Chica Chaser's Avatar
We all can easily find source after source to confirm or deny whatever it is we are trying to say. Its very easy to debunk and nullify any source of anything, pretty much like any topic discussed here.

Global warming, global cooling, climate change, call it whatever works to fit your agenda. And when those no longer fit, start calling it something else. This is such a political issue with way to many agendas and WAY too much money for various entities in play.

The indisputable fact is that the planet has warmed up and cooled down over its history. Almost all of them long before man existed on it. To blame this current tiny blip of time of warming/cooling/remain the same (depending on your politics) man caused warming is completely laughable. But there is considerable money to made by by blaming it jump on that bandwagon! Carry on the trivial back and forth about an issue that is totally uncontrollable, it does make for good reading entertainment
The Left 's scheme to hijack science for the purpose of consolidating government control of our lives isn't "trivial "....
Uncle Han's Avatar
The Left 's scheme to hijack science for the purpose of consolidating government control of our lives isn't "trivial ".... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I have noticed that the global warming scammers have deemphasized discussing CO2 and have emphasized the term "green house gases" more. I guess they realized that more CO2 only leads to more O2 producing plants and not a warming planet. Wait until they realize that the most common green house gas is W2O vapor.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now....I recognize there could be a debate on whether it is primarily due to man or natural events or a combination of both. Originally Posted by txrancher1
The two concepts need to be kept separate. They are not.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Anybody that denies the existence of global warming is someone who is in denial of reality. Now....I recognize there could be a debate on whether it is primarily due to man or natural events or a combination of both. Originally Posted by txrancher1
and cow farts
The left promotes the phony man-made global warming story line, while the real environmental bomb is ticking under their very noses - China !
Facts like 16,000 dead pigs floating down Shanghai’s Whampoa river in March. Or the worst air pollution on record in Beijing in January, with levels of tiny particulate matter reaching levels 25 times higher than the standard in the U. S. Or 80% of the East China Sea lost to fishing because of the pollution, according to Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. Or 1.2 million premature deaths due to air pollution, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wasn't it the IOCC who first warned about Global Warming....except for the scientists who disagreed and had their names taken off the report. Now they seem to be coming around you don't believe them anymore. Understand what your doing? You have your belief before the evidence comesin. You're not very scientific. I love your little cherry picking chart about temperatures since the year zero. Why not before that? Evidence has been discovered about life and man being around in places now covered with ice over 2,000 years ago.

Lets talk about methane, solar flares, and asteroids.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Wasn't it the IOCC who first warned about Global Warming....except for the scientists who disagreed and had their names taken off the report. Now they seem to be coming around you don't believe them anymore. Understand what your doing? You have your belief before the evidence comesin. You're not very scientific. I love your little cherry picking chart about temperatures since the year zero. Why not before that? Evidence has been discovered about life and man being around in places now covered with ice over 2,000 years ago.

Lets talk about methane, solar flares, and asteroids. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you're talking about the ICCC (International Conference on Climate Change), then no - they could not have been the first ones to warn about global warming because they had their first conference in March 2008.

A quick Google search of "IOCC" and "IOCC global warming" does not bring up any organization on climate change with those initials, so if you're talking about another organization, please clarify who you're speaking of?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm just pumping you for information. What do you really know. Too many people here pretend they know something. It was the ICCC which means you should know about the scientists who wanted their names taken off? You do, don't you?

Read about the Bastille Day event while we're at it. Interesting reading. Factor in live volcanos, ozone holes, and the big burp you should get the idea that not everything is being talked about.
LexusLover's Avatar
and cow farts Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
... I'll call your cow farts and raise you dinosaur farts.