Leaving This World Behind

  • Suzel
  • 01-12-2010, 12:18 PM
You could say that you did home-health.

These days you don't have to have a license to be a caregiver and alot of people work on their own instead of through an agency.

They always have ads on craigslist for "domestic help" for home health/caregiver jobs.

You could say that you just want to break away from health care.

Get two or three people for references. Honestly, you are a caregiver now, just in a different way.

Most caregiver jobs entail: helping with a bath/shower, dressing, grooming, light house keeping and cooking a meal or two.

They mostly want a companion to talk to and company, after you do the above, that is all they want.

It is low pay though, around $10/hr if you're lucky.

If you could get someone to vouch that you have been a great caregiver it would be easy to fudge the resume a little.
Many thanks for all the suggestions.

I guess this is a job that the minute you enter it you should be thinking about quitting. Well I haven't. In the last couple of months I have really been doing some thinking and a little freaking out. I guess by starting this thread was taking the first step.

I have to agree with ATL, using the excuse 'finding myself' won't go over very well. How about, I've been having a really long midlife crisis.
I've been having a really long midlife crisis. Originally Posted by Ansley
Did you buy a sports car?
Did you buy a sports car? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Nope, but I know of one that did.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Ansley, I would think the interviewer would st-st-st-udder in awe of your beauty, so clearly you have the upper hand
Left the work force for a stay at home relationship that has ended would be the one I would buy, and the restaurant thing is right, the work is so hard many of us burn out or ware out and end up teaching LOL.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Really. If I was HR and saw you smile I wouldn't care. You're hired.
On a second note. You are the second provider that is retiring after I made a mental note that she is the pinnacle. The uber must see. Best of luck to you.
Thanks for the kind words Marcus. I'm not retiring quite yet though. Just trying to figure out what I need to figure out.
Eve is here!!! Welcome to eccie.

Ansley, two words:

Clown College
Ansley, two words:

Clown College Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Is Nicolette trying to tell you to ease up on the makeup? Thats pretty rude.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It is good to be seen Ans and EliSabeth! Originally Posted by Eve Hennessey
Gosh, Eve, I had forgotten about that. You're as sharp as ever, I see!

You could always join the army See the world, do exciting things.. be around thousands of very fit overly horny young males...
From what I hear, they're just happy to have numbers!
Ansley, two words:
Clown College Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
After hanging out with all the clowns around here, I should be granted a full scholarship.
PJ don't be silly, that's photoshop, not makeup.
Is Nicolette trying to tell you to ease up on the makeup? Thats pretty rude. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Now PJ, there will be no jello wrestling between me and Ansley. I was saying she could say she'd been away at college. - Clown college for a joke.
You can't fault me for trying.