Failing President Trump replaces campaign manager Brad Parscale with GOP veteran Bill Stepien

  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 02:05 PM
B is correct

The LibDem's are coming out of the woodwork with competitive posts.
I think we should bring back DOTY. I think we’d have a perennial winner again. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
We would have to have a run off.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I think the completion is stiffer now. Originally Posted by bambino
D is for Dipshit not Dickhead and I see one that sticks out.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Oh great , now Chump has a new Campaign Manager !! Must be Superman !!

One that can get his Wrong sided messages across regarding ;

1.The virus
2.The social unrest
3.The economy
5.Re-opening schools
6.Mask wearing
7.Confederate statues
8.Confederate Flags
9.Building a stupid wall

This list should keep him busy for awhile.
How is this new guy going to manage these hurdles ?
Must be pretty tough.
It's hard out here on a Campaign Manager !!
Lapdog's Avatar
Jesus Christ himself couldn't salvage Trump's chances for reelection. Anybody with even half of a functioning brain should be able to see that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jesus Christ himself couldn't salvage Trump's chances for reelection. Anybody with even half of a functioning brain should be able to see that. Originally Posted by Lapdog

Trump has Black Jesus on his team ..

sportfisherman's Avatar
Now Wacko , if you can't keep up , you have to sit at the kiddie table.

Chump's new campaign slogan ;

"Make America About 10% as Great as it was Before Chump Got Ahold of It"
Lapdog's Avatar
Now Wacko , if you can't keep up , you have to sit at the kiddie table.

Chump's new campaign slogan ;

"Make America About 10% as Great as it was Before Chump Got Ahold of It" Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Man, that's awful optimistic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now Wacko , if you can't keep up , you have to sit at the kiddie table.

Chump's new campaign slogan ;

"Make America About 10% as Great as it was Before Chump Got Ahold of It" Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Lapdog's Avatar
Trump has Black Jesus on his team ..

BAAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, maybe anybody with at least half of a functioning brain who's not from Waco should be able to see it.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, maybe anybody with at least half of a functioning brain who's not from Waco should be able to see it.

BAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! Originally Posted by Lapdog

where is Waco? is it near Plano?

Lapdog's Avatar
Relatively close, but you probably think that you're somewhere that Trump actually has a chance of getting reelected. In your dreams.

If he wants his campaign to be better he could try governing and stopping the disease that has killed nearly 150K people. New campaign manager and still the same idiot for a candidate. If only there was an anti-Biden vote or a third party candidate to help him like 2016.

Biden maintaining 10% lead across the board and more than 7% in legitimate swing states. New campaign manager won’t fix that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I've asked this question for months now: What specifically is President Trump not doing that he should be doing and/or what specifically is he doing that he shouldn't do?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Relatively close, but you probably think that you're somewhere that Trump actually has a chance of getting reelected. In your dreams.

BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! Originally Posted by Lapdog

in Texas terms you might be right. now about Trump. Yes. He can win. if you don't believe that then keep running around in circles sniffing liberal butts telling you Trump can't win.

Lapdog's Avatar
Specifically, he's not stopping himself from being an unqualified asshole, and specifically he's continuing to be an unqualified asshole. I think that should pretty well answer your ridiculous question.