beard love... share yours!

RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I spent most of the day today attending a political rally. My wife is a candidate for a state legislative office and she was a guest speaker. Her speech was an essay that she wrote promoting legalizing prostitution in our state. After the rally we went to a restaurant for an early dinner.

As we walked into this restaurant, a young male host [maybe 20-25] exclaimed what a wonderful beard I had. He approached me and asked me what he needed to do to grow a full beard, and he showed me where his growth is a bit patchy. There were two young female hostesses with him, and in front of them I said that he needs to apply a skin creme on his face every day with hormones in it that will trigger his beard to grow. I suggest 'female fluids', I looked at one of the girls and I asked her if she knew what 'female fluids' were, she said that she did and she smiled. I told them that a female's fluids have just the right hormones, that if applied to his face should trigger his beard to come in full and bushy. My wife and I went on in to a table where we enjoyed a wonderful meal. After our meal, as we left the restaurant I asked one of those young ladies if she thought she could see to it that the young man could get some help getting access to those female fluids, she assured me that her friends were up to the task, seeing that it was a medical issue and all.

When we got back to our car to drive home, I felt that I had done a really good deed for the day, helping that young man like I did.

Seeskylar's Avatar
I am attracted more to a man that has a beard that is not to long but trimmed and I love running my hands on it. Whoop whoop beard men turn me on. Iso
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I am attracted more to a man that has a beard that is not to long but trimmed and I love running my hands on it. Whoop whoop beard men turn me on. Iso Originally Posted by Seeskylar
and how long, do you consider to be 'too long', my dear?

I find that ladies do seem to like touching a beard and running their fingers through it.