What makes success.....can it translate to another business

Guest012211-3's Avatar
In just a few weeks ( this May) I'm moving to another country and exploring new opportunities in the culinary arts. It's a stretch, I know...but I have picked up many "skills" along the way. I'm organized, thick skinned, and I will not be intimidated in a male dominated field, LOL.

You do have to go for what you love, and for most of us it's a luxury to sit back and think about it before we make the plunge. We know that we can always take care of ourselves financially, the scary part is venturing out into the "unknown". I'm looking forward to expressing myself in a different light...but then again I'm always willing to flash my tits if it will get me a step ahead, LOL.
if you then moved to a market and a profession that wasn't likely to come in to contact with travelers. Originally Posted by John Bull
lol Ummm hopefully I will be working in an airport. Really.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
The "hobby" is more than money for some providers. It's a safe, secure world where we are in control...people like us. My main concern is how to cope outside of these "walls"...I'm good at what I do, I'm financially secure, but like the OP I know I can't do this forever.

It takes courage to walk away and know that you will be successful...it's a paradigm shift and you have to commit to leaving this world behind. It's not easy.
My main concern is how to cope outside of these "walls"... Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Do you think there is such a thing as 'hooker deprogramming?'

Oh shoot. Where are my manners. I meant to say escort.
Do you think there is such a thing as 'hooker deprogramming?'

Oh shoot. Where are my manners. I meant to say escort. Originally Posted by Ansley
Gee!!! A whole new business. Might even be the first one ever.
In just a few weeks ( this May) I'm moving to another country and exploring new opportunities in the culinary arts. It's a stretch, I know...but I have picked up many "skills" along the way. I'm organized, thick skinned, and I will not be intimidated in a male dominated field, LOL.

You do have to go for what you love, and for most of us it's a luxury to sit back and think about it before we make the plunge. We know that we can always take care of ourselves financially, the scary part is venturing out into the "unknown". I'm looking forward to expressing myself in a different light...but then again I'm always willing to flash my tits if it will get me a step ahead, LOL. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
For some reason I have no calms about you succeeding in your adventure as is. Those that know you have no doubt you will win at any game you play.

Of course as a backup...like you mention...a flash has its rewards...LOL
The "hobby" is more than money for some providers. It's a safe, secure world where we are in control...people like us. My main concern is how to cope outside of these "walls"...I'm good at what I do, I'm financially secure, but like the OP I know I can't do this forever.

It takes courage to walk away and know that you will be successful...it's a paradigm shift and you have to commit to leaving this world behind. It's not easy. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Nicole, I relate very much to what you are saying.I am very content in this safe, secure world,where I am in control. in fact, I thrive on it.

I admire that you have decided to take the plunge, that you are venturing into unexplored territories.I have known many ladies that have done so and failed.Yet(and I do not even know you) somehow I believe in you.

I would be very interested in knowing what your outcomes are. However, I do understand that often when you walk away....you do just that,walk away and cut all strings.
I find the life of Companionship translates wonderfully to freelance work of various kinds. Especially being able to do work that is entirely based on computers - you can take your office with you.

Do you have a particular skill set you can sell? *If not, I suggest pursuing an education in something.*A skill set that can be sold to businesses and consumers alike is ideal.

Artist, photographer, musician, Modeling, Promotor, Agent/Representitive, fashion consultant, * Event Coordinator, a designer of any sort, **Programming, *Interior Decorating, Fashion Buyer, or this mysterious career I like to term "Mr. Ten Percent", the suite that doesn't seem to really do anything, never pays for business lunches, but you need to get something done, and he knows just the guy to do it, and always walks away with a 10% commission.*

Do some work pro bono, and develop an online portfolio. *Be involved in your industry scene and market online. *

You know how to use the Internet to market and probably have the*advertising budget to start.

You should be excellent at managing a schedule and literally time sheet all your projects so you see a pattern of completion times that allows you to give realistic quotes and meet deadlines.

It's requires pavement pounding skills to scare up work, however I find freelancing compliments companionship well. *

I travel to meet friends, and know in advance when I plan to visit a city. If no dates come through I have time to network for my day job and have already researched opportunities ahead. If I travel for work I put out visiting ads. I rarely loose out entirely. *

If my friends are keeping me busy, I take on less contracts. If they aren't around and new contacts are slow or uninspiring, I look for more work.

It's nice not to be at the mercy of companionship - alas nothing can protect you from a bad economy, and that's where your ability to maintain good relationships as a companion and business person will keep you stable.

My resume, however, never has a gap. Just to stay reasonably on top of my workload any date over two days has to agree to let me put on at least 3 hours a day on my projects so I never fall too far behind. It' never been a problem.

Introductions, business lunches (get used to being the one paying), should come naturally. Social skills will build a network of clients, associates, and comrades.

And unlike Companionship, if you're going to freelance, learn to negotiate
For example, I love real estate and fear becoming well known publicly,although really that is the success level that I would like to achieve. Originally Posted by tylorblake
Tylor, in real estate, if you spend a few years building a customer base in one area and then have to move, you will lose that base/network/sphere of influence. You will start from zero in your new location. So if RE is what you want to do, find that new location first, then start the several years of marketing and ground work. You already have the basics of marketing yourself in place. And that's what Realtors® do is market themselves, then their properties.

This wouldn't be the first time somebody got screwed by or screwed their realtor. Originally Posted by pjorourke
PJ are you sure it's the Realtors® or perhaps others in the transaction, say the buyer/seller/escrow/attorneys? Lot's F-ups in that list alone.

Do you think there is such a thing as 'escort/companion deprogramming?' Originally Posted by Ansley
I'd be happy to assist with your intervention, Ans.
PJ are you sure it's the Realtors® or perhaps others in the transaction, say the buyer/seller/escrow/attorneys? Lot's F-ups in that list alone. Originally Posted by SR Only
Yes grasshopper, but the essence of comedy is relevance to the subject at hand.
Ahhhh, comedy - humor, that's why it was over my head (but you knew that).
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Do you think there is such a thing as 'hooker deprogramming?'

Oh shoot. Where are my manners. I meant to say escort. Originally Posted by Ansley

LOL, yes and it's costing me 150 a week in therapy!! Really, it's not that easy to walk away...I'm amazed at all the attatchments to this and most do not even concern money. Looks the the third week in April will be it for me. I've been planning this for a year, so I guess that helps.

Save your money and have a plan.
discreetgent's Avatar
Ahhhh, comedy - humor, that's why it was over my head (but you knew that). Originally Posted by SR Only
We all did
atlcomedy's Avatar
LOL, yes and it's costing me 150 a week in therapy!! Really, it's not that easy to walk away...I'm amazed at all the attatchments to this and most do not even concern money. Looks the the third week in April will be it for me. I've been planning this for a year, so I guess that helps.

Save your money and have a plan. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I mean this with affection...

....but this is like a Platinum Country Hit just waiting to be made....
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Say what? I don't get it...I can be a little slow sometimes

I can't sing, I don't have a dog or a pick-up, but I do like to drink.

I was thinking more along the lines of "10 years in the game and all I got is a phat bank roll and a plan"...maybe more of a hip-hop hit!

Oh wait! Looks like Barney says it best:[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUAXSzYfDGs"]YouTube- Barney's Hooker Song[/ame]