smelly assets

rcinokc's Avatar
You should start making showers a part of your play time, or a mandatory part of FBSM. There is no "No" option. There's always a way to deal with anything civilly.

I would think of a refusal to take a shower as an attempt to sabotage an appointment. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I saw a provider once who was adamant about the shower, which I knew going in. She handled it by leading her clients into the bathroom, starting to undress them, then showing them where everything they may need was. You were naked and the water was getting hot before you knew what hit you. IMO she handled it beautifully, since she just made it so easy and convenient. Also kinda put you in a spot where you really couldn't refuse gracefully.
canuckvic's Avatar
Time to implement a 20 minute rule. Don't advertise the answer but ask them how long ago did they have a shower last, if the answer is over 20 minutes, hand them a towel and start the shower for them. As an added bonus tell them you'll gladly give a hand and be their loofah! Win - win.
Dear Relaxer,

I would like to answer your question, it varies with each individual. Some guys sweat more than others, and some take a sh*t beforehand and believe that toilet paper is enough to clean themselves. When I do this, I always wipe myself with paper then follow-up with wet wipes no matter if I am planning to visit one of my friends or not. It is just practicing good hygiene. I don't wait till I start to stink. My suggestion is, upon arriving at a providers incall, ask her if you may use her shower. Just like Juliette, in my private incall bathroom, I always ask my friends if they would like to shower and I have on hand extra toothbrushes, lotion, deodorant, and other toiletries provided for their use. I hope this helps.