I have to chime in here.. I have been on a MISSION for 7 years to verbally tell me wife that to me she is HOT I tell her she has a beautiful ass and body all the time even when we are out in public. I tell her that in my eyes she makes me smolder in my shorts.. And yet to no avail.. I have even told her that I need more passion and romance in our life. As well as telling her I need more touching..
I am a very touchy person and touch her constantly which she tells me she enjoys but after years of telling her that I need that touch too it still does not translate to anything than a very occasional backrub... IF I ASK..
I love my wife but the passion is gone and I have worked like a dog to get it back... She LOVES her work and wants to be a millionaire when she retires. I on the other hand Love the people in my life that give it meaning and want to die pennyless..
Anyone have any advise for me???