When real life gets in the way on this life

it is very easy to get caught up in the hobby..it can be very addictive and some get caught up in the pleasure they are getting from it and as anything that brings pleasure there is always a down side and then you have to keep coming back for more and when some of these people dont get their pleasure fix they get upset.
You have to take it slow and easy and dont get caught up in the fantasy and realize its not an escape from the real world its just a get away for a little while and the real world with everyones real life is just outside the door.
always put your family,friends,work and well being ahead of pleasure or it will bite you in the ass everytime.
too much of anything is not good for you ...so relax enjoy but dont get caught up in it.
You said it Wooly! Right on!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Chella, Very well said.

For me to work as an escort, I have to be someone else. You have to lead a double life so it doesn't drive you insane - A lot of ladies don't know how to separate the two so they end up hitting rock bottom / " losing it". No this doesn't mean that I don't like what I do - because I do. In my personal life, I am very shy and reserved. I usually spend my day reading the newspaper and watching lifetime movies. My escort persona is very chatty, outgoing, she travels a lot and meets all these random guys and fucks their brains out. I'm even scared to hit on a guy at the grocery store in my personal life - My persona isn't. See? Two different people (Alter ego). I have met ladies that ARE their escort persona - It is very scary. I won't get into that LOL.
burkalini's Avatar
The reality is that this hobby is part of the "real" world. If it were only a fantasy then there would be no potential consequences. The main objective is to keep a good balance and not get jaded. Have your priorities set and don't compromise them. Originally Posted by Shayla
I understand your point of view in that it has consequences but anytime you can say hello to someone and in the next five minutes you have your cock inside her I think thers a little fantasy to it. Last time I tried that in real life for some reason the gal thought I was rushing a little. lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
I understand your point of view in that it has consequences but anytime you can say hello to someone and in the next five minutes you have your cock inside her I think thers a little fantasy to it. Last time I tried that in real life for some reason the gal thought I was rushing a little. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Lmfao. Good one burk.
shorty's Avatar
Wonder who Naomi is talking about when she said "Ladies are their escort persona." I personal think most ladies are themselves once you get to know them.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-20-2011, 09:06 PM
Some ladies have so many different personas... not even counting real life... it must be quite a chore , keeping up with whatever reality was/is!! Must make an already difficult job, even more difficult!!
Apparently... it must be fun, though!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Apparently... it must be fun, though! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Hell yeah! It is fun fun fun! Well i can only manage two personas LOL!
There is no way in hell that I have a problem with my Real Life EVER getting in the way of this. I had an almost tragic event happen last weekend, that prevented me from visiting an area this week. I got an ugly email from a guy, who knows that if I do not call there is something seriously wrong. I went off on him and told him how sorry I was that I had to tend to my child who was lucky to be alive after crashing a truck into 3 trees last weekend after missing a curb and recovering. Ya think he would have at least asked if everything was ok in his first email being that this was deff out of character for me. Its assholes like that who make me say how I feel right now, and its the ones who found out what my family went through who have offered support and friendship that make me stay. However, my Real life is first and foremost, and always will be. Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Yes, some folks will always put themselves at NUMBER 1 and don't care or give a shit about other people's lives or circumstances.. That's what makes me so !!!
Sometimes though I admit I wish my real life wasn't as busy and didn't interfere with this one. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
same here
Some People have sooooo many different personas, I know I do. I code switch according to whom I am around or provoked by. For example, you should see the one that comes out when ASSHOLES feel the need to stalk me and continuously start shit when I have NOTHING to do with them or have NEVER done anything on a personal level to hurt them. At that point, the bitch in me in my real life totally flows over into the hobby part of me, which is a very vindictive BITCH, and it could be very very ugly. Thus far I have held much restraint, but you never know, that switch might get flicked and some arrogant asshole will have a very rude awakening.

So therefore, when I feel that COLD HEARTED BITCH mood coming on, and know that with KNOWLEDGE being POWER, I could totally fuck someone's life up, I digress, take a break, and go back to my Real Life which is my escape from the lowlife bastards who are so pathetic they feel the need to try and destroy a person for no reason at all other than a few words written on an open forum. How sad is that? Hence the lost souls that are unable to keep reality and fantasy separate. Seek Help.

Some ladies have so many different personas... not even counting real life... it must be quite a chore , keeping up with whatever reality was/is!! Must make an already difficult job, even more difficult!!
Apparently... it must be fun, though! Originally Posted by MrGiz
First off we are all here to try to relax and enjoy ..so why do some people get pissed over a missed appointment..its no big deal..so you have to jerk off instead of getting a piece of ass..the world will keep turning and theres no reason to be rude to the provider especially if she has a legitimate excuse.
Even if she doesnt ..and she blew you off ..you were peobably better off not meeting her and she did you a favor by not showing..so take a deep breath and shrug it off and go on...last time i looked the web site is full of other providers and a lot of them are very nice ladies ...so treat them that way and all will be good.
Still Looking's Avatar
First off we are all here to try to relax and enjoy ..so why do some people get pissed over a missed appointment..its no big deal..so you have to jerk off instead of getting a piece of ass..the world will keep turning and theres no reason to be rude to the provider especially if she has a legitimate excuse.
Even if she doesnt ..and she blew you off ..you were peobably better off not meeting her and she did you a favor by not showing..so take a deep breath and shrug it off and go on...last time i looked the web site is full of other providers and a lot of them are very nice ladies ...so treat them that way and all will be good. Originally Posted by wildwooly1
That’s a great attitude to have. I'll have to try that the next time I drive an hour or hour and a half to meet a provider. Then I get 8-15 texted asking me where I am. Then once I get to the in call I don't hear from her. Or better yet, when a provider only does out call. So you drive to secure a motel close to her area. Then she is a no show! Its human nature, nobody likes being screwed over! NOT EVEN YOU!

Jannisary's Avatar
There is no way in hell that I have a problem with my Real Life EVER getting in the way of this. Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Ever? Really?

We all have "real world" commitments that can get in the way. But not all of "real world" commitments are enjoyable or interesting. Think about it, some of them are just very regular and very mundane stuff but stuff that has to be done perhaps even at a specific time or date. Of course, family and friends should come first before the hobby world but I can think of numerous examples of where someone might have a "real world" commitment that they know they should keep but don't find any enjoyment in keeping it. Maybe its going to a relative's wedding just to keep peace in the family, or maybe having to stay home while some work is being done in the house, or whatever.
Still Looking's Avatar
Ever? Really?

We all have "real world" commitments that can get in the way. But not all of "real world" commitments are enjoyable or interesting. Think about it, some of them are just very regular and very mundane stuff but stuff that has to be done perhaps even at a specific time or date. Of course, family and friends should come first before the hobby world but I can think of numerous examples of where someone might have a "real world" commitment that they know they should keep but don't find any enjoyment in keeping it. Maybe its going to a relative's wedding just to keep peace in the family, or maybe having to stay home while some work is being done in the house, or whatever. Originally Posted by Jannisary
I'm not tracking you? If I had a wedding to go to, I would not schedule an appointment WTF? Well I might right after if I didn't get lucky at the wedding! (All those bride maides are thinking about marriage, while were thinking about having our way with them!)