Something else Obama is pretty shitty at.

oops, sorry wrong thread...

I agree with Lustylad.

In a perfect world rescue operations would always work smoothly and perfectly. Unfortunately though, the read world is not like Hollywood.

Even with the best intelligence, the best planning, and the best preparation, things can still go wrong.

I applaud Obama for giving the green light to the rescue attempt. I don't blame those who were involved in the intelligence gathering, planning, and execution of the attempt. They did their job. Success is never a guarantee though in these situations.

My heart goes out to the family of those lost. The blame for their death lies squarely at the feet of the scumbags who took them hostage, not at the feet of our gov't or our leaders.
Admiral, as usual, you are an idiot. Dead hostages, killed by animals and the only thing you can do is spew your stupid, over the top bullshit about Obama. We get it, he is responsible for everything from ebola to the flat tire you had today....fucking idiot.

I am terribly sorry the thing went wrong, but at least he didn't die on his knees getting his head sawed off by one of those savages.
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  • 12-06-2014, 07:56 PM
[JD Barleycorn;1056109353]Hostage rescue. Today American journalist Luke Somers died while being "rescued". How many has Obama been able to get back? I may be wrong but I can only think of the deserter and that cost us dearly. I know, some will say that this isn't the fault of Obama but I remember the Mad Boy-King taking most of the credit for getting Bin Laden so I give him the blame for the failures of which there have been many.
What do I want him to do? Getting the job done should be job one. We keep hearing stories about delays, dithering, and mission changes. Those stories have always turned out to be true. As George Bush and Dick Cheney understood and said, you go to war with what you have. Same things goes for hostage rescue, sometimes you can't wait for perfect or maybe Obama is waiting for some "expert" to give him a 100% guarantee. If anything went wrong that "expert" would be shown the underside of the bus pretty damn quick by the Mad Boy-King and his cohorts.[/QUOTE]JD posts like these are why you are by far the dippest of DIpshits in this forum. You should be neutered. Not that you getting butt fucked regularly will result in your genes passing on...

Admiral, as usual, you are an idiot. Dead hostages, killed by animals and the only thing you can do is spew your stupid, over the top bullshit about Obama. We get it, he is responsible for everything from ebola to the flat tire you had today....fucking idiot.

I am terribly sorry the thing went wrong, but at least he didn't die on his knees getting his head sawed off by one of those savages. Originally Posted by timpage
So Timmy you agree with Tanto? Huh Timmy?... Huh Timmy?... Huh Timmy?... Huh Timmy?... Huh Timmy?...

[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1056109353] I may be wrong

You usually are.
I wonder if the families gave their OK on this high risk operation. You would think it is SOP to involve the families and get their ok prior to the mission.
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  • 12-07-2014, 07:08 AM
I wonder if the families gave their OK on this high risk operation. You would think it is SOP to involve the families and get their ok prior to the mission. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wonder if the family gave the ok before he went to a high risk country?

You do understand that they were going to kill him...The rescue attempt was the only option.

You do not want to be clumped with JD in the " blame Obama for everything" crowd.
If they were going to kill him the next day what would your answer be?
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Don't trash Obama on this one. Intelligence was good, the go-ahead was given. Even the SEALs don't bat 1.000. They got within 100 yards and almost snatched the hostages away unharmed. Keep in mind that a hostage rescue is a lot harder and riskier than the bin laden raid which was a kill-or-capture mission. Originally Posted by lustylad

Actually Bin Laden was a plain ole killing raid. It would have been so much more effective to have captured him. Killing him was a strategic blunder.

On this OP though, the more we screw up in the eyes of the world the stronger the terrorists get. Whether it is the screw ups with negoiations like Bergdahl, assassinations where we take out too many collaterals (and then apologize), or we can't get in and get the hostages alive. No matter how hard our special ops guys work if the overall strategy coming out of the White House is flawed we're going to fall further and further behind in public perceptions. Killing by drone is easy. Going in and taking an intelligence source or hostage alive is hard but worth it.

I will give you that the Somalia pirate thing went well and a couple of others but they seem to be the exception. Perceptions are important. Yes, it sucks but it is true. If we are percieved to be winners and all knowing then the world takes note. If our (OUR) media highlghts our failures the world is watching.
Actually Bin Laden was a plain ole killing raid. It would have been so much more effective to have captured him. Killing him was a strategic blunder.

On this OP though, the more we screw up in the eyes of the world the stronger the terrorists get. Whether it is the screw ups with negoiations like Bergdahl, assassinations where we take out too many collaterals (and then apologize), or we can't get in and get the hostages alive. No matter how hard our special ops guys work if the overall strategy coming out of the White House is flawed we're going to fall further and further behind in public perceptions. Killing by drone is easy. Going in and taking an intelligence source or hostage alive is hard but worth it.

I will give you that the Somalia pirate thing went well and a couple of others but they seem to be the exception. Perceptions are important. Yes, it sucks but it is true. If we are percieved to be winners and all knowing then the world takes note. If our (OUR) media highlghts our failures the world is watching. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bullshit, as usual. Maybe you haven't noticed but these people are beheading our people on a regular basis? Are you seriously advocating the position that when we know where these hostages are located and when we have been warned by the terrorists that they are going to saw these hostages' heads off that we sit on our hands? Fucking moron.
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  • 12-07-2014, 12:47 PM
Bullshit, as usual. Maybe you haven't noticed but these people are beheading our people on a regular basis? Are you seriously advocating the position that when we know where these hostages are located and when we have been warned by the terrorists that they are going to saw these hostages' heads off that we sit on our hands? Fucking moron. Originally Posted by timpage
JD is by far the biggest Idiot in this forum.So yes that is wtf he is advocating , he is just to stupid to realize it.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I should have known that the shallow thinkers wouldn't get it.

You really want to impress the terrorists? Stage multiple raids (strikes and rescues) all over the world at the same time. Show the world and terrorist what they are up against.
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  • 12-07-2014, 11:07 PM
I guess I should have known that the shallow thinkers wouldn't get it.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD is the only poster on the board that can unite both the left and right into agreeing how idiotic his idea's are!
Some moron probably put the Resue Attempt on YouTube or Twitter or some other dipshit social media venue.

"Hey Abdul, Suzi in State Dep says big Resue tonight, OMG"