The Wealth Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Mhmm. Guess that's why our system works so well. Originally Posted by SassySue
See how well it will work if we tax at 75%.

Welcome to Greece.
  • Tiny
  • 06-30-2016, 08:42 PM
Still think capitalism is working for the 99%? Take a look at this: Originally Posted by SassySue
Capitalism absolutely works for the 99% and has improved living standards vastly for most of mankind. Capitalism is the solution, not the problem. I don't mean crony capitalism, the kind promoted by most Democrat politicians and many of the Republicans. But rather economic liberalism.

What you do need to improve wages for the poor and middle class are more and better paying jobs. And the way to get this is through better education and a business friendly environment. Democrat politicians fight this tooth and nail. Some of them realize if they can keep people poor and dependent on government, they'll have more voters.

For example, Democrats kowtow to the teachers unions. Whenever Republicans try to improve the educational system, with ideas like charter schools, school choice, and vouchers, Democrats throw up roadblocks.

The system of regulation and taxation on business in the USA sucks. It's incredibly difficult to comply with the regulations. The marginal income tax rate on business in the USA is the highest in the developed world. As a result, you see jobs moving overseas, not only to places like China and Vietnam with lower wages, but also to places like Ireland. Developed countries in Europe and Asia are going the other way, towards a more business friendly environment, while we seem to be intent on repeating their mistakes.

So exactly what do you believe the alternative is to capitalism? State control of businesses? That's been tried in Cuba, the Soviet Union, and North Korea among other places. It doesn't work. It creates great misery and poverty.
  • DSK
  • 06-30-2016, 09:00 PM
Meanwhile, medical school students in some states face student loan debt upwards of half a million bucks as they enter residency.

System is seriously fucked up. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No wonder so many doctors marry ugly broads...they aren't as rich as they used to be...and it sounds like some of them are living it up while in medical school.

What gosh darn medical school charges one hundred and twenty five grand per year, BTW? I ask because a person should be able to get by on about another 125 grand for three years in a small apartment.

I know lots of folks less than 250 grand in the hole after medical school, BTW. Afterwards, doggone interns can moonlight at a Doc-In-The-Box for 100 bucks an hour, so they can pay that money back.

P.S. My grandson had no debt after he graduated....wonder why?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha - bakin' pays good!!!!
  • DSK
  • 06-30-2016, 09:03 PM
Yes, I have to agree, there are not enough high paying jobs to go around after college. Then these kids are strapped with all the student loan debt. There is no possible way to get ahead. It's a no win scenario and very sad. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I recall seeing a documentary in which a young college graduate had to work three minimum wage jobs to pay off her student loan debt and support herself. I encouraged my daughter to become a nurse, and, fortunately, she enjoys it. So, because the field is lucrative, she was able to easily secure a job in that field and it pays well. She still has student loan debt of about 20k or so, since I was only able to fund her housing costs. Originally Posted by SassySue
Nursing is a very noble profession and I'm glad she is doing well financially.

As for the other people deep in debt and not working "three" jobs - I would call them low energy losers!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nursing is a very noble profession and I'm glad she is doing well financially.

As for the other people deep in debt and not working "three" jobs - I would call them low energy losers!!!! Originally Posted by DSK
So would your man Trump!
Yes, I have to agree, there are not enough high paying jobs to go around after college. Then these kids are strapped with all the student loan debt. There is no possible way to get ahead. It's a no win scenario and very sad. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I recall seeing a documentary in which a young college graduate had to work three minimum wage jobs to pay off her student loan debt and support herself. I encouraged my daughter to become a nurse, and, fortunately, she enjoys it. So, because the field is lucrative, she was able to easily secure a job in that field and it pays well. She still has student loan debt of about 20k or so, since I was only able to fund her housing costs. Originally Posted by SassySue
A 20,000 debt for a Nursing profession. Ok so she has to pay it back in installments. But a job in the Nursing profession will pay about 40,000 yearly starting out, which actually makes sense. How much money would you pay to get a job? Well if you're interested in running for president you'll have to raise quite a few million dollars for a job that only pays 400,000, that doesn't make sense.

  • DSK
  • 07-01-2016, 04:44 AM
So would your man Trump! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He is a great man, it is a shame Amerika is so far gone he cannot be elected.

White men are pariahs in the country they created...poor bastards.
Capitalism absolutely works for the 99% and has improved living standards vastly for most of mankind. Capitalism is the solution, not the problem. I don't mean crony capitalism, the kind promoted by most Democrat politicians and many of the Republicans. But rather economic liberalism.

