
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Henry It’s the little red outlined triangle under your encounter number
It means return the message, lol.
go back about 2 weeks or so and who makes a post about girls from particular studios, how they bump a review, etc. Check out their review etc...

The Studio forum is easy to pick up Originally Posted by nfhs04
I hope I don’t come off a promoter (I’m not even close). I just recently joined the group of reviewers. And have only been the a select few studios. I don’t think stuff was directed at me but I know I’ve been more active than most the short time I’ve been on here but that’s also because of my free time for work etc
BigBamboo's Avatar
Bamboo, where are your reviews? You’re complaining about the reviews here but I don’t see you doing shit.

Life tip: if you want to see something being done, do it yourself first. Otherwise you’re just crying. Originally Posted by Aoi
Here we go again… Was kind of expecting you to pop in and make a snide remark here eventually. It was just a matter of time. Anytime your better half gets in a bind you come running. Good to see the other half of the AGD team has showed up for the party. Glad you accepted the invite.

But no one here needs your life tip. No one here wants your pathetic life either. No one here needs your expletives either. Go cry elsewhere in defense of your promoter group and its lack of credibility.

I’ve posted many reviews here in the past. This thread isn’t about lack of reviews. You of all people should know that seeing as how your band of cronies have polluted this forum to the hilt with misinformation and crap reviews. I prefer QUALITY OVER QUANTITY, as do other PAYING customers. My post is asking promoters to take a break from muddying the forum. Can’t find a credible review here anymore without taking a day to do it.

Here’s a real review for you to read:
New accounts that have a bunch of reviews is a BIG flag.

The chance that someone started hobbying, discovered Eccie, made an account in 2022/2023, see like 30 girls a week, post 100 times a day how great the girls are pretty slim to none.

There are exceptions of legacy accounts promoting but in general they’re brand new ass accounts that pop up out of nowhere. Makes them kinda easy to spot though which is nice like SCORE BIG. That one got called out and I assumed made a new account.

Simple rule is not to trust anyone that hasn’t been around for 5+ years.
Namssa's Avatar
is the report to moderator button. RTM

We find that it is underused by most and overused by a few.

I strongly advise everyone decide if any post you make on a review, even your own review, adds to discussion. Anything off topic, you can start your own thread in the Sandbox.

It's in red so take it as your only warning. This could include bumping reviews with something as simple as replying" thanks" to someone on your own review.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
New accounts that have a bunch of reviews is a BIG flag.

The chance that someone started hobbying, discovered Eccie, made an account in 2022/2023, see like 30 girls a week, post 100 times a day how great the girls are pretty slim to none.

There are exceptions of legacy accounts promoting but in general they’re brand new ass accounts that pop up out of nowhere. Makes them kinda easy to spot though which is nice like SCORE BIG. That one got called out and I assumed made a new account.

Simple rule is not to trust anyone that hasn’t been around for 5+ years. Originally Posted by houston23
Houston I take exception to your simple rule my friend. You can go back and read my posts and reviews. Bamboo Maybe the promoters will start taking vacations since it’s summertime and kids are out of school and the weather is warmer. Also interested in reading your Vegas reviews if you happen to make it out that way.
BigBamboo's Avatar
is the report to moderator button. RTM

We find that it is underused by most and overused by a few.

I strongly advise everyone decide if any post you make on a review, even your own review, ads to discussion. Anything off topic, you can start your own thread in the Sandbox.

It's in red so take it as your only warning. This could include bumping reviews with something as simple as replying" thanks" to someone on your own review.
Originally Posted by Namssa
This is a great point! Thanks for adding it here. Perhaps this could help curb the excessive promoter review bumps that plague this forum.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 02:31 PM
Here we go again… Was kind of expecting you to pop in and make a snide remark here eventually. It was just a matter of time. Anytime your better half gets in a bind you come running. Good to see the other half of the AGD team has showed up for the party. Glad you accepted the invite.

But no one here needs your life tip. No one here wants your pathetic life either. No one here needs your expletives either. Go cry elsewhere in defense of your promoter group and its lack of credibility.

