If Hillary Wins The Debates She Wins The Presidency

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I will take that bet also - no way trump wins this election Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I wonder how many more years I have to point out that I neither drink or gamble. Of course Assup is a lying moron.

No way? You mean there is absolutely no way (like Hillary vapor locking during the debate) with metaphysical certitude that he can win? You are an idiot for saying so.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I am waiting for the mods to deactivate my account.... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Hay hay hay.............it's Fat Lube Myass

You also said you weren't going to post your drivel here anymore as well.

Btw...did you actually go to the mods and ask them to delete your account or did you just figure they read your request in one of your lame posts?
  • DSK
  • 09-21-2016, 09:47 AM
I am waiting for the mods to deactivate my account you punk. You are on here pretending to be Italian - you are a pathetic scum bag Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You do not need you account deactivated to just stop posting. You could stop posting on your own!!

I know Italians, Italians are friends of mine. You are no Italian.
bambino's Avatar
Hay hay hay.............it's Fat Lube Myass

You also said you weren't going to post your drivel here anymore as well.

Btw...did you actually go to the mods and ask them to delete your account or did you just figure they read your request in one of your lame posts? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
If he wanted his account deleted it would have been done already.
in the debates, it will be extremely important for trump to have a clear head

he has to be able to reset the questions, pointing out the bias inherent in the liberal point of view questions that populate the debates and discuss the issue from the proper perspective

if he can do that, he will win the debates

he will also win the debates should hellary freeze up or collapse, which is very possible

its in trump's favor that the debates be long and are held standing up

maybe trump can cause the debaters to have to climb stairs to the stage....maybe from the audience level....that would make for great television, hellary struggling to get up them to the stage, much like Nixon sweating
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
in the debates, it will be extremely important for trump to have a clear head

he has to be able to reset the questions, pointing out the bias inherent in the liberal point of view questions that populate the debates and discuss the issue from the proper perspective

if he can do that, he will win the debates

he will also win the debates should hellary freeze up or collapse, which is very possible

its in trump's favor that the debates be long and are held standing up Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Hilary will be fine if she wears sneakers or flats. In fact they should allow them to be seated for the debates.
bambino's Avatar
Hilary will be fine if she wears sneakers or flats. In fact they should allow them to be seated for the debates. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Yeah, maybe a hospital bed for Hillary.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
All Trump has to do is so up and act like a normal person and not be the monster Hillary says he is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sistine is correct I expect Clinton to win all 3 debates - she did very well against Obama in the primaries in 2008. She also has tons of more debate experience and over all knowledge than Trump.
Trump doesn't have great debate skills and his temperament tantrums and rude insults won't work. Remember you have to look Presidential - take a look at Trumps speech in Mexico he was acting "Predidential" but he looked uncomfortable and way out place - his norm is to be loud and insulting and that only works in primary. I have a clean sweep for Hillary mark my words.

Any clue when we will see those taxes he undoubtedly is hiding something - one of facebooks founders put up 5 million for trump to donate to a charity of his choice if he release his taxes before the first debate.
Speaking of charities nice to know trump used charity money to pay for a portrait and to pay off law settlements - what a crook Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
If what you say is true then why did she lose?
  • DSK
  • 09-21-2016, 04:11 PM
in the debates, it will be extremely important for trump to have a clear head

he has to be able to reset the questions, pointing out the bias inherent in the liberal point of view questions that populate the debates and discuss the issue from the proper perspective

if he can do that, he will win the debates

he will also win the debates should hellary freeze up or collapse, which is very possible

its in trump's favor that the debates be long and are held standing up

maybe trump can cause the debaters to have to climb stairs to the stage....maybe from the audience level....that would make for great television, hellary struggling to get up them to the stage, much like Nixon sweating Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
She would never agree to that unless she could do it.
  • IAMA
  • 09-27-2016, 04:40 PM
She would never agree to that unless she could do it. Originally Posted by DSK

why did ryder called you a fraud jewish lawyer or dsk ... is it because you ask god to show you a sign and he shit on you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
All Trump has to do is so up and act like a normal person and not be the monster Hillary says he is. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
How did that work out?

He spent the whole day doing damage control. More damage than control, though.

He doubled down on misogyny... He couldn't let the debate end without him trying to explain his past actions. And, in so doing, brought his temperament failures back to the for.

He shoulda called in sick. And you know, the way he kept drinking, going to his nose, grimacing and such, he might actually have suffered a stroke on stage.
bambino's Avatar
How did that work out?

He spent the whole day doing damage control. More damage than control, though.

He doubled down on misogyny... He couldn't let the debate end without him trying to explain his past actions. And, in so doing, brought his temperament failures back to the for.

He shoulda called in sick. And you know, the way he kept drinking, going to his nose, grimacing and such, he might actually have suffered a stroke on stage. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What a fucking hypocritical liar. You have no business calling anyone a mysoginist you assclown. You invented the term
"Slunt" and continually call the women in this forum "slunts" , "old whore" etc. Youre a complete scumbag. Being a cocksucking pig is one of your better virtues.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
IGNORING BAMBULLY. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Lying creep. Fucking loser