real shitty dude

What prick! I'm always ready for some Shayla, I'll call you today
No he has short hair. He got a hold of me last night and it's supposedly going to make it right on Friday I guess we will I hope he does Originally Posted by shayla84
id proceed with much caution.
Couture's Avatar
Sorry this happen...

There is absolutely no way I would ever just let someone rip me off like that!
He's never made it right. I don't know what else to do so I guess I just get to call it a loss
DocHolyday's Avatar
Come on Hawk, step up and do the right thing. Don't be a low life thief!! Do you work for free?? Hell no you don't, so pay this nice lady!!!

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you Ms. Shayla
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
So a guy I've seen in Iowa since I came just shorted me all my cash except $10 and it was wrapped around this note.
I didn't check because he's never done anything like that before. I'm so fucking hurt that is so fucking shitty dude.

He come to cr to see all his girls, he's a white guy. He's now driving a van. I have his number if you want it.

That was not just my rent but to help me get to Des Moines you asshole. Originally Posted by shayla84
Totally disgusting ... you want to be very trusting and then someone whose a familiar face pulls something like this. Unbelievably fucked up.

He's literally the don't rob anyone especially a pregnant woman smh.
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Is it hawk74....? Send me the digits plz
Couture's Avatar
Is it hawk74....? Send me the digits plz Originally Posted by JocelynJohnsin
His handle on here use to be hawk1...
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Ah gotcha - this was p411 handle- some keep em the same some change them ...either way I wind up confused lol especially when there's soooo many hawk/Hawkeye handles.
Hawks222's Avatar
Wish I could change my user name lol