Yssup Rider's Avatar
Geraldo Rivera ...


and what the fuck are you blathering about an Illiilois senator? Who are you indicting today, DickWhisperer?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ANY democratic politician in Illinois. Today? What time is it?

I notice that you couldn't answer the question. I can't make it any easier.
flghtr65's Avatar
Uh, FYI, Hannity does not claim to be a "journalist". He readily admits to his conservative leanings, and does not claim to be "fair and balanced".

He's an idiot, but he is not a journalist. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't believe it, there is one thing I can agree with COG on, Hannity is an idiot. Did anyone notice that Hannity did not want to talk about the first 10 Trillion of debt that Obama inherited from Bush, just the additional 6 Trillion that is attributed to Obama? 800 Billion of that went for the Stimulus. AIG received a 250 Billion TARP loan (bailout), the largest of bailouts given. So there is one Trillion of the 6 Trillion right there. GM, Chysler, and the Banks(Bank of America,Chase, Wells Fargo, Citygroup) all received bailouts to turn the economy around. Fed chairman Berneke also gave Wall Street firms additional loans. Someone tell Hannity that the 6 trillion was to get out of the recession that Bush left the USA with. The Bailouts have worked, the USA is out of the recession, any Phd. economist will tell you that.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The bailouts worked??? Better crack a book and find out how Coolidge stopped an even worst downturn. Hint, it didn't take any bailouts. You can study how Roosevelt (FDR) extended the depression with massive government spending. Depending on who you talk to GM still owes the country 20-25 billion dollars.

Heed the words of Henry Morgenthau Jr. the architect of the New Deal.
[U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr.]: No, gentlemen, we have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong, as far as I am concerned, somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…
But why not let’s come to grips? And as I say, all I am interested in is to really see this country prosperous and this form of Government continue, because after eight years if we can’t make a success somebody else is going to claim the right to make it and he’s got the right to make the trial. I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started.
Mr. Doughton: And an enormous debt to boot!
HMJr.: And an enormous debt to boot! We are just sitting here and fiddling and I am just wearing myself out and getting sick. Because why? I can’t see any daylight. I want it for my people, for my children, and your children. I want to see some daylight and I don’t see it…
—Transcript of private meeting at the Treasury Department, May 9, 1939, F.D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The Bailouts have worked, the USA is out of the recession, any Phd. economist will tell you that. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I don't believe it, there is one thing I can agree with COG on, Hannity is an idiot. Did anyone notice that Hannity did not want to talk about the first 10 Trillion of debt that Obama inherited from Bush, just the additional 6 Trillion that is attributed to Obama? 800 Billion of that went for the Stimulus. AIG received a 250 Billion TARP loan (bailout), the largest of bailouts given. So there is one Trillion of the 6 Trillion right there. GM, Chysler, and the Banks(Bank of America,Chase, Wells Fargo, Citygroup) all received bailouts to turn the economy around. Fed chairman Berneke also gave Wall Street firms additional loans. Someone tell Hannity that the 6 trillion was to get out of the recession that Bush left the USA with. The Bailouts have worked, the USA is out of the recession, any Phd. economist will tell you that. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Christ Almighty, you libtards can sound so incredibly stupid. O'Blunder didn't inherit $10 trillion from Bush, he inherited it from the previous 43 Presidents combined!!!! It took 232 years to get to $10 trillion, and O'Blunder saddled us with $6 trillion in 4 years...a remarkable accomplishment. Idiots.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A very good point. I feel like an idiot for not thinking of that myself. Where does that leave fighter?
JCM800's Avatar
Christ Almighty, you libtards can sound so incredibly stupid. O'Blunder didn't inherit $10 trillion from Bush, he inherited it from the previous 43 Presidents combined!!!! It took 232 years to get to $10 trillion, and O'Blunder saddled us with $6 trillion in 4 years...a remarkable accomplishment. Idiots. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
or we can look at it like total points scored
thats 373,495,269,325.00 - PPG per Prez
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hannity isnt a journalist, not a reporter, not a news person, and has never claimed to be any of that.
Hannity does not hide behind anything and is nothing more than a opinionist commentator unlike so called journalists that fail miserably at their jobs.
JCM800's Avatar
most are just great teleprompter readers anyway ..."journalist" is pretty generous for them
Good one CC.............

Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
joe bloe's Avatar
Hannity isnt a journalist, not a reporter, not a news person, and has never claimed to be any of that.
Hannity does not hide behind anything and is nothing more than a opinionist commentator unlike so called journalists that fail miserably at their jobs. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
What makes leftist "journalists" so diabolical is that they masquerade as unbiased people just reporting the facts. Main stream media delivers propaganda disguised as news. This makes their message much more powerful, because the listener doesn't have their intellectual guard up. They accept the information provided by ABC, NBC and CBS, without stopping to factor in that they're just being told someone's opinion.

Sean Hannity is an advocate for conservativism and openly admits it. Bryan Williams is an advocate for liberalism and will never admit it.

Liberals have to lie in order to defend their philosophy. If overnight, everyone lost the capacity to lie, liberalism would cease to exist immediately.
Keith Ellison was a follower of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam; he renounced his association for political reasons. He goes by several aliases: Keith X Ellison, Keith Hakim, and Keith Ellison-Muhammad. He took his oath of office on the Koran. This guy is a real thug. I highly recommend the two articles I'm linking to. They show just how low the Democratic Party has sunk; it's become a haven for the scum of the Earth.


http://www.weeklystandard.com/Conten...2/764obcsx.asp Originally Posted by joe bloe
After watching this video. I was wondering why this guy Ellison even agreed to show up. It appeared that right from jump street he was trying to stir up some shit with Hannity. But now after reading your post, if what you've stated is true that pretty much explains Ellison's demeanor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Frankly, you fuckers probably didnt start reading until they dumbed down the language with the rise of TV news.

Journalism majors out there?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Whatzup I was watching the news when Cronkrite, Huntley, and Brinkley were giving it and you were discovering the relief of a clean diaper.

Hannity has never said he was a journalist which is true, but he has never taken cheap shots at guests after they leave the set like Brian Williams, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Brian Gumbel, Barbra Walters, et. al have. Some have been more blatant and insulting like Gumbel calling a guest a moron as he gets out of earshot (but on the air) and others just forget to give full credit. In fact, Bill O'Reilly has been frequently criticized for not attacking individuals when the viewers thought he should. Can you tell me the name of a left wing journalist who has given Sarah Palin a fair shake? FYI: Palin is a journalism major Whatzup.