This might be a big mistake...

That does not mean I am proud of everything any of those groups may represent to others. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Believe it or not, there are people that are proud to be a New Yorker.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I am amused that everything you say has that head-banging kitten's endorsement. If only there were a smiley face option that conveyed the same thing. This one's not quite got the same flair Originally Posted by AveryMoore
Yeah, I like the kitty contrary to other's opinion of him. Maybe if it didn't irritate some low level waders or WTF I might replace him, but nah...funner that way.

You know, thinking about your situation, maybe it's the overtness that bothers you? Most people don't wear their opinions or personal feelings openly, much less with controversial symbols. Can you imagine the people you encounter at other times who are more closeted in their views? Whether I agree with someone or not, I prefer those that of least throw it out there so I know to avoid, engage or ignore. I think your asking for a can of worms asking providers to disclose. Just my .02.
discreetgent's Avatar
Believe it or not, there are people that are proud to be a New Yorker. Originally Posted by pjorourke
A welcome dose of sanity in an otherwise insane world.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-13-2010, 02:26 PM
Well I for one would love to read Chelsea's response to the bomb Tush threw into the middle of a glowing review on her. Too bad It was removed. All this you can't do or say something because it offends me is baloney.
Sa_artman's Avatar

But then we're all hypocrites at one time or another.
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  • 07-13-2010, 02:42 PM
Link doesn't work.
All this you can't do or say something because it offends me is baloney. Originally Posted by oden
Here Here! Political Correctness is a cancer. An example of the Slippery Slope that's gone too far.
awl4knot's Avatar
Tony Horwitz. It is tremendously entertaining and provides marvelous insights about why so many cling to the "romance" of the Confederacy and its symbols.
I would imagine it worked like a charm in terms of steering clients of color to other providers. It also worked like a charm in terms of making me incredibly uncomfortable that the man interested in meeting me also chose to see this woman. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
As a southern white man it would steer me clear of seeing her. It's terribly distasteful and lacks couth.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Here Here! Political Correctness is a cancer. An example of the Slippery Slope that's gone too far. Originally Posted by Grathic
Well, I wouldn't go that far. Taken to extremes, yes, as a moderating and base point to balance-it's better than nothing. Is it politically correct to hang a set of balls from your truck? Is it wrong to tell someone that little children don't need to be subjected to someones need to hang genitalia as sign of machismo? How far do we tread?
Rudyard K's Avatar
I think that given it's history, it's incredibly bad taste for anyone to prominently display that flag in any context other than a historical display. It's like a swastika in western culture -- you can't extricate the "good" thing it allegedly represents from the bad. It's like trying to strain piss form milk.

And this isn't the first discussion that has been had on this board about the subject of a provider displaying this particular symbol: starting at post #15. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well I for one would love to read Chelsea's response to the bomb Tush threw into the middle of a glowing review on her. Too bad It was removed. All this you can't do or say something because it offends me is baloney. Originally Posted by oden

Some of the largest purveyors of acceptance of others are the biggest violators of the same. But they cloak it in rightous indignation.

I wonder whether he would be equally disgusted at the burning of the American Flag by a protester...or the protesting outside of a memorial service of a fallen soldier by that lunatic woman...or the waving of the Mexican Flag on the country's independence day celebration. Free speech to them is only free if you agree with them.

Thank God we have his moral compass to keep us in line.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-13-2010, 03:26 PM
As a southern white man it would steer me clear of seeing her. It's terribly distasteful and lacks couth. Originally Posted by Stick1969
It's flag for God sake......if it offends you then it is better for the both of you not to see each other.

Nobody can please all the people all the time. But damn if that stops the PC folks from just trying to please their side!

If I were TTH I would not have shared that link. Wasn't much of a supporting position. I'm with oden, sure would have loved to hear Chelsa response!

On a side note, I just read where M. Gladwell freaking downed the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" writer for not writing a tougher book! I like his three books but if I see him at a book signing I'll kick him in the nuts! What a stupid thing to say. No historical context taken into account. Sorry for the hijack but this PC crap is a bunch of shit.
I don't know if this helps , but Eros guide recently changed their picture rules. You can post as many as eight without having to pay extra, so there is a pretty good chance that she put that one up there just to get back in to the what's new category.As long as your potential client is nice I would not worry about it.

I had no idea that you could post photos that you are not in. This knowledge could be dangerous in my hands. I may end up posting multiple photos of my dogs wedding day.And that is almost gaurateed to offend someone as well
I had no idea that you could post photos that you are not in. This knowledge could be dangerous in my hands. I may end up posting multiple photos of my dogs wedding day.And that is almost gaurateed to offend someone as well Originally Posted by Becky
That might attract so "odd" clients.
It's flag for God sake......if it offends you then it is better for the both of you not to see each other. Originally Posted by WTF
Isn't that what I said?????

It has nothing to do with any sort of political correctness. It has to do with a belief that I have held since I was a young boy long before people coined the phrase political correctness.

But it speaks volumes about her. She is a provider who won't pay for additional pictures and chooses for her only picture to be one of a confederate battle flag?!?! I have lots of imagines of what she looks like, and if she has an incall, what it must look like.