What you do need to improve wages for the poor and middle class are more and better paying jobs. And the way to get this is through better education and a business friendly environment. Democrat politicians fight this tooth and nail. Some of them realize if they can keep people poor and dependent on government, they'll have more voters.

For example, Democrats kowtow to the teachers unions. Whenever Republicans try to improve the educational system, with ideas like charter schools, school choice, and vouchers, Democrats throw up roadblocks.

The system of regulation and taxation on business in the USA sucks. It's incredibly difficult to comply with the regulations. The marginal income tax rate on business in the USA is the highest in the developed world. As a result, you see jobs moving overseas, not only to places like China and Vietnam with lower wages, but also to places like Ireland. Developed countries in Europe and Asia are going the other way, towards a more business friendly environment, while we seem to be intent on repeating their mistakes.

So exactly what do you believe the alternative is to capitalism? State control of businesses? That's been tried in Cuba, the Soviet Union, and North Korea among other places. It doesn't work. It creates great misery and poverty. Originally Posted by Tiny
Aren't you saying that republicans want to privatize public schools? That would make it expensive for poor people to get an education. Democrats do not want to keep people poor and dependent on the government, quite the opposite. Your view of democrats is totally wrong. At least your view of my democratic beliefs. They want to make college affordable for all Americans, so that when they graduate they will not have an enormous amount of college debt from student loans. They used to have free community colleges in Southern California when I was growing up. Those are non-existent today. All you had to to pay for was your books!

That's crazy and I don't know where you get your information from. It's the GOP that wants to keep cutting all social safety nets and completely eliminate social social security. How am I supposed to live without social security? That's all I have. I have already paid into the system and am not married. How would I live out the rest of my life without any savings or retirement? How would other people like me do the same if there were no social security or other safety nets like it?

Are you saying that you have a large corporation then and that your corporate tax rate is too high to stay in U.S.? So, in order to make a little more money, you move your corporation overseas because wages are lower there, as well as the corporate tax rate? The reason for that is because the cost of living is also lower. Ever think of that?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Good God! She's on Social Security too. No fuckin' wonder.
  • Tiny
  • 07-01-2016, 03:02 PM
Aren't you saying that republicans want to privatize public schools? That would make it expensive for poor people to get an education. Democrats do not want to keep people poor and dependent on the government, quite the opposite. Your view of democrats is totally wrong. At least your view of my democratic beliefs. They want to make college affordable for all Americans, so that when they graduate they will not have an enormous amount of college debt from student loans. They used to have free community colleges in Southern California when I was growing up. Those are non-existent today. All you had to to pay for was your books!

That's crazy and I don't know where you get your information from. It's the GOP that wants to keep cutting all social safety nets and completely eliminate social social security. How am I supposed to live without social security? That's all I have. I have already paid into the system and am not married. How would I live out the rest of my life without any savings or retirement? How would other people like me do the same if there were no social security or other safety nets like it?

Are you saying that you have a large corporation then and that your corporate tax rate is too high to stay in U.S.? So, in order to make a little more money, you move your corporation overseas because wages are lower there, as well as the corporate tax rate? The reason for that is because the cost of living is also lower. Ever think of that? Originally Posted by SassySue
No, I said none of that. Democrat politicians put up all the roadblocks they can to keep parents from picking which public school to send their children to. And prevent PUBLIC charter schools from opening. And to allow parents to receive vouchers to pay for private school in place of enrolling their children in public schools. And to institute performance standards for schools and students. And to award teachers based on performance instead of seniority. Why? Because the teacher's unions support the Democrat politicians, and the Democrat politicians do what the teacher's unions tell them to do. Unless of course their more powerful supporters, the plaintiffs lawyers, tell them to do something else.

As to colleges and universities, Democrat politicians want as many individuals as possible to be indoctrinated by left leaning academics, so support going to university and getting liberal arts degrees, damn the cost and damn whether the students are going to pick up useful skills in the process. It's a never ending cycle, the government promotes easy-to-get loans for education (which are not so easy to pay back) and then with more money floating around, the universities jack up tuitions and fees. The only bigger con job in the USA economic system than health care is higher education. Inflation in tuition has been through the roof, much higher than inflation.

As to high corporate taxation, please see my response in your other thread.

