I have new hair! Tell me how you like it

NikkiSecrets's Avatar
Very SEXY babe. Blondes have more FUN!

Oh. Originally Posted by MrBig1994
Very SEXY babe. Originally Posted by NikkiSecrets
Do you chick! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
yabba dabba do.... Originally Posted by runkle
turbo-dog's Avatar
I agree that it seems a little too blonde. But you’re super lucky that you look awesome no matter what the color of your hair is!
You love it....that’s what is most important. Looking at all of the pics on your bio page I see you like to try different cuts and colors,none are boring, so why not be platinum for a spell.Im curious to see what’s next.
Do you hear the drum beat for Lafayette?
damn whoever gave this thread one star damn

here's some stars jeez..
It has to be a female; because guys cannot star something if I am correct.

Yes the guys can give a star rating here. Guys cannot give a star rating on Weekly/Weekend Ads only females can.
At least that's how it used to be before the blackout.
NoTell's Avatar
I like it!!!
Sinclar's Avatar
Man that looks stunningly beautiful. Love the length and the color. You ever make it down to Houma be sure to let me know. I never get to NOLA these days.
I agree blondes do have more fun...you can findem in the dark. I like it!
Thebigswede02's Avatar
Looks good. I miss the cat ears though...
Thanks for all the compliments!

I haven’t decided what color next I think I’ll try some color changing type. I had that before and it was pink when cool and turned red when warmed up like when I went outside
LilBastad's Avatar
Very Beautiful - in all colors.....
Would look even better if you were in Laffy!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Blondes make more money.. positive..

Keep the blonde for a bit and let us know what gotcha more moola!!

Xxoo annie
DATYMAN's Avatar
Not crazy about it, just being honest. You should try that silver or gray I see some ladies are doing these day, OMG its hot. Not sure what color it see but it is hot. Your a beautiful woman girl so the hair color is just a small part of who you are as a very beautiful person.