i think the issue with durham is one of style and professionalism and of possessing qualities of a gentleman leading to a report requiring first an ability to comprehend and second a sense of shame on the part of the violators in order for them to apprehend it
while the dim actors and the dim media and the dim police department (fbi) and the dim justice department and the dims themselves are not the foregoing and have not any such requisite sense
they are much more feral vulgar ill-bred insectivores whose proof of right is found only in winning
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Once Trump was out of office, obviously facilitated by all the Muh
Russia, Russia, Russia schemes, smears, fabrication, collusion, lies and Lawfare BS, Durham would have to have known there is no way in holy hell the entirely corrupt DOJ and FBI would pursue anything. I'm starting to think he sees it as playing out in the courts, as there is a lot of red meat on that bone.