Why do Republicans want to eliminate social safety nets and get rid of social security? First of all, I'm not a Republican. I just hate Democrat politicians a lot more than I hate Republican politicians. I don't believe the Republicans want to do either. Social security, Medicare and Medicaid WILL bankrupt the United States of America if there are no changes. It's inevitable. Unfunded liabilities over the next 50 years are around $50 trillion to $100 trillion. No Republicans are talking about eliminating or reducing social security payments for people currently receiving social security. That's just something made up by Democrat politicians to demonize Republicans and try to get more votes. But changes must be made for those who aren't receiving benefits yet or the country will go bankrupt.
No, I said none of that. Democrat politicians put up all the roadblocks they can to keep parents from picking which public school to send their children to. And prevent PUBLIC charter schools from opening. And to allow parents to receive vouchers to pay for private school in place of enrolling their children in public schools. And to institute performance standards for schools and students. And to award teachers based on performance instead of seniority. Why? Because the teacher's unions support the Democrat politicians, and the Democrat politicians do what the teacher's unions tell them to do. Unless of course their more powerful supporters, the plaintiffs lawyers, tell them to do something else.

As to colleges and universities, Democrat politicians want as many individuals as possible to be indoctrinated by left leaning academics, so support going to university and getting liberal arts degrees, damn the cost and damn whether the students are going to pick up useful skills in the process. It's a never ending cycle, the government promotes easy-to-get loans for education (which are not so easy to pay back) and then with more money floating around, the universities jack up tuitions and fees. The only bigger con job in the USA economic system than health care is higher education. Inflation in tuition has been through the roof, much higher than inflation.

As to high corporate taxation, please see my response in your other thread.

Why do Republicans want to eliminate social safety nets and get rid of social security? First of all, I'm not a Republican. I just hate Democrat politicians a lot more than I hate Republican politicians. I don't believe the Republicans want to do either. Social security, Medicare and Medicaid WILL bankrupt the United States of America if there are no changes. It's inevitable. Unfunded liabilities over the next 50 years are around $50 trillion to $100 trillion. No Republicans are talking about eliminating or reducing social security payments for people currently receiving social security. That's just something made up by Democrat politicians to demonize Republicans and try to get more votes. But changes must be made for those who aren't receiving benefits yet or the country will go bankrupt. Originally Posted by Tiny
Social security will never make the country go bankrupt. That simply is not true. It can completely be funded with wage deductions. More than half of Americans are in favor of keeping social security in tact and do not favor privatizing it. That is a fact. We spend far too much on military defense and national security and can easily cut back in those areas. We have weapons we don't even use and have spent billions on. I have seen documentaries about it. I replied to your post about corporate taxes under my post on progressive taxes. I did look up the corporate tax rate and did some more research on it. We do have a very high corporate tax rate, but after the effective tax rate, it's comparable with other foreign countries. It's on a sliding scale according to profits also. In other words, the higher the profits, the higher the tax. It should be lowered, I agree, to keep more corporations here, but not by that much. Read the article I posted and you will see it's comparable after the effective rate.
  • Tiny
  • 07-01-2016, 04:40 PM
We do have a very high corporate tax rate, but after the effective tax rate, it's comparable with other foreign countries. It's on a sliding scale according to profits also. In other words, the higher the profits, the higher the tax. It should be lowered, I agree, to keep more corporations here, but not by that much. Read the article I posted and you will see it's comparable after the effective rate. Originally Posted by SassySue

You were looking mostly at old studies before other countries reduced their rates. Also with the exception of the most recent study, which shows sharply higher effective tax rate in the USA, I don't believe the studies took into account taxation besides income tax.

On the social security, I will admit it's Medicare/Medicaid that will break the bank, more so than social security. I would still favor phasing in a real national retirement scheme, like what Singapore and Chile have, where people actually have retirement assets in personal accounts, instead of the Ponzi scheme we have now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No wonder so many doctors marry ugly broads...they aren't as rich as they used to be...and it sounds like some of them are living it up while in medical school.

What gosh darn medical school charges one hundred and twenty five grand per year, BTW? I ask because a person should be able to get by on about another 125 grand for three years in a small apartment.

I know lots of folks less than 250 grand in the hole after medical school, BTW. Afterwards, doggone interns can moonlight at a Doc-In-The-Box for 100 bucks an hour, so they can pay that money back.

P.S. My grandson had no debt after he graduated....wonder why?

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha - bakin' pays good!!!! Originally Posted by DSK

What state, dipshit? It's a function of the bank loans these people have to take whilst in med school.

Of course, why would a baker know about that shit?

Nice work Tiny, I like this quote!

First of all, I'm not a Republican. I just hate Democrat politicians a lot more than I hate Republican politicians. Originally Posted by Tiny

  • DSK
  • 07-01-2016, 08:27 PM
What state, dipshit? It's a function of the bank loans these people have to take whilst in med school.

Of course, why would a baker know about that shit?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I asked you the question about what state has such high priced medical schools, pray tell why you did not answer?

My feelings are hurt.

I know lots of MD's, since my grandson is one of them, and is married to one. (Guess who made the wedding cakes?)