Elizabeth Warren as Big of a Draw in Ohio as Hillary Clinton

The thought of a lying, money grubbing, sexual molester enabling cunt becoming President excites you that much, huh. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Just the thought makes her ass wet...

We need some Taint pic's pronto...

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Pocahontashasn't always been supportive of Hilary in the past. I seriously doubt that she'll be the VP pick. HRC's pick will be someone totally loyal to her.
Ward, you are being a little hard on the Beaver. Let's just say Senator Warren lies as much as Hilary and is a poor choice. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

I think she's an EXCELLENT CHOICE! Double down on the women and the Native Americans. Black folks want two white wimmen at the helm. Bitches where's mah money?!?!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think she's an EXCELLENT CHOICE! Double down on the women and the Native Americans. Black folks want two white wimmen at the helm. Bitches where's mah money?!?! Originally Posted by gnadfly

Hmmmmm...........why am I thinking about Blacks on Blonds porn?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hmmmmm...........why am I thinking about Blacks on Blonds porn? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
because the Dali Lama thinks only pure and peaceful thoughts?
  • DSK
  • 06-27-2016, 09:41 PM
Well, well, well. We shall see, won't we boys? I'm excited to see the results of this upcoming election! The more I see the current polling results, the more excited I get!!! Originally Posted by SassySue
I think Hillary is more likely to win without Fauxcahontas.

Whatever, the country is completely fucked up anyway.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The only polling results that count are on the first Tuesday in November. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If the foo shits wear it.
If the foo shits wear it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What's been made obvious during the course of the Clinton-Sanders primary fight is that the electorate is split into Democrats who believe Wall Street needs to be closely watched and regulated but is not fundamentally evil and Democrats who believe Wall Street is corrupt through and through and must be treated as such. Clinton is on one side of this divide, Sanders and Warren are on the other. This passage, taken from Ryan Lizza's terrific May 2015 profile of Warren in the New Yorker, is telling:

As Lizza goes on to report, Clinton allies believe Warren's views on the economy — and the real root causes of wage stagnation and income inequality — are overly simplistic and reflect a lack of deep understanding of how the world actually works. "The challenge of wage stagnation is that it’s happening in large swaths of the economy, many parts of which are relatively untouched by the influence of the banks,” one Clinton adviser told Lizza

Full article:


Same reason a lot of democrats wanted Bernie Sanders for President, not Clinton.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Guess what? We may have two women at the helm next term! Look at this article from ABC news. Elizabeth Warren is very popular, just as popular as Bernie Sanders among the working class, and she may be Clinton's pick for Vice President. Take a look at this article:

http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/eliza...ry?id=40167358 Originally Posted by SassySue
You can put Hillary and Fauxchahontas together and you'll still get a crowd 1/5 the size of a Trump crowd. Hillary will never put Warren on the ticket and give away her historical boast.
You can put Hillary and Fauxchahontas together and you'll still get a crowd 1/5 the size of a Trump crowd. Hillary will never put Warren on the ticket and give away her historical boast. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You didn't even read my last post.
Two hypocrites in blue. How nice.

They bitch about how Wall Street needs to pay it's "fair share" of taxes yet Clinton has taken millions($) from Wall Street.

Now, where are those bank speech transcripts??? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Good point
Warren has not endorsed Clinton, so she probably won't be Vice President. Like I said, they have different views about Wall Street and bankers. You didn't read my post #23. I actually wanted Bernie Sanders for President. I realize she is backed by Wall Street; I just feel she is the lesser of two evils. I am a Democrat, so naturally I won't vote GOP, and Trump scares me.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump scares me. Originally Posted by SassySue
You know what's even scarier?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, I didn't read your stupid link again.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You know what's even scarier?

YOUR IGNORANCE! Originally Posted by lustylad

And she votes!