Sugar Daddy Allowances?

Not at all sorry if I came off that way .

Basicly it is what the other gents have said .

If a middle aged to later in life gent whom has the financial capacity to be a sugar daddy see,S something he wants he goes for it no matter what.

He might be a dececent bloke but not a sugar daddy

Life is a risk and someone you desire is not
  • Sandy
  • 03-26-2016, 03:26 PM
He might be a dececent bloke but not a sugar daddy

I believe you are right, thank you for the input~
I still may take him up on the free cruise though 🎉🍾
I'm a little late to the party Carrie but your friends here are definitely right and this guy is NOT what you are looking for. This is one of the oldest scams around "I care for you so much it doesn't seem right to be paying you".

IMHO it is manipulative and insulting. First - this implies that "paying" for your time makes you undesirable or someone not worthy. It is the old story of can he take you to meet Mom (in this case lets use his daughter. God forbid he introduces you to his daughter if he is paying to fuck you. Secondly, this is the "let me rescue you from your horrible life" game. My guess is you make more than him and have more fun.

Two thoughts on the cruise. There is no such thing as a free lunch. In essence YOU will be paying. How much income will you lose while away?????? Obviously your choice but when he tries to extract something from you later by bringing up all the money he spent on you - remind him that you were on unpaid vacation.

Enough of this rant. $500,000 does not make a sugar daddy. I have an SB who gets an allowance, gifts (lavish and practical) and lots of first class travel. Suffice to say it equates to a lot.
I just wanted to add Kinky Carrie something has been eating at me so I have to ask

How kinky do you like your behind closed door activity's?

What iam getting at is would you rather have a norm relationship with daddy war bucks ? Are keep it kinky and bend over some more assholes?

I have some ideas in mind for ?
I have some ideas in mind for ?[/QUOTE]

Intriguing to say the least. Maybe Carrie would like a "paid" get away
  • Sandy
  • 03-27-2016, 10:09 AM
All request should go to my inbox, or email to
It sounds like the same person who chatted with me off of another website.
(I also have KINKY in front of my name on this other website.)
I am a Pro Domme.

YOU are the ONLY PERSON who knows what your financial needs are.
If you come off as sounding mercenary, he might bolt. Just be honest.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-27-2016, 11:22 AM
I find this thread more laughable than pensive.

I have never called myseld a SD, and in truth find the term a bit unpleasant. But I may be one by whatevef name. I have a long time friend who I see regularly. There is no script or clock. Sometines she stays over at my place or hers. We go to nice dinners, symphony, away for weekends but I give her no money--but I pay her rent and utilities at a nice place. Someone please tell me how this is any different at all from handing her XXXX dollars a month in "allowance". Some of the comments on this thread are just foolish. Not all gifts are reated equal. A SB/SD arrangement is inherently flexible, and the best ones find creati e ways to meet both people's needs and situation.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I find this thread more laughable than pensive.

I have never called myseld a SD, and in truth find the term a bit unpleasant. But I may be one by whatevef name. I have a long time friend who I see regularly. There is no script or clock. Sometines she stays over at my place or hers. We go to nice dinners, symphony, away for weekends but I give her no money--but I pay her rent and utilities at a nice place. Someone please tell me how this is any different at all from handing her XXXX dollars a month in "allowance". Some of the comments on this thread are just foolish. Not all gifts are reated equal. A SB/SD arrangement is inherently flexible, and the best ones find creati e ways to meet both people's needs and situation. Originally Posted by Old-T
You are talking to a bunch of hookers and Johns that watch to much TV.

All SDs give new cars and condos and fly a private jet.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
It sounds to me like he just wants a steady piece of ass. If wants to be your boyfriend, does that he wants you to be his girlfriend. If not, it's a one-way street.

1. Ask for the whole ball of wax - trips, car, housing (separate from his), very expensive gifts, big money, etc.

2. Tell him to give you his itinerary and you will schedule the days he's in town with him at your regular overnight rate for 1-3 days. For more time, give him progressively lower rates for 4-7 days. For even longer periods, don't go below the effective rate for 7 day stays. For instance, if it works out that your weekly rate is $7000, then each additional day would be $1,000. For short trips within the contiguous 48 states, Canada, and Mexico, the rates don't change. For more exotic trips like cruises and trips outside of North America give him a 20% discount.

3. If he doesn't accept either option, put on your meanest kink, grab your meanest tool and do what you do. Dominate him until he submits to give you anything you want whenever you want it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-27-2016, 02:59 PM
Wow. Not the way the world work PD. Not at all.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I keep forgetting to put...LOL

And of course, you can't see the smirk on my fav.
  • Tiny
  • 03-27-2016, 06:50 PM
What kind of gifts would subsidize me? Originally Posted by Kinky Carrie
You should know the answer to your question much, much better than anyone else here. Make him aware of your wants and needs and if you don't feel happy with the "relationship" at any point, terminate it. Respectfully, you're overanalyzing this. You're not looking at marrying the guy. Old-T's words are wise:

A SB/SD arrangement is inherently flexible, and the best ones find creative ways to meet both people's needs and situation. Originally Posted by Old-T
  • jwood
  • 03-27-2016, 07:20 PM
If you want a bf he's your man. If you want a SD move on.
Tell him what you are looking for and see if he is interested. A good sb/sd relationship is one where you both feel there is a friendship there and both parties are looking to enhance and benefit each other equally - and that last word is very important. If you feel you are giving more than you are getting then you will need to talk to him; if you feel he is giving more than you are putting into the 'relationship' - its likely he feels the same way and eventually will replace you. Try to work a balance - communication is key. Good luck.