bad time

BabyDallass's Avatar
Why bring race into it? Any race could've robbed you. You're only making it harder for us to see providers. Very inconsiderate of us AA hobbyists!!! Originally Posted by John Knox
Sorry nobody can help it that the majority of people who pimp females in this and rob them are’s facts...numbers don’t lie..:/
biomed1's Avatar
Please stay on topic.
Try not to make general statements and keep your posts on topic:
The Robbery that happened to Dove Lovely
so again...dove sorry this happened to you, but thanks again for the description of the i have shared with some of my friends that may see young black guys...descriptions are just that and helpful...sorry johnny has a chip on his comes with his posts...and again i hope you kept their gun...and if you did and want to me
How else would you suggest she describe him?
Hot Summer's Avatar
Oh wow I'm so sorry that happened to you ! Glad you're ok !!!
CH Luke's Avatar
SO sorry for that... It sucks when it goes haywire...
Nothing to compare, but I had a 'new friend' tell me she has a boyfriend but he knows, and is totally cool with her doing this. We had a great time together, and then she checks her phone and all at a sudden starts screaming, "Oh shit!! He's coming!! Run! Run! Run!!! I had to do the mad dash through the apartment parking lot...barely got some clothes on myself...left my

Wish there was a better way for all of us to be safer. I really think Eccie is the best thing going for screening both directions - both hobbyist and provider.

We all do this for a little taste of adrenaline, but damn...more is not better! Really glad that you're safe, Dove, and hope you and everyone out there has only SMALL doses of adrenaline this week!
I am sorry to hear what happened to you Dove and there is nothing wrong with giving a complete description. Always remember all grass is green but everything green isn’t grass. SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN
Stay safe
CatMan4u's Avatar
I too am sorry for you cause it affects the way the ladies look at me and I am very kind and considerate of you ladies I would not want you to be hurt or cheered. No more than I would.
  • rosh
  • 12-18-2019, 09:15 AM
Stay safe be careful.