris bombed in the primaries. She is deeply unlikable and inauthentic. Let’s also not forget she accused Biden of racism late last year at the debates. Harris also said she “believed” Biden’s accusers after he was accused of sexual assault and inappropriate touching. The media will never bring it up again, but Republicans will have fun with that.

Given that, that Biden still picked Harris shows how weak and not in control he is. Someone else was pulling the strings here. Regardless, the tickets are now set and things are going to get even more focused now.
Lapdog's Avatar
you'll eating it for 4 more years. i hear a bland diet is bad for the digestion. gives ya the runs. maybe you should look into side salads?

BAHAHAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Ooooo! Salad! Izzat poke salad? I understand that goes well with lame duck and humble pie!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so how many times do you think Joey Corn Poop will mispronounce Harris' first name?




this pick is a loser and a half. the Bernie Bros are in revolt! they'll bail to Team Trump! there goes the bulk of the white female vote! and a bunch of hispanics and asian women. add the fact she prosecuted blacks for "herb" then partook herself and laughed about it will piss off a lot of black men.

yeah a former prosecutor as a VP candidate what with the rioters all uppity and obstreperous will go over bigly! like the Hindenburg.


oh and expect Chung Tran to magically reappear and claim "I TOLD YA" in ..
Lapdog's Avatar
Covfefe? Yo Semite? Thighland?

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:22 PM
It ain't over - Biden won't last a month after inaguration - if elected.

H... is still in the running - and the DPST race/gender baiters would love two women as top in the Oval and VP offices.

And - to be the heartbeat between H.. and the Oval Office - I wouldn't bet a nickel on kamala surviving to ever sit in the Oval office as POTUS.!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ooooo! Salad! Izzat poke salad? I understand that goes well with lame duck and humble pie!

BAHAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

Ranch goes well with pokeweed salad

a friend told me

Lucas McCain's Avatar
One of my closest buddies called me today in a panic. He loves Trump. He goes on this long rant about how he is now worried about his kids and will sell his business and move to the middle of nowhere because this country is going to burn. I simply told him to check out real estate prices now in Montana, Idaho or Alaska and not wait to look in November.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
One of my closest buddies called me today in a panic. He loves Trump. He goes on this long rant about how he is now worried about his kids and will sell his business and move to the middle of nowhere because this country is going to burn. I simply told him to check out real estate prices now in Montana, Idaho or Alaska and not wait to look in November. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

did you also give him some stock tips?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LOL. He doesn't have money to invest. His wife took his ass to the cleaners after his recent divorce. He always borrows money from me just to make payroll. His credit is good with me though because he always pays me back.

I get your sarcasm though, smartass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOL. He doesn't have money to invest. His wife took his ass to the cleaners after his recent divorce. He always borrows money from me just to make payroll. His credit is good with me though because he always pays me back.

I get your sarcasm though, smartass. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

if it makes you feel better looks like i'll have to bail our my Ne'er-do-well brother. Again. like your family that's money i'll never see again. and like you i never expected to.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump keeps talking about
Lapdog's Avatar
if it makes you feel better looks like i'll have to bail our my Ne'er-do-well brother. Again. like your family that's money i'll never see again. and like you i never expected to. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Why don't you loan Trump some of your money? You'll never see it again, either. You're already used to losing.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why don't you loan Trump some of your money? You'll never see it again, either. You're already used to losing.

BAHAHAAAHAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

i'm giving him my vote. that's enough.

so how much are you giving Biden? the shirt off yer back? probably the only thing of value you have.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
if it makes you feel better looks like i'll have to bail our my Ne'er-do-well brother. Again. like your family that's money i'll never see again. and like you i never expected to. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I always joke that I will take all of his kids from him and hold them hostage if he does not pay me back. His youngest is 2 years old. He laughs me off and says you'll return them within a day so you better come up with a better threat because I know you're not changing diapers for a kid who is not yours. He's damn right about that.