demographics is destiny

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see something to back up this claim. Any polls out there that indicate this? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Given your perverse nature...nothing that you would accept.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 07:38 AM
Thank for the liberal-slanted "sources"

All One has to do is survive another generation and the "Conservatives" will all have died off
Leaving a Stalinist Worker's Paradise to the True believers.
Thank for the liberal-slanted "sources"

All One has to do is survive another generation and the "Conservatives" will all have died off
Leaving a Stalinist Worker's Paradise to the True believers. Originally Posted by oeb11
It's the same story with each generation. This will be the generation that finally kills off conservatism. Yet historically as these voters age, join the workforce, marry or cohabitate, start to raise children, and worry about their retirement, they magically become more conservative.

It's about every 10 years the left claims the future is their demographic destiny and then you get the 10 year shellackings like we saw in 2010 through 2016. Then the cycle starts over like it is now.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 11:08 AM
A sayinig " If One is not a liberal when young, One has no heart
If One is not a conservative when mature, One has no brain"!!!!
Lots of confirmation on this forum
A sayinig " If One is not a liberal when young, One has no heart
If One is not a conservative when mature, One has no brain"!!!!
Lots of confirmation on this forum
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
I almost posted that as part of my reply.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 11:19 AM
EL- Thank You!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It's the same story with each generation. This will be the generation that finally kills off conservatism. Yet historically as these voters age, join the workforce, marry or cohabitate, start to raise children, and worry about their retirement, they magically become more conservative.

It's about every 10 years the left claims the future is their demographic destiny and then you get the 10 year shellackings like we saw in 2010 through 2016. Then the cycle starts over like it is now. Originally Posted by eccielover
one small problem with this. this may work for whites. minorities are another story that is if they vote.

Mosaic minority attitudes are quite different from whites.

They're a Blue Tidal Wave—If They Vote

Politically and ideologically, Mosaics are a tsunami-in-waiting. Four million will turn 18 this year. Another four million next year. And so on, for as far as the eye can see. If you’re wondering why the new guard of the Democratic Party has put forward such an audacious agenda this year—wealth tax, carbon-neutral economy, tuition-free college, Medicare for All, universal child care, racial reparations—wonder no more. They’re racing left to keep pace with their future base, which wants leaders who shoot for the moon.

Similarly, 83 percent of black, 71 percent of Hispanic, and 60 percent of white Mosaics say the national government should do more to solve problems. Their generation far outpaces older adults in their support for an activist government. Thus, a paradox: Mosaics are cynical about government but want more of it. This will make for fascinating crosscurrents as they age into the electorate.

The best argument in the negative comes from the famous quip variously attributed to Georges Clemenceau, Winston Churchill, and a host of others. “If you’re not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart; if you’re not a conservative at age 40, you have no brain.” It’s a clever line, and it more or less traces the ideological journey of some (but by no means all) generations, most recently the baby boomers.

But I can’t see it fitting the Mosaics. Their political values are tethered to their racial diversity, something they’ll never outgrow. It’s possible that some of their “out-group” identity will diminish over time, through intermarriage, growing social acceptance, or some future existential crisis that braids e pluribus unum back together. But Republicans who are counting on Mosaics en masse to make a Churchillian life stage conversion will be sorely disappointed.

California had been a Republican stronghold until the latter stages of the 20th century and was the political base for two late-century GOP presidents, Reagan and Richard Nixon. As immigration started to spike in the 1970s and 1980s, the state GOP became the anti-immigrant party—a fatal political mistake. Latinos now account for 39 percent of California’s population; whites 37 percent; Asian Americans 15 percent; blacks 6 percent; mixed race 4 percent. And California is not just the most diverse big state in America, it’s also the bluest. Every statewide elected official is a Democrat, as are 46 of the 53 members of its congressional delegation.
  • oeb11
  • 06-20-2019, 08:07 AM
DF - Thank You

Thoughtful post.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like the dems are obsessing on the possibility of losing the latino vote.

theres the florida puerto ricans who moved from Puerto Rico. I hear they hate trump. guess that'll be one to watch.
  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2019, 08:55 AM
DPST's depend on Plantation politics - "Owning the black, Latino, Asian, and and LGBTQ votes.

They have no tolerance for independent thought.
The radical leftists doctrninire PC enforcers may wind up voted out in protest.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
looks like the dems are obsessing on the possibility of losing the latino vote.

theres the florida puerto ricans who moved from Puerto Rico. I hear they hate trump. guess that'll be one to watch. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Trump won Florida in 2016 and in the 2018 midterm elections the Democratic Senator was voted out and a Republican won the governor's race. Although Florida is a considered a battleground state by most, I would put it in the Republican column for 2020 at this point in time.
  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2019, 09:20 AM
Nos 3, 2020 is what matters.

Plan to go Vote!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nos 3, 2020 is what matters.

Plan to go Vote! Originally Posted by oeb11

Nov 3, 2020