Hey Fellas Dont Get Screwed

I say more meat in the middle of a sandwich is always more full filling! Hehehehe
ffireman's Avatar
Moved this disagreement from Alert to CoEd. Looks as if things have settled down and the thread has steered itself into an acceptable direction, so I will leave it open for now. Should it degrade into another personal attack or unnecessary rudeness, I will not hesitate to close the thread.
Keep playing nice. We have a very drama free corner and an excellent Alert Forum. Let's keep it that way.
Thanks boss man. Agree about mostly drama free here. much better than the other places around here.

I like the fact that some of the ladies seem to be having fun here!
I would just like to say thank you for handling this issue because I am a drama-free individual and many know that. Time to smile and have fun...:-)





Swordmaster69's Avatar
I must say that is a nice ass....
Thank you....lol....and its all mine,no shots, no implants
Buckskin's Avatar
Very yummy!!
sterling1's Avatar
You should be in Killeen Safire !
@ Buckskin...Thank you

@sterling1...i am planning a trip that way in the near future....ill keep you posted.
sterling1's Avatar
Please do sweetheart. I'd love to meet you.
Guest062716's Avatar
hmmm. now there is a sight to consider..... Safire Games.....the possibilities