Members of old KC Board - please read

Hey123's Avatar
Darn...I am being called a "new member" after all that time at the other place!! guess that's what happens when no BCD LOL
Hey123's Avatar
Is there a place for PMs here? That was a great feature!!
ampad's Avatar
  • ampad
  • 01-07-2010, 04:37 PM
There are still PMs. Check the upper right side of the screen when you are logged in (right next to the forum breadcrumbs).
Omahan's Avatar
Is there a place for PMs here? That was a great feature!! Originally Posted by Hey123
Hey Just click on the person's name above the avatar and use the drop down menu. I think this software is going to be a lot better than what we were used to once we get used to it.
Hey123's Avatar
great..I see it now. Thx O. AMp..I dont have breadcrumbs on my screen....LOL.