I’ve posted many reviews here in the past. This thread isn’t about lack of reviews. You of all people should know that seeing as how your band of cronies have polluted this forum to the hilt with misinformation and crap reviews. I prefer QUALITY OVER QUANTITY, as do other PAYING customers. My post is asking promoters to take a break from muddying the forum. Can’t find a credible review here anymore without taking a day to do it.

Here’s a real review for you to read: Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Bamboo, you have not written a Dallas review in almost 8 months. You are not in any position to judge anyone about anything here, nor have you ever been in any such position. That's all that needs to be said.

Houston I take exception to your simple rule my friend. You can go back and read my posts and reviews. Bamboo Maybe the promoters will start taking vacations since it’s summertime and kids are out of school and the weather is warmer. Also interested in reading your Vegas reviews if you happen to make it out that way. Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1

Check out the gals, go to TER and look up reviews for said gal and go from there. A little more work than it all gathering in one spot here, but it's ultimately better and free of useless drama.
Bamboo, you have not written a Dallas review in almost 8 months. You are not in any position to judge anyone about anything here, nor have you ever been in any such position. That's all that needs to be said.

Check out the gals, go to TER and look up reviews for said gal and go from there. A little more work than it all gathering in one spot here, but it's ultimately better and free of useless drama. Originally Posted by Aoi
You are a promoter; your words means nothing here
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 03:31 PM
You are a promoter; your words means nothing here Originally Posted by txcasper
Oh. no. someone. on. the. internet. called. me. something. they've. been. calling. me. for. the. last. several. months. whatever. will. i. do.

This forum is a forum to write reviews and talk about the ladies. Short of that, nothing you or anyone else says serves any purpose.

Now, go kick rocks.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Promoters are mostly just noise. Same with the information.

Dallas promoters are shooting themselves in the foot if they think tons of promoter reviews help.

I know those studio owners and promoters read this forum. Read my post and wake up. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
Your thread title should have been ''Studio Owners''.

When you go to McDonald's and complain you didn't get ketchup, the Fries are too salty, or the Cashier didn't give you the 3 cents change on your $13.22 bill, when you gave her $13.25... The Employees don't care. They are doing their job. Talk to the Owner/Manager. If you just complain to your friends, that the employees suck, nothing changes. They assume you, ahem, ''Love the sauce''.

Reviews aren’t always needed in several other cities where many of the girls I see are mainstays in those places and have already been vetted as reliable, beautiful and service oriented at a fair price. Other sources are friends of mine in other locales. Then last resort would be reviews.

Many of my friends have abandoned Dallas opting instead for other cities where they say the hobbying is better and more consistent without the overhype from promoters. Go figure. Originally Posted by BigBamboo
That is an unrealistic metric, of course. Very few guys can take off to other cities to hobby. And it's great that those other cities are hobby perfection. Dallas is not, in the opinion of Studio Owners, or this thread would not exist.

Promoters have no feelings and to claim their reviews are not truthful? Hit the rtm button and provide facts. Not emotions. Originally Posted by Ghostrider

This idea is so misunderstood. Promoters don't care that you label them ''Promoters''. I remember way back in 2014, making a thread, where I questioned if some of the AMP reviews were, let's say, Arm's-length, un-promotional. My damn inbox nearly exploded from the volumne of PM's over the following 2-3 days. This has been known for 9 years, probably closer to 29.

How many guys have been labelled Promoters? I would say easily 80% of the handles, if not 90%. Of course there is the one guy who changes handles like we change shirts, is banned every one to two months, and returns with his single mission, to label everyone a Promoter. I would say he is a failed wanna be Promoter, who believes he is ''getting back'' at Studio Owners who told him to fuck off. This Guy thinks his bullshit is a game-changer. It is NOT. Anyone who has spent 6 months on this Forum knows the promotion is INCREASING. Multi-handle crusading Dude is a complete Failure.

New accounts that have a bunch of reviews is a BIG flag.

Thoe chance that someone started hobbying, discovered Eccie, made an account in 2022/2023, see like 30 girls a week, post 100 times a day how great the girls are pretty slim to none.

There are exceptions of legacy accounts promoting but in general they’re brand new ass accounts that pop up out of nowhere. Makes them kinda easy to spot though which is nice like SCORE BIG. That one got called out and I assumed made a new account.

Simple rule is not to trust anyone that hasn’t been around for 5+ years. Originally Posted by houston23
Basically true. Anyone who was around then, can attest that 5 years is a key barometer, for reasons too many to get into.

is the report to moderator button. RTM

We find that it is underused by most and overused by a few.

I strongly advise everyone decide if any post you make on a review, even your own review, ads to discussion. Anything off topic, you can start your own thread in the Sandbox.

It's in red so take it as your only warning. This could include bumping reviews with something as simple as replying" thanks" to someone on your own review.
Originally Posted by Namssa
This is a great point! Thanks for adding it here. Perhaps this could help curb the excessive promoter review bumps that plague this forum. Originally Posted by BigBamboo

If Namssa's words fortell action, this is revolutionary. As far as I can remember, these stupid bumps have plagued the Forum, and nothing was ever done. I even proposed a minimum 10-word thread response minimum, to help eliminate this problem.. No more ''thanks'', or ''saw her today'', and crap. Maybe it is too difficult to enforce? Probably so, since multi-handle, constantly-banned Dude can't be curtailed.

I don't know if I'm one of the ''overused'' RTM guys, LOL, but I may get on that list soon. There is no specific language to report ''Bullshit bump'', so the Mods need to be instructed on this apparently brand new policy.
Oh. no. someone. on. the. internet. called. me. something. they've. been. calling. me. for. the. last. several. months. whatever. will. i. do.

This forum is a forum to write reviews and talk about the ladies. Short of that, nothing you or anyone else says serves any purpose.

Now, go kick rocks. Originally Posted by Aoi
lol.....countless threads about everyone being sick of promoters and the fact you haven't figured out that you are outed is hilarious.
You put the simp in simpleton....carry on lady
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-08-2023, 04:24 PM
lol.....countless threads about everyone being sick of promoters and the fact you haven't figured out that you are outed is hilarious.
You put the simp in simpleton....carry on lady Originally Posted by txcasper
Dude... are you so slow that you didn't pick up on the obvious tone of that post?
BigBamboo's Avatar
Bamboo, you have not written a Dallas review in almost 8 months. You are not in any position to judge anyone about anything here, nor have you ever been in any such position. That's all that needs to be said. Originally Posted by Aoi
Not sure about that eight months not writing a review in the Dallas Studio forum but I haven’t checked on my review dates lately. Guess you have. Plus I’m not paid to write reviews for these studios in Dallas. I’ve got little time to do so.

But as usual, you’re missing the point focusing more on wanting to prove yourself right…

So, what apparently really “needs to be said” AGAIN is this thread is NOT about writing reviews. It’s about promoters need to take a break and NOT write reviews for a while. Seriously dude! Go back and RE-READ my first post on this thread v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. It will help get you back on track.

And no need to rudely tell other posters on my thread to go “kick rocks.” Please don’t be a turd like that.

@Namssa Who’s your avatar? She’s got a great body! Love her tits!
Chung Tran's Avatar
lol.....countless threads about everyone being sick of promoters and the fact you haven't figured out that you are outed is hilarious.
You put the simp in simpleton....carry on lady Originally Posted by txcasper

Let's get real. Countless threads? I recall another from BB, and one from the vadc multi-handle, constantly-banned handle. Is the latter credible to you? As I just posted, he appears to be a scorned wanna-be Promoter.

Aoi just mocked you for calling him a Promoter for many months. How does that square with ''haven't figured out you were outted''?

Back to my post, Promoters don't care if you are sick of them. Your wrath is misplaced. Promoters exist ONLY because of studio owners. I think you know that, but you don't want to post it, maybe fearing you will get locked out of studio access? Whatever the reason, Promotion is greater now, than ever before. These threads have done NOTHING to change ANYTHING.