This thread ain’t about Deputy Dog, is it?

thanks for taking the bait, i knew you would. it's not an assault rifle. just looks like one.
is this an assault rifle? nope. it's a semi-auto Ruger mini-14 RANCH rifle. i own one.
let me show you a real assault rifle .. the mother of all MILITARY assault rifles ..
this is also an assault rifle .. look familiar?
the Thompson submachine gun is the primary reason selective fire full auto weapons were banned in the 1930's .. due to their popularity with the Mob.
this is NOT an assault rifle. it is NOT capable of selective full auto fire ..
it looks like this .. which is an assault rifle .. the M-16 ARMY RIFLE
they look the same yeah? what is the difference? one is capable of fully auto selective fire .. the other is NOT. the left wants to label semi-auto rifles as assault weapons. this is completely false. since i'm assuming you know next to nothing about guns, you have been brainwashed into believing any semi-auto rifle is an assault weapon.
this is false and any gun expert or military weapons expert will say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
best deflection to admit you lost a debate. a classic! a true fail fallback.
A rifle with double digit round magazines by any other name is still an assault rifle.
Plain and simple. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
best deflection to admit you lost a debate. a classic! a true fail fallback.It's still an assault rifle.
is this an assault rifle?
i own one of these too .. by your incorrect definition .. it's an assault rifle!
Feed system15-round tube magazine
sparky .. you don't know firearms .. TWK knows firearms. and yes .. i intentionally did not show a repeating rifle just to let you FAIL. Again.
while this rifle has a 15 round magazine, it would be an awkward choice for a mass shooter .. unless you are this guy ..
or this guy
thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid