What happened and why?

One more thing. Trump and Republicans did themselves a disservice with their attack on mail voting. Had they tried to facilitate mail voting rather than suppress it they likely could have held the White House. Sadly Republicans as a general strategy are invested in voter suppression and selling the mythic voter fraud because they fear that people will vote Democrat. It’s really got nothing to do with fear of fraud but that sells well to their constituency.

Had they just tried to use the Trump get out the vote and made a push that people early vote and mail vote, Trump could be winning.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The fight is against SJW, commie, gay foster kids. It won't end just because H E is not president.
lustylad's Avatar
Some more fun facts... Over $300 million was spent trying to defeat McConnell, Graham, Collins and Ernst and all won! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
How do they justify spending over 300 million to defeat McConnell, Graham, Ernst and Collins? Because they wanted those seats so bad they would have sold their mothers to win them. Proving once again what I have been saying for years, more money does not guarantee you a win. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
And this is the same dim-retard party that has been bitching for years about the Citizens United decision and how dark money is corrupting our politics!

They earned a great ROI on that $300 million!

What savvy political geniuses they are!

Grace Preston's Avatar
Point blank.. Trump lost it for Trump.

The rest of the Republican ticket doesn't spend all their time on social media, insulting anyone that doesn't agree with them and continually having tantrums when they are told no or when someone disagrees with them.

Hell, even I voted Republican on a few down ballot races.

A lot of traditional Republicans feel that Trump is going to ultimately destroy the party-- they'd rather lose the White House and maintain the Senate than keep Trump for 4 more years and run the risk of losing both chambers in 2022.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Point blank.. Trump lost it for Trump. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yep. That's what happens when you believe you are the smartest guy in the room and obnoxious and you are actually stupid. The smartest guy in the room is usually quiet and not a loud mouth.

All Trump had to do was shut up and listen to the experts and he would have easily won this 2020 election. He's pretty much the Antonio Brown of presidents when it comes to killing his career.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:04 AM
Trump lost ( projected- but likely) because he allowed the DPST party to play a 'personality game and election) .
They focused on trump's persona - which can be off-putting - successfully
if the election had been focused on issues - something the DPST supporters here detest - - economy (before wuhan virus) and conservatism v the Bernie AOC extreme radical leftists who control the DPST party - and their radical agenda to 'remake america in our image'- ie open borders, unlimited taxation , Soylent Green new Deal , ban oil and the industry, free stuff for all open borders immigrants - (valuing these putative DPST voters over working, taxpaying citizens) - unlimited abortion, confiscation of all weapons from Americans, enabling of rioting and looting throughout the US, and on and on .

a Focus on issues would have done President Trump much better - and he is partially at fault - along wit the RNC and the electioneers . They were fighting the lying LSM organ of eeh DNC and its' propaganda 24/7 - which does affect the deluded and those in denial - as seen on this forum.

Still - if projections are correct - the republicans will keep the Senate - Thank God ( I know - offensive to liberal snowflake sensibilities - to hell with your dedication to Islam and your Prophet)- and provide a bulwark against the socialist agenda of Bernie and AOC, and packing the SV with 29 radical communist judges. That may maintain representative democracy - and allow the people to see the reality of DPST Rule - which shuts out all dissent ( remember the Impeachment schiff and nadler hearings) - in the DPST zeal to institute socialist radical agenda items.

2022 will be critical - the DPST's will focus on the Senate in an atempt to gain total control - permanently - before a 2024 election. if they get the Senate in 2022 - One can wave bye bye to any free elections in America again - just ask Bernie and AOC and her radical islamic 'squad of idiots" Omar - with the riots and destruction of Minneapolis - has made her plan for America very clear.

and if we get a free election in 2014 - perhaps both parties can nominate better candidates. Biden is a place-holder only. Will Pence run - or tom Cotton - there are some solid republicans to consider.

and - Hopefully the DPST party is further radicalized and nominates AOC for POTUS - she is dumber than a bag of hammers - and a public debate would show that - but - for DPST's ideology uber alles!
the 'Progressive marxists' are already screaming at the DNC that they were not progressive enough and that cost the DPST's house seats and the Senate - glad they think so - keep on that pathway - DPST's . We will see..
For now - it is only a couple of Senate seats between representative democracy and socialist totalitarian Rule by KumHoela!

BTW - where is the purveyor of de Polls, De Polls?????????
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Poles are stupid. When asked, Trumptards were too ashamed to admit their support. Can't predict.

"Stop the vote! Count the vote!" Spoken like true 'tards.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's polls and not poles. You can't call someone stupid when you can't spell a one syllable word incorrectly. Just sayin, homeboy.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:17 AM
Thank U - 'Poles are stupid" - the usual discriminatory nonsense of the radical socialists.

go trumpet that in chicago - radical socialist!
Grace Preston's Avatar
OEB-- Trump could have easily won had he ran on issues rather on attacking anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with him.

He instead chose to run on personality- -because that's what he won with in 2016. But his opponent in 2016 was far less likeable than "Grandpa Joe"
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:34 AM
i must say i agree with you . Grace!
And the radical Terrorist DPST party still barely won.

Now - what will the terrorists do without Trump to demonize???
massive confusion in the DNC and LSM without a target for hatred of everything that is representative democracy and of the Constitution.
Trump spelled it “Poles” in his tweet.

I’m sure he was poking fun at that.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2020, 07:40 AM
Unsupported fake news from the LSM
usual radical DPST fake news!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Um... its not fake news. He did actually spell it that way in one of his tweets. 9500 may not be your favorite person-- but he generally doesn't make a mistake of that nature unless he's poking fun. Its not his typical "posting style".
seeing as how trump faced off

1. the dimocrats and their ballot stuffing

2. their news media, with either nonstop negativity or blackouts on biden corruption and no one forcing biden to answer questions, can you imagine the uproar if trump had said the American people don't deserve to know something?

3. the censorship of social media

4. the money of billionaires arrayed against him and their nefariousness, will rogers used to say. "It takes nerve to be a Democrat, but it takes money to be a Republican.”, in todays world, its the exact opposite

5. the likes of the corona virus ruining the economy he had built and the political lies it provided the dims

6. china and Russia were against trump, but its funny you haven't heard a peep about foreign influence from the dims and their media

7. and then theres just the good ol' corrupt American bureaucrats

there are powerful forces arrayed against America and the American people

what is really going on here?

not to be a conspiracy theorists, but 5 states call a halt to ballot counts on Tuesday night with trump way ahead....whats that all about?

and Philadelphia? they are not to be trusted, over 27 thousand "late' votes and not one for trump