Hobby Dating VS RW dating..

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Hobby dating? As in go on a date out on the town with a pro or paying for a visit and naked activities. Originally Posted by arañanegra
Yes ara.
friends with cash benefits.

And then, there's another step up from hobby dating, that's called hobby marriage.
Not a civie marriage, no paperwork, and most importantly can't end up as ex's.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-17-2022, 10:14 PM
Like I'm getting tired of fucking different women all the time and not making a real connection besides the sex, but don't want a crazy woman to be in a relationship with, I have trust issues
TryWeakly's Avatar
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 05-18-2022, 08:53 AM
I heard dating in 2Hr increments works best Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
^^^ this....
I reckon it might become an issue for the provider if we went on an actual out on the town date, I imagine bringing her around some friends or other couples to an event or something, one of the wive's or girlfriend's starts a conversation with my working girl date, I wouldn't say anything about what she does for a living but what if one of the other women asks about her life, what part of town she lives, what she does for a living, then the lying begins or she outs herself which I find highly unlikely. Then I ask myself why would I even put her in that position and of course I would not. I have been out on a date with Asian providers, one on one, a couple girls initiated the date and to my surprise insisted upon covering all dine and drinks cost, the dates ended up with a good poke, although I somewhow knew or felt as though she/they still wanted to be compensated for the honey and now my thoughts are, why not just continue to visit them an hour at a time since at the end of the day playtime still costs.
arañanegra, good for you!!
It sounds like your having a blast with your hobby dating sexy!
LadyMoxie's Avatar
Nope. Rw dating is deff not my thing. Nope.ill buy my own flowers chocolate and diamond honey.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I know a few gals that have cover stories that have held up for more than a couple decades.
Michael8219's Avatar
AN. I’ve seen a semi UTR for a few years and we went out to dinner once, take out once, and she’s cooked for me a couple times. She paid on all occasions but I still covered the fee for hourly visit even though on the dinner at the restaurant it stretched to 3 hours or so.

It makes for some better sex since we know, trust each other, and kid around with each other. Once we’ve scheduled never had a no show and her place is safe. We’re probably closer than we should be and no doubt there’s several regulars as evidence of flowers, candies, gifts, and a show of her phone to me reflect her sexploits.
I used to go to a club called Sugars in San Antonio. At the time it was the busiest club in San Antonio. 2.99 steak and fries or something like that. There was a guy there who was a lawyer. He partied there everyday and folks loved him until he died and none of those females he spent all of his money on even cared to go to his funeral. I did plus two of his drinking buddies. Fast forward to at the Ritz. A rich dude would come in there with his driver get fucking plastered. Would make it rain with like 4000 dollars at a time. They would have to almost carry his ass out of there. He died; no one cared. You build real world relationships because when your ass gets old; sick none of the people here will give a fuck about you. Balance this shit. Buy sex(I hate the word hobby because my hobby is going to different restaurants not this) but have some balance in your life where you build relationships with people who will care about you when you really need them. Dying alone ain't cool....
This is an apples to oranges comparison. Hobby dating = prostitution no matter how you dress it up. RW dating is your classic dating in a non-prostitution format. All the “RW dating complications” is a pain BS is a way to justify engaging in the hobby. Everyone here are hoes and tricks, no more, no less. It’s one dimensional and straightforward. Providers get paid to behave and perform in a way a customer wants to receive a payment. This shit is all transactional. Why do men on use the hobby? Because we get instant variety, you do the things you’ve learned to do like a circus animal, and then we leave. When then money stops, the friendship stops. Enjoy this Friday truth bomb.
ICU 812's Avatar
Wow! I haven't been RW dating since 1972 or so I guess.

Didn't really hobby till 2006.

Hobby dating has its uncertainties of course, but in general, both parties know how the meeting will turn out.

If I were single again, I'd have a hard time with RW dating, I think.
Demolition's Avatar
Hobby dating = business transaction. I give girl money, she gives me pussy. Simple as that. It is not dating, unless you are detached from reality. It is possible to have friendships with providers, but in the end, it is all business and all for sexual gratification and for the provider, making money. Real world dating involves relationships. It takes work on each persons part, give and take, compromise, etc.
RW dating??
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
RW dating?? Originally Posted by acid.loki
= BSC encounters