Tips for Avoiding Coronavirus from Johns Hopkins

Chung Tran's Avatar
DeBlasio and his health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot(or whatever they call it) were on record in March exhorting people to get out there and socialize - over a month after Trump cut off flights from China, saving many lives. Originally Posted by friendly fred

true.. but while Trump stopped flights from China, he was extremely slow mobilizing a response elsewhere, and his rhetoric was care-free until recently.

Deblasio looked positively stupid just 2 weeks ago.

thanks for the post Dilbert.. I found a lot of usable information there.
Exactly. DeBlasio and his policy advisors need to be charged criminally on the federal level. Everything they did contradicted CDC guidelines published at that time. Originally Posted by SecretE
Everybody hates that guy on both ends of the political spectrum so perhaps that will happen.
true.. but while Trump stopped flights from China, he was extremely slow mobilizing a response elsewhere, and his rhetoric was care-free until recently.

Deblasio looked positively stupid just 2 weeks ago.

thanks for the post Dilbert.. I found a lot of usable information there. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
He has the US (with help from everyone in the healthcare and related industries, obviously) up to 100,000 tests per day!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like i wasted my time posting this

snope sez its not accurate and it did not come john hopkins university.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
OEN issued a correction about its article. there were something wrong in there.
OEN issued a correction about its article. there were something wrong in there. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
That's ok there is still some good information in there. I am glad you posted the update. I read something the other day where a common denominator of many victims was a Zinc deficiency. It turns out that information wasn't quite accurate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That's ok there is still some good information in there. I am glad you posted the update. I read something the other day where a common denominator of many victims was a Zinc deficiency. It turns out that information wasn't quite accurate. Originally Posted by Levianon17

the dna/rna info was wrong. that was corrected.

the listerine statement was removed.

rest of the info is ok.
the dna/rna info was wrong. that was corrected.

the listerine statement was removed.

rest of the info is ok. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Unfortunately the end results of this crisis will be devastating but hopefully a lot will be learned.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Exclusive to OpEdNews:
General News 3/29/2020 at 17:00:55

Tips for Avoiding Coronavirus
By Meryl Ann Butler

Note: March 30, 2020, 9:58 am: due to comments by alert readers, the source of this information, ie, Johns Hopkins University, became questionable. Johns Hopkins has sent out communications saying that some information is being disseminated in their name that is not from them, and that likely includes the information in the article below. As a result, this article was hidden while research could be done.

The information offered below was discovered on two California doctors' sites. The first site I found it on was the KDT Optometry site, as indicated in the original article. Dr. Khoa D Truong is an optometrist in San Diego. When questions arose, I wrote to him to ask the source of his information, and he responded: " I got this information from Dr. Motwani, MD. as seen on this Facebook post. He is a well known Lasik surgeon in San Diego." and Dr. Truong provided the link. I then contacted Dr. Motwani, and am waiting for a response, which will be included here upon receipt.

Update Mar 30, 10:50 am: Dr. Motwani also responded promptly, saying that while he did not have a citation, "I read it and the information is very good, except for a mistake in the virus description because coronaviruses are RNA viruses. The rest of it is very good info that is relatively basic and can be found in many other locations... I posted it as I thought the recommendations were very good and it is a time that people are afraid and starved for info that can help them...Although a couple of people have caught the mistake on the description, no one has argued about the recommendations!"

Mar 30, 11:59 am: changes have been made to the original article based on Dr. Motwani's suggestions, including:

1. "DNA" in the first point has been changed to "RNA."

2. "LISTERINE IF IT SERVES! It is 65% alcohol" has been removed as Dr. Motwani states that it it wrong.

3. Information regarding the strength of the UV light has been added based on Dr. Motwani's response that " there is no recommendation on the strength of the light."

It has been decided to unhide this article as long as readers know the caveats, since, while the source of the information may be clouded, it appears that this information has the support of at least two doctors, and has value on its own merits.


This vital information from Johns Hopkins University was found posted on the KDT Optometry site (NOTE: we now know that this is likely not from Johns Hopkins, but much of the info is still of value.) :
  • The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (RNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code. (mutation) and convert them into aggressor and multiplier cells.
  • Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed, but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.
  • The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat. That is why any soap or detergent is the best remedy, because the foam CUTS the FAT (that is why you have to rub so much: for 20 seconds or more, to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.
  • HEAT melts fat; this is why it is so good to use water above 25 degrees Celsius for washing hands, clothes and everything. In addition, hot water makes more foam and that makes it even more useful.
  • Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES ANY FAT, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.
  • Any mix with 1 part bleach and 5 parts water directly dissolves the protein, breaks it down from the inside.
  • Oxygenated water helps long after soap, alcohol and chlorine, because peroxide dissolves the virus protein, but you have to use it pure and it hurts your skin.
  • NO BACTERICIDE SERVES. The virus is not a living organism like bacteria; they cannot kill what is not alive with antibiotics, but quickly disintegrate its structure with everything said.
  • NEVER shake used or unused clothing, sheets or cloth. While it is glued to a porous surface, it is very inert and disintegrates only between 3 hours (fabric and porous), 4 hours (copper, because it is naturally antiseptic; and wood, because it removes all the moisture and does not let it peel off and disintegrates), 24 hours (cardboard), 42 hours (metal) and 72 hours (plastic). But if you shake it or use a feather duster, the virus molecules float in the air for up to 3 hours, and can lodge in your nose.
  • The virus molecules remain very stable in external cold, or artificial as air conditioners in houses and cars. They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.
  • UV LIGHT on any object that may contain it breaks down the virus protein. For example, to disinfect and reuse a mask is perfect. Be careful, it also breaks down collagen (which is protein) in the skin, eventually causing wrinkles and skin cancer. (Note added: medical advice is that the strength of the UV light is important, and is not mentioned here.)
  • The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.
  • Vinegar is NOT useful because it does not break down the protective layer of fat.
  • NO SPIRITS, NOR VODKA, serve. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol, and you need 65%.
  • The more confined the space, the more concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.
  • This is super said, but you have to wash your hands before and after touching mucosa, food, locks, knobs, switches, remote control, cell phone, watches, computers, desks, TV, etc. And when using the bathroom.
  • You have to HUMIDIFY HANDS DRY from so much washing them, because the molecules can hide in the micro cracks. The thicker the moisturizer, the better.
  • Also keep your NAILS SHORT so that the virus does not hide there.
  • oeb11
  • 04-01-2020, 09:41 AM
Thanks D - despite the issues - thee is still good advice to be harvested from the article.

I appreciate your straightforwardness and correction.

something fascist DPST's never do!